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I Want To Download Free Music


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7. IF you download and share some downloaded material without the consent of any copyright holder, then they call it copyright infringement. HOWEVER, many countries allows FAIR USE, no matter how hard the **AA's try to lobby their case.

It is still within the right for many people to download music, movies, tv series, games, software and other things as long as it falls under fair use.

What is fair use? One obvious example is that you already own originals and want to have digital copies for easy use/access.

Oh, US laws and regulations do NOT apply world wide.

And how many people download movies they already own legally ??

I am szure that makes up a huge % of torrent traffic.. :o

1. I know I do. I have no idea the percentage of people who do. Do you? (ideas, feelings and guessing does not count...)

I rather download from someone who has expertise encoding than spend hours (or days) doing it myself. Besides, a 4 GB encoded BD rip is far better for HTPC storage than the huge 25-50 GB originals.

Also, yes it is legal to download broadcast media. TIVO (or any other media recorder, like a VHS tape) is a great example of this. If you are allowed to record (essentially downloading and storing), so is anyone else.

Torrents have no ads, and yes, with TIVO advertisements are skipped over easily.

2. If that is a claim, please back it up with solid data one way or the other.

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Use Utorrent as your peer, then go to sites such as Mininova or Pirate, but I trust superfundo or releaselog more. Always check the comment on the download and you should be ok. Alot of software has virus within, as for music I for one have never had any problems. 560gb later its all fine.


Edited by milkycheese
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Some source for great entertainment.  Search out old clissic blues and classic movies.  old blues are great.  What do you think sid barret was listening to when he named the band Pink Floyd.  Thats two differant names, checkem out.

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I second Mininova. There is a music section there and I have never had a problem with viruses from that source.

Also, I buy and download tracks and albums from Amazon's MP3 music store. Just about any style of music is available there and there are often great albums on sale for US$ 5 or less. Also, it's all DRM free and can be copied, saved, and played on any type of device.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why do artists get so upset about people downloading their work for free? People who have plenty of money will still purchase from stores. people who download would probably never otherwise pay for that artists music or movie so there is no lost sale . In fact they get free publicity and it is more likely that person will pay for the concert ticket or go see the next movie by the artist because they have seen some of their work gratis.

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Why do artists get so upset about people downloading their work for free? People who have plenty of money will still purchase from stores. people who download would probably never otherwise pay for that artists music or movie so there is no lost sale . In fact they get free publicity and it is more likely that person will pay for the concert ticket or go see the next movie by the artist because they have seen some of their work gratis.

Hi Pollyanna!

Have you noticed how the High Street mega music stores are either selling out or going bust and closing? The ones that remain open have their tiny atrophied CD music departments in a corner upstairs whilst downstairs is wall-to-wall games DVD's.

Free publicity doesn't quite pay the bills or repay the bank loan the budding musician got in order to make the demo.... etc..

Not ALL recording artists are flying high with U2 and Madonna.

The last time I went to a concert was... ages ago but that's just me. However, I reckon that the amount of people that regularly pay extortionate concert ticket prices via TicketMaster (now there's a huge cut of the artists revenue) and their ilk is inversely proportional to the number of people listening to the same music at home, online, by radio, TV, etc..

If you like it so much, please go and buy it. You can share it with your friends but please don't deny the budding artist proper recompense for their work and talent. It's art not a bloody charity!

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downloading music is one, but listening on line is also a possibility. I use often shoutcast, but recently discovered Grooveshark. on the last one you can define your own playlists,(looks like you listening to your own music library) as well as listen to playlists that others have made already. selection on artist and or song title, it is all possisble. this way you don't need to download.

another interesting one is a cheap address for legal MP3-downloads, try out http://www.mp3sale.ru/ ; did not register so far as I do not know how secure a credit card payment is however, as I see ".ru" in the address.

I have collected some music, video's from YouTube using a video downloader; quality is variable however. than there is some software around to download from streaming internet radio stations.

enjoy the music.

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Limewire is only a problem for those who don't know how to use it....

I've used it for years without any problems... Just pay attention to what you are downloading.

But it's only really good for individual songs.. hear it on a Movie soundtrack I'm watching...

Have it to load on my iPod a few minutes later.

For Albums and discography collections you can't beat Torrents.. If only for the speed of downloading Multi-GB Files, can't beat it.


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About viruses. I'm not sure how stuff like Limewire works so won't comment on that, but when i download music via my web browser, firstly, i have windows firewall turned on. Secondly, i download the file i want and then 'right click' and scan it with AVG free.

If it's clear then, i'll play it.

So far, touch wood, i've been safe.

I'm not 100% positive about AVG, but Avast and most other AV programs (AVG too I'm sure) will scan your files as they are downloading... Some programs, like Limewire, have a setting in the Options/Preferences where you point the program at the AV scan module.... For Avast it's "AshQuick" in the Avast Program folder. Set your AV in your options and then you don't have to scan it agin later

BUT.. Windows Firewall will NOT protect you from a Worm or Malware program hidden in a download that has already passed your AV program

Unlike Online Armour, Comodo or Zone Alarm.... Windows Firewall has no protection against unauthorized programs using your computer to send things "OUT"... it only protects against someone that is outside sending something "IN". If a D/L file, music or otherwise, has a hidden bug, that will be your problem.. Once you click on the File it will activate/install the bug... The Bug will act as Malware or a Bot and use your computer to send stuff out, or open a port from the Inside to let other things you don't know about come in!

Do yourself a favor if you are into downloading.. Get rid of Windows Firewall ASAP and get a REAL firewall... Or a Hardware Router, that will give you the same kind of protection.. or Both.. you can use both.. Like a Belt & Suspenders.

Be careful out there!!!


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