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Customs Duty Tariff Online ?


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Guys & Girls, anyone if Thai Customs has an Online Duty Tariff that is accessible in English at all ??

I have recently purchased some Baby stuff ( Clothing & Shoes ) for a Friend & Couriered it via Fed Ex but they're trying to stripe me up on anything between 60% Duty on the Clothing & 40% Duty on the Shoes which is scandalous..

Any ideas ??

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  • 1 year later...

The tariff is here http://igtf.customs..../main_frame.jsp

Good luck in trying to interpret it (although it is in English).

The system is nearly impenetrable, but I just now managed to get through... and I found this link to the current rates of duty on ALL types of items, in English:


It appears to be the master table of all duty rates. I'm also attaching that file to this message.

WCO - Thailand's Duty Rates Notif12(01)_eng.pdf

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