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I Saw A Elderly Man Being Bashed


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This ha.s been on my mind for over a year now.

Sometmes i feel guilty and sometimes just angry with myself.

About a year ago.last time i was in Pattaya,i saw 3 young farang guys,bash an elderly farang man up in ne ar the PN gym in a back laneway.

I had noticed these young louts,i think australian,riding and stopped on the road as the i presume european old guy started to walk across,i heard one of them say something then they all started laughing and the old guy said something back,they the young louts followed him into the street i was walking into and then pushed him up against a fence and punched him in the body . they were laughing as they did this and then all 3 holding him whilst the blue singlet wearing one double punched him.

on seeing this i stopped and the young guy with his shirt tied around his waist,no shirt on,shouted to me that i was "chickenshit" and i quickly walked fast away.

Two of them were quite muscular,tattoos,and one wearing no shirt tied around his waist.

I have continual flashbacks of this,i didnt know who to call etc,there was only me in that laneway,i didnt know what to do,i cant fight and am not in good condition.

Would it have helped if i had reported it anyway? has anyone ever phoned the emergency number?

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This ha.s been on my mind for over a year now.

Sometmes i feel guilty and sometimes just angry with myself.

About a year ago.last time i was in Pattaya,i saw 3 young farang guys,bash an elderly farang man up in ne ar the PN gym in a back laneway.

I had noticed these young louts,i think australian,riding and stopped on the road as the i presume european old guy started to walk across,i heard one of them say something then they all started laughing and the old guy said something back,they the young louts followed him into the street i was walking into and then pushed him up against a fence and punched him in the body . they were laughing as they did this and then all 3 holding him whilst the blue singlet wearing one double punched him.

on seeing this i stopped and the young guy with his shirt tied around his waist,no shirt on,shouted to me that i was "chickenshit" and i quickly walked fast away.

Two of them were quite muscular,tattoos,and one wearing no shirt tied around his waist.

I have continual flashbacks of this,i didnt know who to call etc,there was only me in that laneway,i didnt know what to do,i cant fight and am not in good condition.

Would it have helped if i had reported it anyway? has anyone ever phoned the emergency number?

sounds like you had no option as they probably would have bashed you too.......there are a load of w ankers like this in the world. They probably thought they were so brave..<deleted> idiots. I myself have been beaten to a pulp by 3 idiots who feel brave in a group, they werent so brave when i done them over on there own.....too many people tend to get silly when in a group,but i dont know how they could bash an older guy like that......whats the point!

Dont know how you could have helped this elderly guy, maybe wait around corner till there gone and help the old guy is about best i can say for you to have done.Not much point in ringing any authorities here.

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There wasnt really too much you could do apart from get a beating yourself, even if you were in great shape not many people can fight 2 men yet alone 3 men and still be standing at the end.

Maybe shout to get the attention of people passing by, be nice for them to get cut up by a gang of motor bike taxi drivers.

Edited by sanmiguel
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wow, I can see why that would play on your mind. I shouldnt feel too guilty though, there is not much you could of done by yourself. I cant imagine why young guys would want to beat up an older guy. there are some sick puppys in this world, and these three will get what is coming to them.

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"I think Australian"

"I pressume European old guy"

Why did you pressume the old guy was European and think the louts were Australians?

As the OP reports a bit of verbal aefore and during the assault I would hazard a guess..................by their accents? :o

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IMHO, you were right to avoid a physical confrontation with a bunch of young thugs, but you don't even seem to have hung around (have a beer in a bar, say) to check if the elderly guy was badly hurt afterwards, and offer him some assistance? Leaving the scene completely would certainly have made me feel bad. :o

I think after the thugs had finished, you should at least have offered to accompany the victim to the nearest police station and make an official report, backing up his description of the hoodlums and what happened. It might not have made any difference, it would depend on how strongly the victim felt about pursuing the matter. These louts committed a criminal offence, and if there had been a means of identifying them, and the victim was willing to pay for a serious lawyer, they could have ended up facing criminal charges and had their passports taken away. A year or so of waiting penniless in Thailand for the case to come to court might have taught them some manners.

