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A Terrifying Experience With Ladyboys


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This is the problem with putting this post in the general forum. Idiots who think HIV is caused by gays and bisexuals pop up and say disgusting things. Anyone who fears and hates gays and bisexuals so much probably fear their own latent homosexuality.

And to those who think me being a teacher and making this mistake are somehow incompatible they are just silly. As I have already said. Doctors, scientists and politicians make mistakes of this kind as well but that doesn't say anything about their ability to do their jobs. It only points to the universal fragility of the human condition. But of course all you homophobic red blooded straight men never make mistakes, get robed, catch diseases and come unstuck with bargirls do you? Of I forgot when you catch diseases thats our fault.

Please have some respect you ignoramuses. Some people have different sexualities than you...Get over it.

If you don't like it move away from Thailand because Thailand is a gay friendly country or you could try and get into government and institute a "Final Solution" for all of us disease carrying perverts. Would that be more up your street?

PS: I never said I was gay, I said I was bisexual. We do exist you know.

Do you like what you see in the mirror?

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This is the problem with putting this post in the general forum. Idiots who think HIV is caused by gays and bisexuals pop up and say disgusting things. Anyone who fears and hates gays and bisexuals so much probably fear their own latent homosexuality.

And to those who think me being a teacher and making this mistake are somehow incompatible they are just silly. As I have already said. Doctors, scientists and politicians make mistakes of this kind as well but that doesn't say anything about their ability to do their jobs. It only points to the universal fragility of the human condition. But of course all you homophobic red blooded straight men never make mistakes, get robed, catch diseases and come unstuck with bargirls do you? Of I forgot when you catch diseases thats our fault.

Please have some respect you ignoramuses. Some people have different sexualities than you...Get over it.

If you don't like it move away from Thailand because Thailand is a gay friendly country or you could try and get into government and institute a "Final Solution" for all of us disease carrying perverts. Would that be more up your street?

PS: I never said I was gay, I said I was bisexual. We do exist you know.

Do you like what you see in the mirror?

Yes :o I love it

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I am amazed so many people think the OP is a troll. His story sounds completely plausible to me...after living in Thailand for a while I have seen far stranger things than this.

btw, who do the nonbelievers think keep all those katoey bars in business??

As for the OP, if it were me, I would probably stay put if everything else in life is ok and then deny, deny, deny if confronted by the katoeys. Several times I have had people in Thailand mistake me for somebody else...it's not unheard of. Also I have had women claim to have slept with me when they definitely didn't in order to get me and my gf to break up. There is a ton of BS floating around in this place so as long as you act like you have never seen these two losers before you should have no problem.

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I am amazed so many people think the OP is a troll. His story sounds completely plausible to me...after living in Thailand for a while I have seen far stranger things than this.

btw, who do the nonbelievers think keep all those katoey bars in business??

As for the OP, if it were me, I would probably stay put if everything else in life is ok and then deny, deny, deny if confronted by the katoeys. Several times I have had people in Thailand mistake me for somebody else...it's not unheard of. Also I have had women claim to have slept with me when they definitely didn't in order to get me and my gf to break up. There is a ton of BS floating around in this place so as long as you act like you have never seen these two losers before you should have no problem.

He's not a common troll. Teachers are viewed has a race of trolls. they just cant help themselves even when their posts are legit.

As far as op goes. Only question should be. Why are you with a girl if you love cocks so much?

You said the somchais in brown were good after giving them $. Do you mean they pounded you for $? maybe you could date one and fix everything that way?

This story really makes no sense

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I am amazed so many people think the OP is a troll. His story sounds completely plausible to me...after living in Thailand for a while I have seen far stranger things than this.

btw, who do the nonbelievers think keep all those katoey bars in business??

As for the OP, if it were me, I would probably stay put if everything else in life is ok and then deny, deny, deny if confronted by the katoeys. Several times I have had people in Thailand mistake me for somebody else...it's not unheard of. Also I have had women claim to have slept with me when they definitely didn't in order to get me and my gf to break up. There is a ton of BS floating around in this place so as long as you act like you have never seen these two losers before you should have no problem.

It seems to be a strange quirk of the Thailand forums. People are always accusing others of lying. There is nothing implausible about what happened to me but their cynicism knows no bounds.

Is it implausible that ladyboys can be dangerous or that there are men that secretly crave the company of ladyboys?

