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Dog Meat


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I read an article on dog and cat eaters in Korea.

Apparently the meat tastes better if the adrenalin is pumping when the animal is killed.

The dogs had their front legs snapped backwards and the cats were thrown into boiling water. :D:o

I have nothing against eating any animals but I do believe in slaughtering humanely.

P.S dog and cat are definatley not on my menu. :D

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eat anything that was moving; probably have eaten fox and porcupine since the thai workers trap them, but its ilegal so im not supposed to know but they're also not on the endangered animal list so i dont mind; ate weasel, we eat our ducks, ate our ostrich after he attacked us, i think i ate dried dog meat (dried meat issan style) since we do get a lot of feral dogs and no problem to "get rid of them" due to prevalent rabies in the area the county allows you to defend your livestock or property when afraid of rabies....once cooked, no more rabies although it concerns me when the guys handle the trapped foxes etc if they were to get bitten?!

my goats are pets except for the baby males whom i know are going to end up as shwarma so i have the capability to separate meat -on-the-hoof or paw from the pets in my mind (the males dont get names so i dont have to say, today we are going to eat Herman)

donkey? just looks like tough meat to eat; they dont really have good pasture so eat scrub and stuff, and they are tuff animals

monkeys carry some brain parasite cant remember the name any way i dont like monkeys

think we had a thread like this going once before??? what's more civilized or less civilized between eating dog, or eating chicken....

BTW navajo indians raise dogs for sheep herding and as food

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someone said that dog meat tastes like chicken...

They got cheated. Dog meat and chicken are far different.

I've had the meats of snake, turtle, deer, and even monkey.

Cool. Have you ever eaten donkey meat? It tastes pretty good too. I also ate turtle, but deer and monkey. Monkeys look dirty. Deers are ok. My dad ate once and said not good.

If you can get over mental block, I think you can have a try to eat rats. Cantonese and Indians eat rats. errrrrr.

Can't say I've ever been anywhere that offered donkey meat, but did have it's close cousin, horse, several times. It can be very tough, but tenderized properly, it's quite palatable. Also have had kangaroo, crocodile, and ostrich and thought they were all good. I've never had rat, but again I've had a not-so-distant relative in squirrel. That was rather sinewy, roasted over an open fire. They were large ones that friends hunted in Pennsylvania when the deer population went too low. The monkey was very clean, I'd never consume something that wasn't, but it's taste was rather bland and the meat stringy, so not a big favorite.

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The pic's fake of course, just a joke. Looks like its taken at the municipal stray dog compound or the like.

I have a dog too (looking at me as I type this) but I honestly don't see why dog meat would be more gross than any other kind of animal. My wife's mum used to have a pig farm. Those little Babe's are terminally cute, too.

Really, I don't see what the issue is.

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Kind of reminds me of that time we bought shrimp from Tesco, and found out one was still alive when we got home. We kept it as a pet in our room fountain/basin for almost a week, then it died. Then we ate it anyway.

We named it Nong Chelsea.

(It was blueish, yousee)

Also when eating Kung Ten (Dancing Shrimp Salad) near some lake I always make a point in setting one free. Good merit. (Then the rest get the Iraq treatment.)

Edited by chanchao
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Up here in Chiang Mai the local men rave about the succulent flavour and empowering properties of a good meal of dog. A local moonshine and dog eatery near me is full every night. Any of you farang sunk your teeth into any lately? What's it like?

I did try once while I's study in ChiangMai University about 15 years ago. It's terrible. I had headache and thrown up afterward. As I remember the morning after my face was as big as a ballon. It's an unforgetable experience.

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I was told they have a dog market in the Sakon Nakon province, up to fifty slaughtered and sold per day. I have seen on the Thai news people being arrested for transporting dogs to the abbatoir. Having worked with Thai's from Sakon Nakhon I have noticed that they seem to be the butt of jokes from other Thai's regarding the dog eating.

I think if the local people who cannot afford other meat or who have been eating dog meat for generations eat it, its no problem but I dont see why any farang would order dog meat, just to "try it out" are you sick or what? :o

Im sure I have unintentionally ate cat and rat while in Asia but the worst thing I ever tasted was something from Greece, not sure exactly what it was but it certainly wasn't the beef I ordered, it seriously tasted like shit, not that I know what shit tastes like but just what I would imagine it tastes like. Why dont the people who eat dogs just to "try it out" eat shit and try that out, they would probably like it. :D

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I think if you eat regularly from food stalls on the streets of Asia that you've probably eaten many things that you didn't realize you were eating. Its not just Asia either. I've heard of restraunts in Canada and the US getting busted over this too.

I can't see myself knowingly eating dog, but I also can't say that one animal has any more right to live than an other. People always moan about dolphins in tuna nets without asking the tuna how they feel about them. *Save The Tuna!*

Many civilized people (muslims, jews) won't eat pork either. Doesn't mean the rest of us are sick.