BTW, this scenario isn't wishful thinking, it happened a few years back to an English friend who lost his rag with an American guy and punched him in the face. The American wasn't hurt badly, just a slightly bloody nose, but he was willing to pay for a decent lawyer, criminal charges were laid, and my friend wasn't allowed to leave Thailand for over a year. And yes, he was found guilty, even though there was considerable provocation involved in the case.

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I just panicked,it seem to happen so fast.

i remember their faces ,i wish i had rung the tourist emergency phone number.

Im not sure if the farang tourist police have a contact number .

I admit i was scared,they were laughing and aggressive,sometimes i feel very guilty and worthless for walking away.

I remember the older man staring straight at me like he expected me to help.

Edited by actiondell4
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"I think Australian"

"I pressume European old guy"

Why did you pressume the old guy was European and think the louts were Australians?

As the OP reports a bit of verbal aefore and during the assault I would hazard a guess..................by their accents? :o

The behaviour of the attackers was very out of character for Australians. I would have guessed British.

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meh, i'm aussie and anywhere you go in the world there's idiots who do that kinda thing. country of origin isn't the issue.

unless you want to jump in on a 1v3 fight there's f-all you can do beside contact the local BIB

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painfully reminds me to 2 incidents during Songkran last sunday right on 2.nd road where seemingly out of the blue some Thai men started to fight and within just a few seconds in both cases one man was down others kicking him FULL force aiming right in the face. In both cases others did intervene, in one case the victim covered all over in blood, specially his head, seemd have to been unconscious. It all was so fast and very brutal....it scared shits out of me. ( again: no falangs involved here )

my first instinct was to help, but how could I have?

I am afraid there was not much you could have done, the only thing possibly calling others nearby to help, if available

Edited by kuuan
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Im not sure if the farang tourist police have a contact number .
1699, nationwide. Dunno about how they are in Pattaya, but I've used them a couple times in Bangkok and was fairly impressed. A number probably worth putting on your mobile.
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maybe he was a paedo or something.. in my experience, no matter how loutish expat young guys are they will rarely kick the shit out of an old guy with good reason.

The exception being when I was drinking in the 'we are the world bar" between soi 7 and 8 when all at once the smiling thai waiters turned into a gang of thugs and proceeded to kick the crap out of some old farang... I was shocked at how they switched from 'wai deeing' to leaping kung <deleted> kicks on a pissed up old man .. I haven't been there since ..

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The behaviour of the attackers was very out of character for Australians. I would have guessed British.
maybe he was a paedo or something.
More then likely. I hear they wear waterproof ponchos and cotton wool in their ears. :o
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You tell a very disturbing tale.

It is a sad reflection on many different societies, in many countries, how prone to violence people can be. This trend seems to be increasing.

What are they thinking?

Of course drunkeness often adds fuel to the fire.

I can suggest that if you ever hear people talk about engaging in this kind of violence that you reinforce the ideas of tolerance, being the better man, and letting insults imagined or otherwise go. A wise man once said. Don't be quick to take insult and don't insult others.

The biggest strongest and most violent person is not the one who is right. It is not cool to act with violence.

We all need to practice more tolerance.

It is particularly despicable to prey on the most vunerable.

What you saw would have upset me also. I don't know if I would be able to ever forget it.

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maybe he was a paedo or something.. in my experience, no matter how loutish expat young guys are they will rarely kick the shit out of an old guy with good reason.

The exception being when I was drinking in the 'we are the world bar" between soi 7 and 8 when all at once the smiling thai waiters turned into a gang of thugs and proceeded to kick the crap out of some old farang... I was shocked at how they switched from 'wai deeing' to leaping kung <deleted> kicks on a pissed up old man .. I haven't been there since ..

Er, do we then form a vigilante gang and beat the crap out of suspected peadophiles and other undesirables? :o

So louts can be judge, jury and executioner in the dark alleys? Now, that's a scary thought. Oh, I just remembered from other threads, we already have those foreign "police" volunteers :D

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I just panicked,it seem to happen so fast.

i remember their faces ,i wish i had rung the tourist emergency phone number.