You just have to look at the local papers in anywhere like Pattaya and you will find stories of ladyboys committing crimes and being arrested. No one that has accused me of lying has any good reason to level that accusation. They don't give any evidence that I'm making stuff up, they just assert the accusation and leave it at that. They are just shooting their mouths off to make themselves feel better. It's the pomposity of the expat who thinks he knows it all.

I'm just suprised that any expat would find what happened to me suprising or implausible. Thailand is full of people getting into scary situations like that. It really is not an amazing occurance as everone has said I did everything I shouldn't have done. I didn't pick them up from a bar where there was some accountability and I didn't agree a price. So it doesn't take a great leap of imagination to see how things panned out.

Oh yeh but my post is obviously lies because all the ladyboys they have met where gentle flowers and I 'claim' to be on low wages but I parted with 2000baht.

I will have to cook up better lies next time seeing that there are so many switched on Sherlocks stalking the forums.

dam_n my idea of posting a phony story about having a derided sexuality and being scared shitless by some ladyboys was tumbled. dam_n you knowlegable expats, dam_n you! :o

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I'm a closeted bisexual man with a serious secret attraction to transsexuals and transvestites. I have a girlfriend but sometimes my bisexual urges are too much and I go to find a ladyboy. I live away from the girly bars and red light districts in a large Thai town.

Recently I was walking the back streets near my house and found a mansion block with lots of ladyboys sitting outside. Today my urges got the better of me and I went up there but it was deserted so I sat down on a bench hoping for one of them to appear from a door.

Sure enough a door opened and two ladyboys invited me in. I asked them how much and they said "up to you"

I said I wanted a pre op. Only one of them was pre op so I got it on with her and her friend joined in.

When we had finished I was getting dressed and they started telling me to hurry up because her dad was a policeman and was on his way around. I realised that this was a bad turn as they were obviously trying to intimidate me.

So I paid them 1000baht each and they hit the roof.

They said 5000 each, ten thousand or they would get her dad to put me in the monkeyhouse. I told them I didn't have any more and tried to open the door but they had locked me in and started making phone calls. I said I would go to the bank and they only unlocked the door when I gave them my driving licence.

They grabbed me like a they were making a citizens arrest and marched me to their car. I broke free and they chased me and started to punch me so I got in the car. They drove me through town threatening me and telling me not to fuc_k with them. I knew I only had 2000baht in the bank and I called their bluff and said take me to the police and they went mental and started beating me.

Punching me and hitting me with an umbrella. I almost retaliated but I knew it would land me in deeper shit if I hurt a Thai person so I jumped out of the moving car and ran into a restaurant and asked them to call the police.

The police were very good and said just give them what you can, so I gave them 1000baht and they left me alone but my fear is that they will see me with my girlfriend or friends and 'out' me. I have a relationship, a teaching job and a life here but I'm seriously thinking about moving.

Has anyone else had an experience like this? I know I was stupid, I just wasn't thinking. Any advice?

This story sounds 100% genuine to me - and I think the OP has written up his experiance very well indeed.

Its exactly how they behave - their whole lives are about role playing and pretending to be something they aren't or can't be - they get very very good at it, and they called the OP's bluff in more ways than one.

I know I would have deal't with them very very differently, but thats easily said when you know the system and have been here many years.

Nothing to worry about - they have nothing to gain provoking the issue further now, and perhaps the best thing is walk past their place on a regular basis on the way home, let them see you can't be intimidated now. Next time round just agree on a price before hand.

If you get physicaly threatened again, dont be scared to give as good as you get - the average katoey is far smaller than the average ex-pat (mind you - I have also seen some complete brutes as well!).

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I will have to cook up better lies next time seeing that there are so many switched on Sherlocks stalking the forums.

dam_n my idea of posting a phony story about having a derided sexuality and being scared shitless by some ladyboys was tumbled. dam_n you knowlegable expats, dam_n you! :o

Thanks for confirmation. :D

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As far as op goes. Only question should be. Why are you with a girl if you love cocks so much?

You said the somchais in brown were good after giving them $. Do you mean they pounded you for $? maybe you could date one and fix everything that way?

Only a reader of 'The Sun' would be able (but only just) to make such remarks - and even write it down - :o


Edited by FRM-BKK
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I think this was a disturbing story on so many levels!

