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Songkran Dodgers


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Songkran Dodgers

“Stop being boring and get out there and enjoy the fun” is my usual sentiment to those people who do anything they can to avoid the water during Songkran but this year, I was dangerously close to becoming one of these moaning Songkran dodgers myself and I’d like to share the experience.

Previous Songkrans I have partied the days away somewhere in town, near a stage, singing along to the band and throwing water over people but this year, spending it with different people, my first two days were spent, rather differently, in a small village. (For people who hate the getting wet a village is really for you; the kids play with the water whilst the adults hardly get wet at all aside from the ceremonious pouring of water over the hands.) The first day, not much happened whilst the second day, watching a “Kratoey” beauty contest, was a great experience.

By day three, however, Songkran had not been usual this year and it was with reluctance that I dragged myself out of the house and drove into town to possibly try and catch the last few hours of water throwing. Nearing the town, however, feeling highly un-motivated to throw water we even prolonged the activity for as long as possible by stopping for lunch in a local “Pla Pao” restaurant. We we’re really not keen.

Thannon Khao Poon is my local Isaan town’s answer to Thannon Khao Sarn in Bangkok. Khao Poon is a street along the Mekong river with three stages, plenty of water (pumped from the Mekong River) and the mandatory parade of water laden pick up trucks coming down the road.

“Shall we go, shall we not” we kept on asking and we really were in two minds, the idea of getting wet was really not appealing, It was at this moment in my life that I felt more like a Songkran dodging bore than ever and I really sincerely could not see the appeal of going to get wet when we could just visit friends and stay dry. Following the group, however, I had to go and surprise was just around the corner.

Parked up just by Thannon Khao Poon we started the short walk towards the action and there was either something in that Pla Pao that we had just eaten or the smell of Songkran was simply to overwhelming to bear, we instantly started having the time of our lives.

Children running up smearing your face with powder, the dancers soaked to the skin but having too much for to notice, the beautiful women who just can’t wait to splash you and the music providing a general festival like atmosphere all coming together to bring a sense of enjoyment that can only be described as a simplistic, basic, human nature enjoyment joy like that we associate with that of a child. Throwing water at people is simply too much fun!

My friends and I sincerely regretted not having got out there sooner and I can only plea to all those “I hate Songkran”, “why does it have to be so long”, fun dodgers; that as daunting as it seems and despite how much easier it is to sit at home complaining, all you need to do is to get out there and the spirit of the festival will certainly do all the rest of the work.

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Yep agree, but having partyed for 3 days in a row, by day 3 I was very glad that it had ended.

Day 1 and Day 2 were cool and fun but by day 3 the madness was at fever pitch. The water is cool but that paste sht is a bit silly after 3 days of it. A bit repetitive Never really noticed it whilst in Koh Tao or Phuket, but up-country it's a big thing.

A lot of people riding and driving about seemed a bit on edge and pssed off at the water buzzing in at them.

All good fun all in all though :o

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And you never tire of it.

Some do :o

generally good at choosing a good walking path to stay out of harms way. Left a foot massage shop the other night, where the staff gave me a squirt with a "sorry" as i left out front.

Returned unexpectantly with 2 liter bucket 10 mins later with a "sorry" too. Guess i had a smirk on my face.

Enjoy your selves !! :D

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Songkran Dodgers
I now agree. This was my first Sonkran so I can't talk from the opinion of past experience. I expected out of control madness but was pleasantly surprised at how much good fun everyone was having.

After only two hours sleep the night before, I didn't participate, I only took shot after shot. And I only went out (reluctantly) because I have a new camera.

And only one time did I flinch, and that was when a guy thought it might be funny to get me and my camera soaking wet. Boggles the mind that someone in their late 20's did not know the damage water would do to a camera. But that's what locks on car doors are for...

Now that I know what to expect, next year I'll get proper protection for my camera and join in on the fun.

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Songkran is <deleted> and if you are obviously not out to take part, the little tossers have no right to plaster you or your car with powder crap which scratches the paint or cover you with the same or gallons of dirty water.

At most, there should be set areas for these imbeciles to go do their thing and leave the rest of us to get on with our lives.

Oh, and a few hundred would not die and thousands be seriously injured in this idiotic "festival".

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Songkran is <deleted> and if you are obviously not out to take part, the little tossers have no right to plaster you or your car with powder crap which scratches the paint or cover you with the same or gallons of dirty water.

Ground water from deep tube wells contains iron and calcium which if left to dry on the paint or glass surface in the hot sun on windscreens will etch the glass making it virtually impossible to drive at night.

Throwing buckets of water at a moving vehicle is no different from dropping concrete blocks off a motorway bridge onto moving traffic below, both are calculated to cause an accident and both would be considered a criminal offence in just about any country in the world.

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