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Cock Fighting

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No but i know a man who can sell you some fighting cocks ( no pun intended )

In my village they hold fights most weekends then i watch them mash up sara tablets and make the birds swallow them

ooohh matron too many dubla ontontras stop messing about .


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The topic was also discussed here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Cockfighting...l=cock+fighting

There's an arena not far from the in-laws. I once went down there one Sunday morning, but, they were just using the smaller pits at the side, rather than the big arena. Gambling was clearly taking place. The birds weren't equipped with knives/spurs & the fights I witnessed, either lasted until both birds were too tired to fight on, or, the owner pulled their bird out once it was taking too much punishment. The birds were certainly marked up around the face & some of them had eyes that were fully closed. I would imagine that it would be quite an amosphere with the big arena full (tiered seating all around). Sadly, it hasn't been in operation for several years now, the Wife suggests they weren't paying the BIB enough.

Overall, compared to bull fighting, I found cock fighting a bit of an anti-climax, though I suspect with the big arena full (tiered seating all around), a frenzied crowd & knives on the birds 'Sabong Style' - it would be more of a spectacle.

Edited by ClaytonSeymour
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The topic was also discussed here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Cockfighting...l=cock+fighting

There's an arena not far from the in-laws. I once went down there one Sunday morning, but, they were just using the smaller pits at the side, rather than the big arena. Gambling was clearly taking place. The birds weren't equipped with knives/spurs & the fights I witnessed, either lasted until both birds were too tired to fight on, or, the owner pulled their bird out once it was taking too much punishment. The birds were certainly marked up around the face & some of them had eyes that were fully closed. I would imagine that it would be quite an amosphere with the big arena full (tiered seating all around). Sadly, it hasn't been in operation for several years now, the Wife suggests they weren't paying the BIB enough.

Overall, compared to bull fighting, I found cock fighting a bit of an anti-climax, though I suspect with the big arena full (tiered seating all around), a frenzied crowd & knives on the birds 'Sabong Style' - it would be more of a spectacle.

Sounds like you'd enjoy some bear-baiting, dog fighting and maybe even some raping and pillaging. A proper knuckle-dragger.

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No, fan here and you should be Ashame of yourself, having animals fight for your pleasure and profit. :o:D

You are dead right mate!!!!! and you should tell that to the Thai police, that they are heavily involved in cock fighting.....but anyway..... anything for money....that should be their emblem.

and just a question.........if they don't fight for my pleasure and profit.......is this OK?

It's OK to kill them and eat them but anything else is wrong........super!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

in my village cock fighting is normal, even the woman watch it.

no different then your treatment of animals in western farms.

i'm not saying 2 wrongs make a right but cock fighting will always be around.

i personally enjoy it and my father in law has over 200 cocks, feel free to flame me as i dont care.

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Any fans ?

I know that it is popular here. I am way into violent sports myself but that involves human contact and I just can't see forcing animals to fight each other. My wife's uncle raises chickens and een hand feeds them medicine and I know that he could never stand to see any harm come to them through fighting. I plan on surprising him with a modern chicken coop to keep his chicks safe from roaming cats.

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I went a few weeks ago. None of the roosters we saw died but they took a pretty good beating. Also I didn't see any knives or spurs attached.... not sure if that is part of the tradition here? For me it was far more interesting and exciting to watch the people. Reminded me of the trading floor of the NYSE.

I plan to go back, not as a fan but as an observer - for me its fun.

In my opinion - The average fighting cock lives a better life then his cousin the industrial meat or laying chicken. The owners of these bird treat them like a prize show dog (when they are not fighting them).

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in my village cock fighting is normal, even the woman watch it.

no different then your treatment of animals in western farms.

i'm not saying 2 wrongs make a right but cock fighting will always be around.

i personally enjoy it and my father in law has over 200 cocks, feel free to flame me as i dont care.

Thanks - I will!

A few centuries ago people watched and thoroughly enjoyed gladiators. Most of us have moved on from there. :)

A century ago (we're lead to believe) French women watched people being beheaded whilst they sat there happily knitting.

Some people are undoubtedly hypocritical on the subject, battery farms in the West being a case in point. But it in no way excuses anyone who enjoys thinks its a 'fun' sport despite an animal suffering for human pleasure. Those that do, male or female, are lacking the one excuse we give ourselves over the animal kingdom - empathy.