But I would like to say to all you bi ladyboy lovers or what ever you like to call yourself:


It is because of guys like you that heterosexual HIV even exists. And I am not saying that to flame it is just a fact.

Don't go giving your girlfriends diseases that they can pass on to others!

mr hammer. congratulations, you make the ridiculous sublime. sounds like you have some deeper issues.

please show us a source for your fact. i would love to read an old article by trink again.


July 13, 2004 -- Men who have sex with men and women are a "significant bridge for HIV to women," the CDC's new data suggest.

There are close to none new HIV cases in the US that doesnt involve drug use, prostitution or gay sex.

All this fear mongering is misdirected. Education should focus on getting gay and bisexual men to take precautions, that way the rest of us wouldnt have to use a plastic glove.

Mr Hammer you are correct, well done for advising the OP.

t.s go get some head.

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Sorry to hear about your unfortunate encounter and understand that you must be pretty shaken up. However, I will add that i also think being attracted to/turned on by transgendered individuals is not accepted by the gay community as being "gay." Perhaps you would receive less resistance from us if you quite self identifying as gay or bisexual. Just stick with bisexual as gay = being physically attracted exclusively to men that look like men. Therefore, by definition I'd say you'd be safer going with saying your bi. Also, to all you straight guys might want to think about why all the katoey bars are down sukhumvit around the corner from the straight venues. That's not a coincidence guys! :o

well gee, as a self appointed spokesperson for the straight community i think its pretty ridiculous for you to be claiming he is not allowed to use your label.

perhaps it is time for peaceblondie to step in and tell us about himself banging 18 year old straight mexicans for free as a shining example of what to be truly gay is.

the op, if indeed real, is a moron, you are simply laughable.

So what if the guy is a moron, he has come on here asking for advice and advice we shall give him. There is nothing wrong in people asking for advice no matter how silly it is or how stupid the OP has been.

My advice to you OP is to sit down and have a long hard think about who you are and who you want to be (no pun intended). Whatever conclusions you come to about your sexual preferences, when you turn them into reality please be safe :D and take care.

ps. never be afraid to ask peoples advice and ignore the ones who slate you, everyone needs a little help now and again.

Edited by bravingbangkok
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Sorry to hear about your bad experience. Bangkok is a good idea.

Maybe for once, we will leave this in the gay forum for now, but it really belongs in General. The consensus in the gay community is that ladyboys are women, and men who want women are straight. Now that I think about it,

transferred to General.

Sorry to contradicte your above statement PeaceBlondie but the gay community can have any consensus they like but a ladyboy is a man dressed as a woman or a man who has had surgery but either way they are men, they were born men and will always be men and any man who thinks that by having sex with a man dressed as a woman makes them any less gay is kidding themselvers.


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I know that I am just brain-washed by society, but I still think that any man who wants to have sex with someone with a PENIS is gay. blink.gif

Gay or bisexual yes, they are definitely not straight.

PeaceBlondie I wasn't having a go at you even though I disagree with your decision I can see why, the whole transgendered thing in Thailand is unique. I'm considered straight in Thailand and I'm gay in the UK.

I actually think if you go for post operative LB's you are probably straight but if you go for pre operative you are gay or bisexual. Especially if it's not a one off but a deeply rooted part of your sexuality.

Also I know that many in the gay community don't think of people like me as part of their world so even if you knew it or not you have probably kept the peace by moving my post.

You have an impossible task as gays will tell you I'm straight and heterosexuals will tell you I'm gay and I'm telling you I'm bisexual. It's enough to drive you mad :o

Sorry to burst your bubble MRBP but you're gay, whether you go with a pre or post op they are still men. As for being bisexual, it's a myth, it's just being greedy and not admitting the truth to yourself that you are gay. In the straight community many people think that a man who sleeps with other men is gay, get over it and get on with your life and stop lying to your G/F.


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A good thread well written by a guy who had the guts to share his experiance in an open and honest way.

To those who have sought to trash it one way or the other - if you havent anything better to contribute, give it a miss and say nothing.

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A good thread well written by a guy who had the guts to share his experiance in an open and honest way.

To those who have sought to trash it one way or the other - if you havent anything better to contribute, give it a miss and say nothing.

Your contribution here is nil as well, this time in this thread, as is mine. It seems so to the inattentive reader.

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I am amazed so many people think the OP is a troll. His story sounds completely plausible to me...after living in Thailand for a while I have seen far stranger things than this.

btw, who do the nonbelievers think keep all those katoey bars in business??

