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Tanks Mobilised In Bangkok


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I'm very confused. What is the army supposed to be doing, celebrating with the reds?

They're just keeping an eye on their tank. Letting the guys have their fun. Same as when you were kid and got a new bike. Then your mates wanted to have a go on it. You'd let them ride around the yard a bit but you'd draw the line if they said they wanted to take it across town and drive it up the steps of the government offices.

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Thailand made it very clear to me they said I am only a guest here so what happens here is none of my business

what is my business is what Thailand banks gives me for my USD and I am tired of paying for inflated over valued Baht

maybe these riots will bring the true value of the baht

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On the last coup my father saw the tanks on the TV and he told they are the same as when he was in the army (as young man).

I don't know at what age he was at the army but he is 67 years old.

But can't recall the name. He was surprised that such old tanks still work.

They are APV not tanks in those photos. Armered Personal Carriers, the basic design has been the same for many years but they do still roll of the assembly lines. This vehicle was voted the best military vehilce of all time. Life Span is one of its praises.

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The press would call that a tank because they don't know any better but it is just an apc (armored personnel carrier). I wonder what natioanlity. Is that a possibly a turrentless Scorpion APC? I think so. Well, they seem to be having fun, I guess. I always think of Thai coups as sort of coup light, the light beer of coups. It is not fun but could be a whole lot worst. Sooner or later, the King will come out and tell all the naughty children to get back in their corners. It usually comes down to that.

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Serious question! Whose side is the army on? When the "yellows" took over the airport, they let them through. Now they are seen stood allowing the "reds" into the hotel hotel yesterday in Pattaya and today smiling with the "reds" on top of their armoured vehicles. I don't want bloodshed but I thought they are there to do something against the protesters. It is Songkran, water cannon would be ok, or not?

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On the last coup my father saw the tanks on the TV and he told they are the same as when he was in the army (as young man).

I don't know at what age he was at the army but he is 67 years old.

But can't recall the name. He was surprised that such old tanks still work.

They are APV not tanks in those photos. Armered Personal Carriers, the basic design has been the same for many years but they do still roll of the assembly lines. This vehicle was voted the best military vehilce of all time. Life Span is one of its praises.

NO on the last coup they came with real normal tanks.

Now there are also reports from tanks (I know how a tank look like (like an elephant who got a Viagra in his nose :o:D ))

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I'm very confused. What is the army supposed to be doing, celebrating with the reds?

They're just keeping an eye on their tank. Letting the guys have their fun. Same as when you were kid and got a new bike. Then your mates wanted to have a go on it. You'd let them ride around the yard a bit but you'd draw the line if they said they wanted to take it across town and drive it up the steps of the government offices.

Wow, I don't know of many other "professional" armies that would allow protesters man their tanks and then pose for celebratory pictures. Why they would only send out two tanks and not an entire platoon, I don't know and where the heck is the infantry support? Again...I don't know, I ain't thai

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On BBC worldnews, defiantly full sized tanks, with red shirts doing vioctory dances on them with wood and steal bars in their hands. The Army guys had big smiles, welcome to LOS !!!! :o

Looks like it will be a new difinition of 'low season' this year. A real shame for the silent majority.

Always knew they should have been colonised by the Brits and had some common sense and honesty knocked into them. You don;t get this sort of carry on in Singapore now do you?

Well I'd much rather live in Thailand than the UK so they must be doing something right.

Trouble with the UK is that its over regulated in the wrong areas

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I'm very confused. What is the army supposed to be doing, celebrating with the reds?

This is the problem now.

Do the police and army stay loyal to the Democratic Party or do they jump ship?

The momentum is growing behind Thaksin's supporters. There's no resistence been offered. The government is looking increasingly vulnerable.

I can see a deal being brokered in the near future between Thaksin and the current government - its the only thing thats going to prevent this situation escalating out of control.

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Just watching it on the BBC in the UK. They are not tanks that have been taken they are Armoured personel carriers. The soldiers in them were laughing and smiling with the Reds.

They have also taken at least one tank, most probably two, plus some armored vehicles. Anyhow the army should be very careful if people get killed they will be vilified. Precisely because of that the police will never ever interfere anymore. When they took rightful action on the yellow shirts they were accused of using extreme violence, which they did not, at least not for Thai standards.

The red shirts have been giving the army food as seen on Thai TV, not in my imagination. THey do not want to fight each other. The majority of the army and police sympathise with the red shirts. Fact.

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Wow, I don't know of many other "professional" armies that would allow protesters man their tanks and then pose for celebratory pictures. Why they would only send out two tanks and not an entire platoon, I don't know and where the heck is the infantry support? Again...I don't know, I ain't thai

Remember that most are CONSCRIPTS and not Soldiers that chose to sign up, so it is not a PROFFESIONAL army.

Was watching Pattaya TV yesterday where the young men were lined up to have their medical, allowing the army to choose who were fit enough to be conscripted. They selected 123 of those present.

This is not an opinion of their professionalisn, but logic of their recruitment methods. Ot is logical that Conscript would look for the easy way out, while Volunteers know what is expected of them

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We are witnessing history. I keep on refreshing this thread, hoping for eyewitness reports that give the most recent information, very possible more recent or even more accurate that what is on television.

It would be helpful if people could refrain from casual chit chat.

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I can see a deal being brokered in the near future between Thaksin and the current government - its the only thing thats going to prevent this situation escalating out of control.

