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A Terrifying Experience With Ladyboys


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PS: George Melly is a hero in my house. Good work Glasshock

That's the problem, women think infidelity is proof that you don't care but for me I can still be deeply in love with one person but need sexual exploration elsewhere.

I think that's true for most men but the good guys force themselves to refrain not because they only have eyes for their missus but because they have enough control over their desires and they don't want to hurt their loved one. If she said "go for it, It would turn me on" most guys would go for it with gusto.

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Thanks for the interesting reading material.

You sound just like a mate of mine (in a good way).

I hope everything works out well for you.

Any chance of mentioning which province this happened in?

Cheers transit, thank you for being understanding but due to the popularity of this site and the sensitive nature of my post I would like to keep my location secret. Sorry old bean :o

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Thanks for the interesting reading material.

You sound just like a mate of mine (in a good way).

I hope everything works out well for you.

Any chance of mentioning which province this happened in?

Cheers transit, thank you for being understanding but due to the popularity of this site and the sensitive nature of my post I would like to keep my location secret. Sorry old bean :D

it was worth a try :o

something else i forgot to mention... when you asked how much and they said up to you, this sounds like an invitation for some cheap fun but i guess they got greedy. Definitely a lesson in agreeing to a price up front if not anything else.

Gee, i'd have thought that 1000 baht each is a pretty good earner for a LB.... i'd pay that to a top shelf girl and because they are fake women, you should be entitled to a discount :D

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I don't do penetration either way, we had condoms and yes surprisingly the police were good!

So pay the things that robbed and beat you what you could - is very good! Your obviously not right :o

Quite - I thought they said, "up to you".

Was it a brothel?

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As I was doing the dirty deed they were blabbering away in Thai. My Thai is ok but not that good. I guess they were saying lets skin this farang for all that he's worth.

I gather my submissive sexuality and the obvious closeted and furtive way it all happened gave them the green light. They must have had the idea that I was ripe for the plucking.

As for discounts I have had the most stunning Brazilian T-Girl lovers in the UK who charge 200 pounds an hour and they never charged me a bean. I think I made a change from the fat hairy tops that they were used to.

To be fair the Thai ladyboys are so economically challenged, even compared to the rest of the Thai population. Who can blame them for being greedy when all it takes is one spud suitably intimidated to pay the rent for six months.

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I worry that a person with this kind of judgement is a teacher.

Ting tong, we all have our bad days or are you always on form? :o

Scientists, politicians and doctors have been known to get caught wearing stockings and suspenders swinging from the chandeliers whilst whistling dixie.

Your job title says nothing about how reckless and silly you are capable of being on your day off. In fact if you don't have that reckless streak and your always perfect your probably a billy no mates :D

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Agreed that those who like ladyboys are not gay.

This is a thread in it's own right.

If you like cock are you gay or bi? Well liking cock cancels out straight, that's for sure. If you only like cock on a feminine form are you still gay or bi? I think the definition still stands.

I agree if you fancy post op ladyboys just because it's different your probably straight but if you need the pistol in the pants then your either bi or gay.

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I don't do penetration either way, we had condoms and yes surprisingly the police were good!

Ya the cops were NOT good, and next time don't use the excuse that if you fight a Thai you will automatically get in trouble, I'm one of the first to condemn the Thai police and justice system but the police know full well Ladyboys have a rep for mugging and thieving and anyone that smashs them in the face in self defence will get some leniency. I think its more about your soft personality that kept you from defending yourself..... and you are right, the ladyboys sensed this about you and made their move, just like muggers and rapists back home that target only weak submissive victims.

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I live away from the girly bars and red light districts in a large Thai town.

I have an issue with believing you.

1st a large town and NO girly bars/red lights? Er...

2nd 1000 Baht each and they were not happy? And you speak some Thai and were unable to agree on payment and terms? I like to have my fun in some sort of controlled environment just to avoid this kind of hassle. And if someone would hit me I would come back at them with everything I can.

3rd You say that your income is low. So you consider 2000 Baht peanuts? Umh.

4th you state that you are gay or bi. Whatever but your story just does not seem to add up. I know exactly what I am into and what way, some experiments made when feeling like up to it but ALWAYS agreed beforehand

5th all LBs that I have met have been respectful towards me and we have had fun drinking and spending time together (although, I have never had sex with a LB). I think they normally get upset if someone does not pay them or makes false promise. They, as normal people, try to avoid problems in their own premises since they can be tracked down. Normal robbery would have involved some drugs in a drink or some other kind of trickery.

So, all said, don't believe you. Sorry if wrong but don't think so.

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Hitting you with their umbrella's. I would have paid to see that. That situation shouldn't have left the room. Your brain was obviously in your bell end at the time.

If your worried about any come back or if your G/F finds out then move.

Flex your pecs next time.