As for the OP, if it were me, I would probably stay put if everything else in life is ok and then deny, deny, deny if confronted by the katoeys. Several times I have had people in Thailand mistake me for somebody else...it's not unheard of. Also I have had women claim to have slept with me when they definitely didn't in order to get me and my gf to break up. There is a ton of BS floating around in this place so as long as you act like you have never seen these two losers before you should have no problem.

Is that why so many people are accusing me of lying, they just don't believe that any guys fancy LB's? If they live in Thailand they must have seen falangs with ladyboys before!

I still can't see why they would think that anyone would make up a story which is guaranteed to get them slated and verbally abused. It's hardly a post that is going to win me praise and popularity.

What goes on in the heads of the people who are calling me a lying troll? It's certainly not logic.

Edited by mrbp
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I will have to cook up better lies next time seeing that there are so many switched on Sherlocks stalking the forums.

dam_n my idea of posting a phony story about having a derided sexuality and being scared shitless by some ladyboys was tumbled. dam_n you knowlegable expats, dam_n you! :o

Thanks for confirmation. :D

That was sarcasm not a confession of guilt. Use your loaf.

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When straight men see a good looker who appears to be female, they are attracted. When gay men see a good looking guy, they are attracted.

Of course it is not an all-or-nothing thing, where you are only totally straight or gay. Of course some guys and gals are bi

OP, you appear to be more gay than straight. Time to tell the real lady goodby.

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When gay men see a good looking guy, they are attracted.

how would you feel, if you took what appeared to be a hot , good looking guy to the bedroom, and after undressing the sausage and meatballs were not there, just some normal female bits.

naturally, you would feel deceived and angry.

when you boil it down, the sexual attraction is related not to the outer impressions but to the genitalia. Therefore, I think that anyone who knowingly feels attracted to any person with a penis is gay, or has gay tendencies. Ladyboys included. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

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Is that why so many people are accusing me of lying, they just don't believe that any guys fancy LB's? If they live in Thailand they must have seen falangs with ladyboys before!

I still can't see why they would think that anyone would make up a story which is guaranteed to get them slated and verbally abused. It's hardly a post that is going to win me praise and popularity.

What goes on in the heads of the people who are calling me a lying troll? It's certainly not logic.

You have spent so far quite many replies by getting upset and what comes to being abused or whatever - aren't we all here a bit anonymous? I think your popularity is going nowhere when there is no genuine you.

I, myself, am gay and I don't really care who goes out with who or what but by the sound of it, you really have an issue here and should try to overcome your hurdles. It sounds very peculiar that you first state that there are no such places in your LARGE town and that you are afraid to commit these explorations there but still you do. It is not wise to begin with and I think it all comes to the fact that you are not square and fair with your own life. I hate pretending in all its forms.

I have a friend that is into dressing himself as a house maid and cleaning house hald-naked in front of his missus. The wife herself told that he gets sexual kicks from that and I found it just amusing. It hasn't effected me in no way.

It all comes to the fact that in Thailand nobody - or at least very few - really care what you are and what you are into. So, the best advice is: come clean about yourself. It might make your life much easier. If you loose some friends, they never really were your friends anyway. People - and I likewise - like honesty and they like honest people. Hiding yourself is not really an option. If you love your missus and she loves you, there can be compromises. If she leaves, you might still be better off.

Here was my ideas. I just wonder why your contribution lies in judging others. We are here to give comments but it's not our profession so no liability involved.

Edited by onni4me
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People have the right to post their opinions,good or bad as the op has asked for advise,discuss.To me keeping healthy has got to be the number 1 if you are having anal sex with a man or woman,but obviously the trans,men who dress as women,have their ass penetrated far more than the average woman so there could be a big health issue with that form of sex.

Thats not a dig at gay,bi or confused men its a fact.

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I think this was a disturbing story on so many levels!

But I would like to say to all you bi ladyboy lovers or what ever you like to call yourself:


It is because of guys like you that heterosexual HIV even exists. And I am not saying that to flame it is just a fact.

Don't go giving your girlfriends diseases that they can pass on to others!


to the OP, thats disgusting, to take a ladyboy is bad enough but to take two! urgh. with cocks as well, thats a double urgh urgh. ladyboys are disgusting horrible creatures, i just do not see what there is to like about them.

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