Im not sure if the farang tourist police have a contact number .

I admit i was scared,they were laughing and aggressive,sometimes i feel very guilty and worthless for walking away.

I remember the older man staring straight at me like he expected me to help.

Yeah, I can imagine that would haunt you... but what's done is done, etc.

You may find this helpful. The short-cut Tourist Police number in Pattaya hardly ever works (on the admission of Howard Miller). He suggested that if you ever need them, then you should call their 'real' phone number:


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Obviously no one can give a definitive reason as to why<br /><br />I have seen a few old guys who think they are still hard and tuff.<br />Maybe getting told they are handsome studs too often <br />makes them believe they really can match it with younger guys<br />and they mouth off or do stuff when they shouldn't.<br /><br />I'm not that old but if 3 twenty somethings were my opponents <br />I'd be trying to making a hasty exit and keep my mouth shut.<br /><br />Not saying it was that way but it could have been.

Edited by kaorop
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In this kind of case dont fade out of the scene.

What I would do :

Stay close to them and call the police.

They will flip out, works for me everytime.

and take photos/videos if poss for evidence or at least shaming on Utube or whatever

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One poster mentioned the thai m/bike drivers.I would have got one or more to go up the soi on bikes and start screaming at them,i hate to see someone kicked while on the floor too.3 YOUNG,guys can be a handful even for another young guy so i dont think age comes into it.

I have seen an incident when a farang got hit by another farang and the thai guys had a few kicks and punches at him,this was we are the world bar too.Must admit he deserved it.as he just smacked a guy when he walked in.Me and some mates told the thai guys dont kick him on the floor and they listened,and we told the farang to fuc_k off quick.My mates are a big handful but very docile(most of the time) and would never start a fight but always finish one.

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I had a similar experience about a year ago in Soi Wat Boon Samphant (aka Soi Khao Noi). I was driving home one night about midnight and saw a group of about four or five Thai guys kicking the fuc_k out of another Thai on the road. I'm sure he was almost dead already. I stopped my car, flashed the headlights, and tooted the horn at them, all to no avail. At that point I drove on home. I still feel guilty about being not feeling there was any way to stop them, without ending up being kicked to death myself.

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Thankyou for the farang police mobile phone number,I wish i had it at the time,even though i was in a panicked state .

I dont however if the farang Police would have been able to physicaly arrest these guys as i saw the strength and viciousness/anger and a part enjoyment in their faces as they pushed the older man up against the fence.

If the farang police came they would have to use a baton or spray on them.as they were very tough looking angry young hoodlums,who seemed to think it was funny as well.

I know everyone on this forum knocks the farang police but i would have gave anything for them to be there that aftenoon.

This was up near the PN Mansion,there was no one else around in the back streets for me to ask for help.


Phillip,I think you may a very important point on ignoring people shouting insults on the street,and best to keep walking and ignore them rather than confront them.Im not sure what you mean by either real or imagined insults.

In this case i just seen the tail end where the old guy was walking across the street and they the louts said something to him,but he went back to to them and said something and they then turned around on their bikes and followed him to where i was walking from.

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yes you should have told someone- anyone, preferably a group of motorcy drivers or someone in a nearby shop, or even the gym if it was nearby. You deserve the flashbacks, to be honest- not doing anything at all out of fear is only slightly understandable but im not sure its forgiveable. Could have been your father. If there is a next time, make up for it by making sure you quickly get help.

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Many people advise "advoid confrontation" while in LOS, and I agree. Even in harsh cases like the OP described, I wouldn't personally have gotten physically involved (especially with those no-win odds, unless you're a bad-ass ninja yourself :D ).

But I also almost always carry a camera, and the BiB would have high quality pics of these slime balls as would all the Patts forums out there. :) Even a crap camera phone pic could be enough to track the guys down (especially if you caught their license plates).

With cameras so cheap & small, these days I always have one in the car back home as well. With all the tough guy road rage morons out there, it's amazing how quickly they become subdued when they see you taking pics of them and their license plate.


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