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Should I Cansel My Flight From Samui To Bangkok

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Should i revise my flight to bangkok. is it worth going. is there a chance of another airport closing

Well if it were me I would stay oput til things calm down

Random violence and poss airport glitches make non emergency travel seem ill advised

Let me put it this way Big C Paragon and nana will still be there whenits all over

Of course if you wish to leave the country takle firefly direct to Penang then KL Singers etc

Good luck dont rely on airlines agents or TOT to give any wiser counsel than a daft old paddy who has t endure retirement in a mango plantation full of peaceful birds and animals

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No. Yes. No.

I agree and will be flying from Samui up to BKK tomorrow myself! :o

Unless its needed why? Why risk cancelled flights, why risk being stuck in one of the crowds, why? I would not travel to bangkok during these times, its not worth the risks.

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Chayaphum you crazy man! Protesters hijack bus, use as roadblock for airport! Double trouble for OP! Better take private sea-plane!

ok, then "BigC" should stay in Samui and waits for safer times.......better times will certainly come, but nobody knows when :o

Any kind of transportation to BKK is currently somewhat dangerous, dschai mai?


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Should i revise my flight to bangkok. is it worth going. is there a chance of another airport closing

Tourist areas have never been part of the trouble zone. Just try not to spend time in Bangkok. The rest of Thailand should be peaceful

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here was the trick i wasn't going to bangkok. just wanted to know if it is as bad as it looked on telly last night. i would actually like to go a watch a filme. but i cannot be more annoyed than just sitting in a airport doing nothing.

last time the yellow were protesting. i was told not to go. i went the streets were quiet and did not see any trouble

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I'd cancel, in fact any foreigner silly enough to be in country during these troubled times needs their head read :o

Yep, you're 100% right, what i'll do is uproot my Family from our House, School, Work etc, even when on Samui we haven't seen even the mearest hint of anything in these " troubled times ", great idea... :D

If only... :D

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here was the trick i wasn't going to bangkok. just wanted to know if it is as bad as it looked on telly last night.

Instead of lying, why didn't you just pose the question: Do you think it is safe to fly to Bangkok?

How interesting that you would lie just for the sake of it.

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It's up to you how much risk you want to take. Maybe sit back for a few days and see which direction things go. Just realize you have other travel options; you can fly to other cities in Thailand or even Singapore if things get messy. I knew some folks who took a ferry to Surattani and then a train to Singapore the last time the BKK airports shut down.

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