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Thais Toes Ugly Or What?


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I don't know if you see more toes here than in the UK because of more open shoes/sandals worn here but I have to say that Thai toes are horrible.

You can see spot a beautiful lady and admire her physique but then check out the toes and they are squared, battered, knarled, splayed over the side of the shoe, its horrible.....

Nothing more to say :D

U forgot hairy, my wifes are anyway :o

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this chinese one makes you feel better?

For the love of god what is that?! :o

Those of you that never looked before but have now read this thread...... you are now ruined... you will from now on always look and realise that most Thai girls feet are pretty nasty... and it WILL interfere with your attraction to them. OH NOES!

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haha ok newflash guys, teeth were really bad in Japan and England too at one time, lets not forget that us North Americans loved to tease Brits endlessly for always looking like they had too many hockey fights. .

Hence the word "LIMEY". Dam you yanks. All in good fun though.

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As a result of not wearing shoes and working in the rice paddies, my girlfriends big toe and second toe are like a pair of pincers very strong grip, comes as a result of pulling rice with the toes she told me.

Hi, a new member here and my first post is about feet and toes. BTW, thank you, that was quite educational and this thread is hilarious. I've just realised I never paid much attention to my wife's feet and toes. I think I'm going to take a good look at them before she gets up.

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Yes I have notice the thai ladies feet too as well as the crooked teeth. I saw the explanation about rise paddies, and uneven ground combines with no shoes on a documentary. But they also seem to have bow legs. My mia have never worked in a rice paddy, but has bow legs and splayed feet. She also likes to climb trees,I think its is cute so I call her Bahling.

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great to see the collective cerebral vortices of TV members addressing this important issue in these trying times

That being said, I may have to "toe" the party line and say I have noticed as well....especially the Isaan ladies seem to have a very short big toe and and very long second one perhaps supporting the rice picking theory advocated above.....

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If your talking about middle aged girls then remember lots used to play around with no shoes when they were kids and some had no money for shoes at all. Fact.

Feel better?

Sorry but almost universally untrue. The cheapest new flip flops can be as low as Bt9 and never more than Bt19.

The sad truth is that whether provided by their poor family or from funds given by a western benefactor, they don't see the need to wear them all the time. Cuts from glass, burns from cigarettes and other injuries are not important. Monkey see monkey do. The parents don't wear them al the time so neither do the children learn.

I have seen a German husband go berserk when his Thai wife was caught unawares with his daughter sans shoes and playing in the dirt with all manner of items to permanently scar her.

They don't care and neither a carrot or a stick can educate them once your back is turned.

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I've lived in Thailand 10 years. One day, about two years ago, I was walking on Silom in BKK at noontime with my friend from abroad and he was silent for a few blocks, then suddenly blurted "have you ever noticed how all Thai women have round toes?" He meant the part with the nail. They are all round, rather than rectangular as most western women.

It hit me like a sledge hammer. Yes!! I had noticed that on my Thai wife and then I became obsessed to disprove the theory, so walked with my head down looking at all Thai women's toes for a few months.

I came to the scientific conclusion that about 70% have rounded toes.

I don't find them ugly, just strangely alluring...

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nice to have some light hearted observations..

By the way, is it just mine, but does your GF have a flat head at the back, gently place your hand in a loving way at the rear and see what you find and let us know... :o

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The flat head is from leaving the baby lying on its back too much, the head is soft after birth and will form according to the pressure. My girlfriend is the same and she's not Thai, she just had a lazy mother.

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I don't know if you see more toes here than in the UK because of more open shoes/sandals worn here but I have to say that Thai toes are horrible.

You can see spot a beautiful lady and admire her physique but then check out the toes and they are squared, battered, knarled, splayed over the side of the shoe, its horrible.....

Nothing more to say :D


Funny...my Thai G/F has told me on many occasions that Farang feet are ugly, especially the toes. She says it is caused by Farangs wearing shoes all their life.

Now Thais don't wear many shoes, outside of Bangkok and a few other cities, you'll see mostly shower shoes/flip flops/ or whatever you want to call them. Even in Bangkok, most of the Thais I know walk around in them. Shoes are not a common thing. That does mean that if you don't wear shoes, your feet are exposed to minor accidents and cuts. So it's bound to take its toll over the years, I guess.

Personally, however, I know Thai women who are in their 60's...and their feet are still better looking than 40 year old Farang women.

But, then again, I seldom look at a good looking Thai women's feet. Being male, I am watching other parts of her body. (Nothing sexist there, I'm just old enough now so looking is the about only happiness I can get from a pretty woman.)


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I find Thai people have natural feet. The way all our feet is supposed to be. Not squeezed into small shapes by wearing shoes all the time.

I hate western women's feet, distorted into a thin pointy shape by years of wearing fashion shoes.

My ex came from New Zealand. She grew up never wearing shoes and her feet look exactly like a Thais.

Strange we are so conditioned that the OP now believes the way the human body is meant to be is ugly. Follow this line and we will be back to the time where the chinese purposely distort girls feet just so that they look "pretty"


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As a result of not wearing shoes and working in the rice paddies, my girlfriends big toe and second toe are like a pair of pincers very strong grip, comes as a result of pulling rice with the toes she told me.


They have evolved so the rice does not get stuck between their toes. :D

I guess they must harvest rice with there teeth as well I never ever have seen so horrible teeth in my whole life they point east, west,north and south :o

you want horrible teeth? spend time in cambodia.

thailand has excellent and affordable dental care. most thai women i know are almost religious about their dentsal hygiene

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I find Thai people have natural feet. The way all our feet is supposed to be. Not squeezed into small shapes by wearing shoes all the time.

I hate western women's feet, distorted into a thin pointy shape by years of wearing fashion shoes.

My ex came from New Zealand. She grew up never wearing shoes and her feet look exactly like a Thais.

Strange we are so conditioned that the OP now believes the way the human body is meant to be is ugly. Follow this line and we will be back to the time where the chinese purposely distort girls feet just so that they look "pretty"


That chinese thing with feet is just disgusting and does not look pretty at all in my opinion.

I have never noticed Western womens feet distorted into a thin point from wearing ill fitting shoes.

Go and sit on a bench in Central and watch the fit girls flit by and look at their feet, they don't match the rest of the body they are horrible.....mangled eerrh

go and have a look and come back and talk to me :o

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I find Thai people have natural feet. The way all our feet is supposed to be. Not squeezed into small shapes by wearing shoes all the time.

I hate western women's feet, distorted into a thin pointy shape by years of wearing fashion shoes.

My ex came from New Zealand. She grew up never wearing shoes and her feet look exactly like a Thais.

Strange we are so conditioned that the OP now believes the way the human body is meant to be is ugly. Follow this line and we will be back to the time where the chinese purposely distort girls feet just so that they look "pretty"


<deleted> that... gimme thin pointy feet over HOBBIT feet any day of the week.

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in order to enhance the intellectual nature of this discussion I think it should be expanded to include all favorite/least favorite thai girl body features...for least favorite, I would go with the nose, especially the small button one from the northeast...for favorite feature, they seem to score rather well on the international gluteus maximus register which seem to be much more plentiful and bountiful than the gluteus "minimus" flat bottom found in places like korea/japan

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are these acceptable? :o


Not sure about these - the toes are carefully/skillfully wrapped up to see if they are pointing in more directions than a compass.

I'm guessing these are farang feet- the second toe looks shorter than the big one.....

Also cant see any motorbike burns on the legs.

What nationality are the feet then?

Wager European first

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