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Annoying Thai Mosquitos


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While on this topic what I would really like to know is, once youve been bitten, what's the best thing to get rid of the itch??? Please dont tell me Tiger balm as I just end up getting it all stuck under my fingernails while I rake at my skin!

Something that really works, pharmacutical wise, no old wives tales about spitting on it etc..! :o

What about vinegar? It's supposed to be a great neutralizer for stings and such. Personally, I only itch for about 5 minutes, then it's gone... If I have some red tigerbalm around, that also kills the itch real fast for me...

A Taiwanese told me drinking vinrgar is very useful. That I like eating meat make my blood a bit acid. And the vinegar can make my body produce base. Then when your blood goes to alkaline, the mosquitos wont bother you any more.

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Sure do seem to be an awful lot of mozzies this year.Is it due to the drought as normally very few around ?

A drought will substancially reduce the amount of mosquitos as they need water to lay their eggs.

I use the green coils mostly. We have a plug-in in the bedroom.

I like our doors doors open all the time as we are both smokers but you know when the mozzies are coming in. They seem to prefer certain very precise temperatures in order to feed

BTW, they find you in the dark by seeking heat, not smell.

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I've just brought in a load of Sandalwood Mosquito joss-sticks from Oz. I used them over there and found them very effective especially for clearing the area around the BBQ. About 16 inches long and in various widths they are primarily for outdoor use. I put one small one by my open front door most evenings and they seem incredibly effective. A couple of big fat ones will keep my front yard clear for hours. If you want to know how to get them I'll be happy to oblige...

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I've just brought in a load of Sandalwood Mosquito joss-sticks from Oz. I used them over there and found them very effective especially for clearing the area around the BBQ. About 16 inches long and in various widths they are primarily for outdoor use. I put one small one by my open front door most evenings and they seem incredibly effective. A couple of big fat  ones will keep my front yard clear for hours. If you want to know how to get them I'll be happy to oblige...

Where please?

In Oz. :o

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I've just brought in a load of Sandalwood Mosquito joss-sticks from Oz. I used them over there and found them very effective especially for clearing the area around the BBQ. About 16 inches long and in various widths they are primarily for outdoor use. I put one small one by my open front door most evenings and they seem incredibly effective. A couple of big fat  ones will keep my front yard clear for hours. If you want to know how to get them I'll be happy to oblige...

Where please?

In Oz. :o

If you're in Oz...You can get them in Bunnings etc , but they're available at camping shops and all those sort of places. If you're in Thailand you can get them only from me!

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I understand also that Mozzies can detect light and dark; so what they look for and are attracted to is a black silhouette, i.e. a buffalo or similar standing in the dark. If you wear white they assume there is nothing there and don’t go for you. My experiences whilst wearing a white Indian pyjama suit would bear this out.

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I get bitten by them all the time as I live near still water, I have the buzz racket use Deet and have invested in a 1000 baht bug attractor which works but wakes us up every time one gets zapped.

I have looked very closeley at a "Mosquito Magnet" can buy them from Homepro, but they are dear , about 24,500 baht and work off gas with a capsule infusion.

Problem is that you have to have them plugged in 24 hours a day outside. I dont trust Thai electricity (or exposing plug sockets in any country) to the rain, then you have to have the wire trailing to the best place to catch them. Apparantly they mimic the CO2 given off by a large cow so they will head for them before you. But they say they are the most efficient devices on the market, made in the States. If they did not need electricity I would definatley buy one, but I cant get round the electricity problem, oh and it costs about 300 baht every two months for the cartridges, anyone got one ? Is it any good?and how do you deal with the electric side of things?

Otherwise its Zappers and Deet for me :o

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Jaico is good but pricey. It costs about 300B for a roll on but it works well and you don't have to plaster yourself in it so it lasts a good long time.

Also you should buy a plug in killer and take that with you.

That's the only one to use...been using it for years now, but only available in L.O.S.

probably because of it's ingredients don't comply with safe practice I suppose.

It even stops the bloody midgies here on the Gold Coast from feeding off your blood when nothing else can!!

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i dont like most mossie repellants , especially deet , if they can eat through plastic then what are they doing to your skin or your insides when they are absorbed...

I can confirm (warn!) that it melts latex too. :D

I can confirm that "DEET is registered with the Environmental Protection Agency and has proven to be the safest, most effective repellent for preventing vector-borne diseases" and I know it's true 'cos I read it here: www.deet.com :o

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