Empathy is supposed to be a 'female' emotion more than male - apparently not in the women you know! :D

As for your father in law......well, you're v lucky that you're missing out on that most human of emotions, shame.

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discussing cock fighting and gladiators in the same sentence is foolish.

as for empathy and all feelings in general,you will get more love in my village then any city.

we do not have rapes and murders and all the crimes your peace loving empathetic more culturally and morally advanced people have.

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discussing cock fighting and gladiators in the same sentence is foolish.

as for empathy and all feelings in general,you will get more love in my village then any city.

we do not have rapes and murders and all the crimes your peace loving empathetic more culturally and morally advanced people have.

My point is that a "few centuries ago people watched and thoroughly enjoyed gladiators". Nowadays it is considered barbaric, sadistic and unbelievable that people could have ever thought it was 'entertainment'.

I have no doubt that in a century or so people will think the same way about bull fighting, fox hunting, cock fighting etc.

Somehow I suspect you will find that there are v few "rapes and murders and all the crimes" in villages in any country compared to cities.

This does not mean they have an advanced moral acuity, unless you think that 'rednecks' from any country have a moral insight the rest of society lack.

IMO, it is more peaceful in 'redneck' territory because a strict 'moral code' is enforced in that society - break it, and you will be shunned, if not worse. The 'moral code' enforced is many people's opinion, primitive and embarrassing. The KKK thrived in villages but (I believe) was far less prevalent in cities.

But that is just my opinion, my original point about barbarity that used to be considered acceptable but is now abhored is fact. It doesn't take a great leap of imagination to believe that future generations will feel the same way about blood sports.

Edited by F1fanatic
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i disagree, the youth are getting more violent.

the internet and television are wharping there minds.

what is more harmful to our youth in your opinion, bloodsports as you call them, or the internet.

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i disagree, the youth are getting more violent.

the internet and television are wharping there minds.

what is more harmful to our youth in your opinion, bloodsports as you call them, or the internet.

I think you're missing the point.

I agree that young people are becoming more violent, but that applies to those in cities and villages alike. Its just happening more slowly in villages (IMO) for the reasons I outlined in my previous post.

What has this got to do with the fact that what used to be considered 'entertainment' is now considered barbaric and sadistic? And, my argument that nowadays those who think that causing harm to animals for entertainment is acceptable, will soon be considered barbaric and sadistic.

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discussing cock fighting and gladiators in the same sentence is foolish.

as for empathy and all feelings in general,you will get more love in my village then any city.

we do not have rapes and murders and all the crimes your peace loving empathetic more culturally and morally advanced people have.

My point is that a "few centuries ago people watched and thoroughly enjoyed gladiators". Nowadays it is considered barbaric, sadistic and unbelievable that people could have ever thought it was 'entertainment'.

I have no doubt that in a century or so people will think the same way about bull fighting, fox hunting, cock fighting etc.

Somehow I suspect you will find that there are v few "rapes and murders and all the crimes" in villages in any country compared to cities.

This does not mean they have an advanced moral acuity, unless you think that 'rednecks' from any country have a moral insight the rest of society lack.

IMO, it is more peaceful in 'redneck' territory because a strict 'moral code' is enforced in that society - break it, and you will be shunned, if not worse. The 'moral code' enforced is many people's opinion, primitive and embarrassing. The KKK thrived in villages but (I believe) was far less prevalent in cities.

But that is just my opinion, my original point about barbarity that used to be considered acceptable but is now abhored is fact. It doesn't take a great leap of imagination to believe that future generations will feel the same way about blood sports.

Cock fighting is a national past time in many countries much like hockey, boxing and football is in other countries... should these sports be outlawed?

How about horse/dog racing?

It is a part of the culture, and to me I can appreciate it for being (their) tradition. Maybe in a hundred years they will all be outlawed and people will all sit at home in clean white shirts and have polite conversations with tea for entertainment... but I have my doubts.

Who knows if society will exist at all as you or I imagine it - I give even odds. With global warming, threat of disease, and the challenges the world faces I wouldn't hold my breath for the world to keep "progressing". Two or three hundred years of "enlightenment" is but a brief moment in the history of humans.

Edited by kenai
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one thing i do know, cockfighting in my village and other villages will always be.

and i will always do it.

