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is this a sub thread of the For Men Only Thread?

I originally posted in the geek sub forum, oops I mean the internet and all thing techie. As I wanted to know who the avatar pic is of?

Do you feel that you need to intrude if it was part of the men only sub-thread, if so I am so sorry to disapoint you.


I originally posted in the geek sub forum, oops I mean the internet and all thing techie. As I wanted to know who the avatar pic is of?

Do you feel that you need to intrude if it was part of the men only sub-thread, if so I am so sorry to disapoint you.

nah becos most of the peeps here are "guys" talking about girls ..... :o


My nephew is a great example of a "Geek".

He can only talk about computers as he is working in that industry.

So once I asked him: Plip, how is your love life, did you ever meet some nice girl that shared your interest?

He answered: I am in love at the moment.

Me: That is good news Plip, finally after living with your mom and dad for 35 years you found someone?

He: Yes I found this girl at an IT exhibition.

Me: so you approached her and had a bit of chit chat.

Him: No

Me: So what happened?

He: She looked so nice.

Me: You never talked with her?

He: No

Me: And now you are in love?

he: Yes!



Thats a misconception - about geeks (that geeks dont mind others having about them). I'll let you into a geek secret. Some of the hottest girls are computer geeks/gamers/gadget lovers. They love male geeks because they are more geek. Geeks guys probably get more hot girls than the regular guy.

..and the geek shall inherit the earth. :o


I only once meet a girl geek, superhot babe and very clever. Helped her a bit with how to use video editing sofware as she had just bought a video camera.

She also showed me all the other gadgets she used, holy crab, almost a whole suitcase full of stuff, very funny.




How you know?

Maybe in real life she is incredible bi_tch.

I think that other Japanese girl could be better breeding material...... :o


I was thinking now that the mystery girl has been named, what else needs to be done with this thread.


Do we need to find her phone number or something?


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