Crocodile, rattlesnake, and from what I hear, Iguana are delicious. Maybe we're ignoring the rptiles too much? :o


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I have visited the market Pablo mentioned, it's near Sakon Nakhon, on the way to Nakon Panhom, a place called Ban Talay (sorry for the spelling).

You can look, but no photos as it is an illegal operation, the authorities turn a blind eye to it.


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I think if you eat regularly from food stalls on the streets of Asia that you've probably eaten many things that you didn't realize you were eating. Its not just Asia either. I've heard of restraunts in Canada and the US getting busted over this too.

I can't see myself knowingly eating dog, but I also can't say that one animal has any more right to live than an other. People always moan about dolphins in tuna nets without asking the tuna how they feel about them. *Save The Tuna!*

Many civilized people (muslims, jews) won't eat pork either. Doesn't mean the rest of us are sick.

Crocodile, rattlesnake, and from what I hear, Iguana are delicious. Maybe we're ignoring the rptiles too much?  :o


You're right about that. I've had various reptiles including crocodile, snakes, and large lizards (they weren't Iguanas though). The meat is very tasty and nutriously low in fat.

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Really we shouldn't be picky as to what we eat, if it is meat and we like it we should eat it, but it is the method of slaughter which is the problem with dog meat. The dogs are beaten to death with a club, this is done in full view of the waiting victims, as mentioned in an earlier post this is to get the adrenalin flowing... This should be the talking point... :o

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Really we shouldn't be picky as to what we eat, if it is meat and we like it we should eat it, but it is the method of slaughter which is the problem with dog meat. The dogs are beaten to death with a club, this is done in full view of the waiting victims, as mentioned in an earlier post this is to get the adrenalin flowing...  This should be the talking point... :o

It's certainly a valid issue, Peter. I agree that the method you cited is inhumane. The large restaurant where I regularly ate dog at in the Philippines did it in a much preferred method in my opinioin. They solemnly slit their throats, including the vocal cords which silenced them as well, in a back area away from the customer. Of course the method might not be pleasant to some readers (is any form of any animal slaughter pleasant?), but it certainly seemed better than clubbing.

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In a very topical news article, I would NOT consume ANY animal, if it is endangered as below. I have been offered pangolin to eat in Thailand, but turned down the offer.

Sunday January 30, 11:55 AM

Malaysian officials seize 294 endangered pangolins ready for smuggling into Thailand

Malaysian authorities seized 294 pangolins, an endangered scaly ant-eating animal, that were bound for cooking pots in Thailand, news reports said Sunday.

Customs officers found the live animals in cages hidden beneath vegetables and fruits while inspecting a truck at a border checkpoint in northern Perlis state Saturday, said Rooslan Radzi, head of the state's anti-smuggling division.

"Pangolins are in great demand across the border," Rooslan was quoted as saying by the Sunday Star newspaper. "They are made into soup and are said to have high nutritional value."

Officials arrested a 37-year-old Malaysian truck driver, who is expected to be charged with trafficking in endangered wildlife, which is punishable by up to two years in prison and a 3,000 ringgit (US$790; ย€586) fine.

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Up here in Chiang Mai the local men rave about the succulent flavour and empowering properties of a good meal of dog. A local moonshine and dog eatery near me is full every night. Any of you farang sunk your teeth into any lately? What's it like?


Never had Dog (that I know of), but had a sandwich in Saigon once with Snake meat in it. Wasn't aware at the time it was snake. :o

Also once in Bangkok when I was VERY drunk, had GARLIC ROASTED FROG about 3 A.M. from street-side vendor. Can't remember what it tasted like. I was very drunk. Never had the courage to try it again when I was sober.


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Some very common sense kind of quotes from Snopes.com, the site that exposes urban legends:

Still, though the idea of someone's eating St. Bernards (or any other type of dog) may be abhorrent to us, it's also rather hypocritical of us to demand that it stop. Even if the Chinese are eating dogs, why is that any different than our eating lamb, for example? Would America react with anything but scorn if Hindus around the world presented the U.S. with a petition demanding that we stop the "abhorrent practice" of eating cows and exporting beef? Nonetheless, hypocrisy seems to be the typical stance of much of the world.

Certainly most of us prefer that any animals used for food be raised and killed humanely, but we don't have to look to China to find exceptions to this standard — there are plenty of cows, chickens, pigs, and other food animals being raised and slaughtered in appalling fashion right here in our own backyard. But of course, since we keep dogs as pets, we arrogantly assume we have the moral right to tell the rest of the world what they can do with their dogs. Why worry about the suffering of millions of our own livestock and poultry animals if we can beat up on somebody else for daring to eat dogs? As usual, the issue isn't really about the right of all animals to be treated humanely; it's only about the right of a small subset of cute and endearing animals to be treated humanely.