Well what a surprise. Bloodsports are for the brainless and your inability to properly counter F1's arguments showed it up. It's a "you're right but I'm still going to do...don't care what you think" scenario. Thankfully if most of the population thought the same way we'd still be sacrificing animals at the alter for no good reason and hanging possible criminals at the village crossroads. All good fun eh! Part of the culture.

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sorry carlbkk, i dont think anyone here is wrong or right.

its a matter of opinion.

i did not counter as there is no counter,you will all say it's wrong regardless of what i say.

just don't call us uncivilized or barbaric until all your cultures get there shit together.

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sorry carlbkk, i dont think anyone here is wrong or right.

its a matter of opinion.

i did not counter as there is no counter,you will all say it's wrong regardless of what i say.

just don't call us uncivilized or barbaric until all your cultures get there shit together.

Thank you CarlBkk, you hit the nail on the head. He has no rebuttal.

Waikhurru has a point - there is no right or wrong, its just opinion - until one side can no longer answer the argument against it.

Waikhurru - you are uncivilsed and barbaric until you can come up with an explanation otherwise.

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I do find it amusing when folk use culture as an excuse for barbarity. Let's admit it: some aspects of "culture" are s**t and have been/need to be removed. I find it more amusing when they demand civil perfection of their own land before being allowed to reprimand other more cruel practices.

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When chickens are bred for intensive egg laying in the west, they are sexed. The male has no use and is culled within the first few days of life after hatching, after about 15 weeks any male birds are easily identified by their strong combs and killed. The females go off to start laying at about 20-30 weeks, I reckon the fighting cocks have a much better existence than their culled counterparts.....in my opinion...just the other side of the coin... :)

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Why do some people get to decide which barbaric practices are acceptable?

Is it OK to watch horse racing despite the fact that most horses will be slaughtered for food after their racing careers are over?

Most greyhounds are slaughtered and dumped when their careers are over.

I've watched pigs squeal while being strangled to death before they were butchered.

It's legal to sell and serve dog meat in most of the US as long as it's labeled properly.

Humans are still barbarians. Capital punishment is legal in many countries. Torture is sponsored by government and accepted by the citizens.

Someone referred to the KKK in the past tense. It's still very much alive.

There are still 30 wars going on around the world today. Genocide still happens with regularity.

I've seen legal cock fighting in both Thailand and the US. (It is/was legal in Puerto Rico, a US territory).

As others have previously pointed out, those fighting cocks are treated very well. Most of the people of Darfur, Myanmar, etc live a more miserable life.

To those of you who are condemning as a barbarian anyone who condones cock fighting: What have you done to change any of the above practices?

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Why do some people get to decide which barbaric practices are acceptable?

Is it OK to watch horse racing despite the fact that most horses will be slaughtered for food after their racing careers are over?

Most greyhounds are slaughtered and dumped when their careers are over.

I've watched pigs squeal while being strangled to death before they were butchered.

It's legal to sell and serve dog meat in most of the US as long as it's labeled properly.

Humans are still barbarians. Capital punishment is legal in many countries. Torture is sponsored by government and accepted by the citizens.

Someone referred to the KKK in the past tense. It's still very much alive.

There are still 30 wars going on around the world today. Genocide still happens with regularity.

I've seen legal cock fighting in both Thailand and the US. (It is/was legal in Puerto Rico, a US territory).

As others have previously pointed out, those fighting cocks are treated very well. Most of the people of Darfur, Myanmar, etc live a more miserable life.

To those of you who are condemning as a barbarian anyone who condones cock fighting: What have you done to change any of the above practices?

Excellent points el jefe.

We had chickens on the farm I was raised on and every few months a few would end up on the chopping block and lose their heads. Those chickens still had a far better life then 99.9% of the chickens on earth. As do most fighting cocks. Im not positive but I believe they don't even fight until they are 2 years old? and until then are well cared for.

Most meat chickens in the west live about 2 or 3 months. If you can call the conditions they are raised as living. Laying chickens have it no better.

For those who are against the tradition of cock-fighting. I applaud your tender heart, but with the many problems facing people and children around the world I would hope you can find a better cause to get behind.

Anyone calling waikhru a sadist and barbarian is a complete hypocrite if they are eating any poultry. If you are a complete vegetarian I respect and appreciate your opinion.

If you are concerned about the welfare of chickens I say concern yourselves with the living conditions of the 23 million killed each day in the USA ..thats 260 per second.... or the 43 billion slaughtered annually worldwide.

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