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While I agree entirely with LH on the generalizations being made about Thai women and women in general. It is to be noted that OP is reporting the response of his wife to 'Whenever....." suggesting this her standard response to his problem.

Regardless of whether he suffers depression, or one might argue, especially if he suffers depression - the response of his wife is seemingly not acceptable to him.

LH's assertion that the OP expects his wife to solve his problems is just as much an unfounded assumption as that against which she complains.

The OP has not said he expects his wife to solve his problems, he has said he finds his wife's habit of 'kicking him when he's down' unacceptable. He juxtapositions this against her behavior when things are going well.

I'm inclined to agree with him.

Fair weather friends are one thing, fair weather wife/husband.... Nah...... Not acceptable.

I agree too, and with 2396, g54

get out now if it can't be sorted. will she change? mae bhen rai is instilled in thais and maybe she does not know how to cope.

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My wife has a trait which I find quite undesirable. Whenever I am depressed or have the blues it seems that she tries her hardest to make me feel worse. It's like she's kicking me when I'm down.

On the flip side to this whenever I am going through a really good time she is right there to ride that wave with me.

The fact that I can not rely on her in my moments of need really depresses me. Is this common in other Thai women as well or did I just wind up with a cold hearted b*tch?


Kicking when you're down?...

May be she had learn from example....."YOURS" merhaps?

Have you ever heard the saying.........Sometimes love can be PAINFUL!?!?.....lol :D

But over all, this is just another "usual", negative, and over generalization of thai women and the things they do....to their shining knight wrapped in aluminum foil.




Your not alone.... I have had a really hard 4 year relation which right now i just want to get out of...

And why?

For the exact same reasons the OP posted...

Except mine if i am happy all the time doesnt like it and does her best to bring me down a notch

But when i am depressed or i have an issue which is hard to fix, she will just make it 100 times worse...

SO it has got to the point where if i have a problem the best thing to do is bottle it up and repress this problem, ofcourse this just makes me more depressed and yearning for a farang partner or anyone with half a brain and an ounce of educated compassion...

Thais are just real hard work!

I actually think it is her that is mentally sick because she is so unstable and aggressive, and now i have become exactly the same... The worse thing is if i leave her i will feel guilty that i left someone - as she has been very loyal and although perhaps she tries her best - she just never pleases me...

that sounds bad doesnt it?

Well, interesting responses here. From the trite "thai women lack the capacity to care" to "all women are bad". Or rather not so interesting and rather boring. Get over yourselves guys, men can be just as unsupportive and unsympathetic as women.

It could be that she does not understand what is going on and thinks, like many people do, that you should stop moaning and pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Perhaps you do have depression, if so, then you need to have it looked into and stop looking to your wife to solve your problems for you.

Think i will go on some english forums if they exist just to get a cross section of farangs discussions,because most on here seem so miserable and thais and european women are horrible.

Baffles me,as i am so happy living in Thailand and have a wonderful gf and a great stepson.


Your not alone.... I have had a really hard 4 year relation which right now i just want to get out of...

And why?

For the exact same reasons the OP posted...

Except mine if i am happy all the time doesnt like it and does her best to bring me down a notch

But when i am depressed or i have an issue which is hard to fix, she will just make it 100 times worse...

SO it has got to the point where if i have a problem the best thing to do is bottle it up and repress this problem, ofcourse this just makes me more depressed and yearning for a farang partner or anyone with half a brain and an ounce of educated compassion...

Thais are just real hard work!

I actually think it is her that is mentally sick because she is so unstable and aggressive, and now i have become exactly the same... The worse thing is if i leave her i will feel guilty that i left someone - as she has been very loyal and although perhaps she tries her best - she just never pleases me...

that sounds bad doesnt it?

I have a similar problem too - my mrs gets aggresive and angry fast too - we have some major rows over the silliest thing but she goes really mental I think she is mentally unstable and she says i've got brain disease !

Cross culture relationships can be very confusing and hard work sometimes.

(my mrs goes on at me to throw things in the bin instead of putting pieces of paper down etc..so i threw the empty coffee jar away ! wow this then created a major eruption because i am stupid and throw things away as she buys refills for the coffee jar!)

Most of the time i try to laugh it off but sometimes i bite back and it just makes it worse!

i have wondered when the line crossed from the happy smiley funny easy going lady i met to the angry, bad tempered woman i am now with......

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