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always settle the price before, you will have the same problems with a tuk tuk driver

That's the golden rule - NEVER accept anything until you have agreed the price

I can't believe that anyone who has lived in Thailand a while would fall for the old 'up-to-you-how-much-you-pay' trick

The OP might want to consider leaving town - if he is confronted by these drag queens while out with his wife he will have a lot of explaning to do ...

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The OP might perhaps have had a better response had he posted on the Gay and Lesbian forum, I suspect he might have received more intelligent and well considered responses.

Not that I'm saying people over on the Gay and Lesbian forum are more intelligent, but I suspect they have far less bigotry to stumble over before they respond.


The OP gets beaten up by a couple of male prostitutes and winds up handing over a very small amount of money to get out of the fix. - Let's take the p1ss and forget how many heterosexual men around here get treated like whipped lap dogs by the female counterparts in this game and wind up being left penniless.

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I said I wanted a pre op. Only one of them was pre op so I got it on with her and her friend joined in.


Has anyone else had an experience like this? I know I was stupid, I just wasn't thinking. Any advice?

Those "girls" are men. My advice: check the meaning of "her". :o

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I'm a closeted bisexual man with a serious secret attraction to transsexuals and transvestites. I have a girlfriend but sometimes my bisexual urges are too much and I go to find a ladyboy. I live away from the girly bars and red light districts in a large Thai town.

You really are a loser. If you are gay, why not just stick with the gays and not bring all those diseases you're gonna catch back home to your girlfriend? You have no right to be doing this to your girlfriend.

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They said 5000 each, ten thousand or they would get her dad to put me in the monkeyhouse. I told them I didn't have any more and tried to open the door but they had locked me in and started making phone calls. I said I would go to the bank and they only unlocked the door when I gave them my driving licence.

Just had a horrible thought...... my Thai driving Licence has my address on it!

I think you should check! :o

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The OP might perhaps have had a better response had he posted on the Gay and Lesbian forum, I suspect he might have received more intelligent and well considered responses.

Not that I'm saying people over on the Gay and Lesbian forum are more intelligent, but I suspect they have far less bigotry to stumble over before they respond.


The OP gets beaten up by a couple of male prostitutes and winds up handing over a very small amount of money to get out of the fix. - Let's take the p1ss and forget how many heterosexual men around here get treated like whipped lap dogs by the female counterparts in this game and wind up being left penniless.

I think it was first posted on the gay forum but one of the mods, Peace Blondie, I think moved it to the General forum. Check back a few post on page two.

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They said 5000 each, ten thousand or they would get her dad to put me in the monkeyhouse. I told them I didn't have any more and tried to open the door but they had locked me in and started making phone calls. I said I would go to the bank and they only unlocked the door when I gave them my driving licence.

Just had a horrible thought...... my Thai driving Licence has my address on it!

I think you should check! :o

Luckily it was my UK licence so no address. That would be bad if they could pay me a visit.

I think the logic behind moving my thread away from the gay forum is that in Thailand ladyboys are considered female. With this logic it makes sense to move the thread because I am a man chasing a woman so I am totally heterosexual whether I chase trannys for what they keep in their pants or not I don't qualify as bisexual.

I think this is wrong and I know the contempt many heterosexuals who come to Thailand have for ladyboys and those who fancy them. It was only a matter of time until the accusations of me being a disease spreading pervert came up.

This thread definitely shouldn't be in the general forum but in my experience a loud minority in the gay community are just as disgusted with my mixed up sexuality and they probably don't want my devitaion diluting their corner of the web. You would be surprised at the amount of gays who look down on ladyboys and those who love them.

PeaceBlondie was probably smart enough to anticipate the trouble from some of those in the gay forum at a tranny chaser gatecrashing the party. It's not good for me to have this thread in the general forum but it's probably a wise move for the peace of the gay forum.

In the UK there is a section of the lesbian community who see transgendered men as an insult to womanhood and a section of the gay community as whole who see bisexuality as a cop out. To be both bi and involved with trans people is a double heresy. It looks like this thread will have to sit it out here.

PS: Why on all of the Thailand forums is it so common for people to be accused of lying? Why would I bother lying about having an unpopular sexual deviance and being beaten up by ladyboys? It might make sense if I was boasting about something but to talk about such an embarasing and scary episode brings me no joy.

I have seen this kind of cynicism on so many other threads. Usually it's a wizened expat with years of experience in Thailand who declares through their superior knowledge of Thai culture to be able to spot the OP's lies a mile off.

If someone gets slapped by the police or robbed by a bargirl some cynical know it all expats always pop up and say that they are obviosly lying because "bargirls don't operate like that" or "It's a myth that the police slap people about" etc etc

How sad.

I wish it was a lie or a bad dream and I could wake up tomorrow and know that I can go anywhere I want without the fear of being outed infront of my girlfriend and friends or attacked by lunatic ladyboys. It's a horrible feeling looking over your shoulder.

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