I disagree. It's gone way too far for that now. The only thing that is going to stop this situation is the death of one side or the other. There will be no deals at this point. The powerful factions on the red and yellow side are too extreme.

Best thing is if they just let the people get on with the killing until one side admits defeat. That would be the least harmful to the country at this stage.

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Actually both sides do have tanks now. The protestors have seized at least two, plus immobilized numerous vehicles from the army. Ther is always a rambo under the protestors who know how to operate machine guns which they seem to have taken too or a tank.

The problem is of course that this government is very very hypocrite. They try to let us believe that seizing the summit was worse than two weeks Bangkok airport seizure. NOBODY is in jail for the airport seizure Than you can expect that the other side copy the methods.

In the end it is entertaining TV because if crooks like Newin are allowed to play a role than this government has no legitimacy either.

And Thaksin ain't a convicted felon? :o

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BCC is reporting, "Tanks been Hi-jacked on Bangkok streets by Red Shirts". They are showing footage of red shirt people jumping all over the tanks and seen to have control of them. BBC reported the tanks were taken over with no resistance !!!!!

So there are now tanks in Bangkok streets under the control of red shirts. It's kind of comical. I wonder how much tea money to the tank drivers????

Hehe... Indeed it is comical. It really is embarrassing for this country. They can't even maintain law and order from a disruption by a relatively small mob of thugs. I hate to think of what would happen if another country invaded.

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I can see a deal being brokered in the near future between Thaksin and the current government - its the only thing thats going to prevent this situation escalating out of control.

I disagree. It's gone way too far for that now. The only thing that is going to stop this situation is the death of one side or the other. There will be no deals at this point. The powerful factions on the red and yellow side are too extreme.

Best thing is if they just let the people get on with the killing until one side admits defeat. That would be the least harmful to the country at this stage.

What - you think the best thing for Thailand would be civil war and that would be least harmful for the country?

What's your worst case scenario?

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This is not an opinion of their professionalisn, but logic of their recruitment methods. Ot is logical that Conscript would look for the easy way out, while Volunteers know what is expected of them

It is just the qaulity of the training I guess. I was trained to never give up your weaopon. I think the army might be in trouble if it tries to order its soldiers to take more drastic measures. Do these conscripts even want to be there? Where does their loyalty lay. That is the problem with conscription. With volunteer armies, a personal choice has been made to serve in the armed forces. These guys were probably never even given a clear order. Just told to park somehwere. That way the leaders can't be blamed if something goes wrong. I don't know the qaulity of the average officer or NCO in the Thai army but I doubt there was any leadership there, NCO or officer-wise. Just a bunch of conscripts told to park their apc at an intersection and "wait for further instruction".

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Actually both sides do have tanks now. The protestors have seized at least two, plus immobilized numerous vehicles from the army. Ther is always a rambo under the protestors who know how to operate machine guns which they seem to have taken too or a tank.

The problem is of course that this government is very very hypocrite. They try to let us believe that seizing the summit was worse than two weeks Bangkok airport seizure. NOBODY is in jail for the airport seizure Than you can expect that the other side copy the methods.

In the end it is entertaining TV because if crooks like Newin are allowed to play a role than this government has no legitimacy either.

And Toxin ain't a convicted felon? :o

Convicted by who?

He was tried and convicted by his political opponents - the Democratic Party/P.A.D. - it was in their interest to find him guilty - his trial was a foregone conclusion and now Thailand is reaping the seeds they have sown.

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I'm very confused. What is the army supposed to be doing, celebrating with the reds?

One thing is for sure, no government has the ability to enforce law & order in Thailand. Somebody better get tough quick or anarchy will break loose.

What did the PAD expect after the silent coup 4 months ago? Everyone to just say "ok let it be" The PAD leaders should have been jailed for the airport closure. Now look where we are.

Songkrang festivities have been cancelled. Some Thais i spoke to say this will get nasty tonight!!

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Thailand made it very clear to me they said I am only a guest here so what happens here is none of my business

what is my business is what Thailand banks gives me for my USD and I am tired of paying for inflated over valued Baht

maybe these riots will bring the true value of the baht

Aahhh...a practical man! :o

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I just rode the entire length of the BTS line, taking about an hour to walk around Victory Monument. Everything seemed totally normal, as if nothing at all was happening. Also a great many people have left Bangkok to return to their respective villages. I no longer think anything crazy is going to happen in the next few days. I think it will be Song Kran as normal perhaps with a little less people than normal which is fine with me.

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So what does everyone think is going to happen in the next 24 hrs or so?

Will the protestors call it a day and wait till morning?

Or do Thais tend to carry these things on into the night, too?

Who knows, in thai tv they reported that all hospitals are ordered to full emergency mode preparing to take care of the injured. So might be that the army is going to make a move this time. Or then not...

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I just rode the entire length of the BTS line, taking about an hour to walk around Victory Monument. Everything seemed totally normal, as if nothing at all was happening. Also a great many people have left Bangkok to return to their respective villages. I no longer think anything crazy is going to happen in the next few days. I think it will be Song Kran as normal perhaps with a little less people than normal which is fine with me.

Hope you're right..!

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did you see the way the thai secret service (??) allowed the protesters to attack abhisits limo? could you imagine how many ppl would have been mowed down by submachine guns if that happened to say, Obama? this is wildness.. heads will roll as soon as they thais figure out who's head is in charge of what.


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This country goes through governments, quicker than Newcastle goes through mangers. Lets just be thankful that at least booze wasn't banned over songkran - At least we can have a few beers while we watch the country tear itself a new arsehol_e

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