They couldn't verify or disprove the 'clubbed to death' story but really it doesn't make a lot of sense to kill animals that way. There's nothing special about dogs that would require them to be clubbed to death compared to how other animals are slaughtered.

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meat may or may not be murder depending on your point of view , but eating dogmeat is a terrible payback to mans undoubted best friend in the animal kingdom.

whilst it may be culturally acceptable for asians to eat dog , and looking at the way a lot of dogs ... and other animals .... are treated in this (buddhist... :o ) country it doesnt surprise me that some of our more enterprising hosts have found a way to make a few baht out of killing dogs.

but i find it more than a little strange and disturbing to read that westerners are prepared to eat dog ,(and actively seek out and recommend restaurants that serve dog dishes) given that westerners are brought up with a love of dogs as pets and friends.

Edited by taxexile
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i cannot for the life of me understand why someone brought up in the west , would go out one night , feel hungry and think

" i feel a bit hungry, i fancy trying that resaurant that serves dogmeat tonight "

a westerner eating dogmeat is not eating to counteract hunger , or popping in for a bit because its lunchtime.

i can understand someone wanting to try deer, rat , ostrich , crocodile , even pangolin.

but because of the western perception of dogs , i cant see any reason why som eone would want to eat dog meat other than to prevent starvation.

perhaps its just so they can go down the pub and give it some macho bluster...

"i've been to asia and eaten a dog..... look at me...aren't i hard."

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tutsi said:

'someone said that dog meat tastes like chicken...'

check out the ol' adage 'I ate **** once...tasted like chicken...'

fill in the blank with your favorite 'one up' exotic dish (pangolins included)...


in northern China eating snake is good for yer health in cold weather...they got them in a big box as you enter the restaurant...tastes like chicken...

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I read an article on dog and cat eaters in Korea.

Apparently the meat tastes better if the adrenalin is pumping when the animal is killed.

The dogs had their front legs snapped backwards and the cats were thrown into boiling water. :D  :D

I have nothing against eating any animals but I do believe in slaughtering humanely.

P.S  dog and cat are definatley not on my menu. :D

i was once invited for lunch in the sticks in china, where they eat everything that moves :D

as we walked into the restaurant, there was a gage with about 10 cats in it, as they were cooking outside, a cook grabbed a cat and through it alive in a pot with boiling water, as i turned aroung he pulled it out of the pot and skinned it, horrific sight :D

my host were all laughing about my shock, anyway lunch came and i had to eat god knows what, as reagan once said, you just close your eyes eat and swallow it :o

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> but i find it more than a little strange and disturbing to read that

> westerners are prepared to eat dog ,(and actively seek out and

> recommend restaurants that serve dog dishes) given that westerners

> are brought up with a love of dogs as pets and friends.

Speak for yourself. :D

Personally, even if there is such a thing as a common Western morality, then I definitely DONT subscribe to it. I just don't agree with attreibuting treats or morals to people based on ethniticity (*&$# how do you spell that :o )

"As a Westerner you should . . . . "

"As an American you should . . . . "

"As a Christian you shoudl . . . . "

Really. None of that even means anything to me. If it did then I could at least debate it, but... it really means <null>

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hey, i love my goats, i cuddle them and play with them, but it is very clear to me that they are farm animals and the males are going to become someones wedding roast....

my goats are pets except for the baby males whom i know are going to end up as shwarma so i have the capability to separate meat -on-the-hoof or paw from the pets in my mind (the males dont get names so i dont have to say, today we are going to eat Herman)
as i said before:

i do eat my own chickens etc.... what some people do that have farms and children is trade animals for slaughter: my sister in law from finland says thats what they would do with their pig, because they refused toeat him, they would trade with a neighbhor 's pig so it was easier to slaughter and eat.... my son refuses to eat a chicken that comes from my petting zoo but from the chicken houses, no problem.....

the slaughter of the pig, calf and chickens i've seen here w/ the thais seems pretty humane: they bleed them first the same as kosher or moslem style, since they use the blood in different dishes. the small sparrows however, i've seen sompong pluck them while they are alive , i've asked him to zonk them on their heads first to stun them, since i will eat them.....

its funny, i am involved with zoos and there seem to be two types of people: the 'eat everything' type, and the vegetarian (my daughter for instance), even though she has no problem giving a live rabbit to a leopard for part of its 'enrichment' plan......and some who refuse to even give live prey to predators......

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Personally, even if there is such a thing as a common Western morality, then I definitely DONT subscribe to it. I just don't agree with attreibuting treats or morals to people based on ethniticity
well you should , because we all have our own culture , based on our ethnicity.

to deny it is foolish.

*&$# how do you spell that 





Really. None of that even means anything to me. If it did then I could at least debate it, but... it really means

then i'll "spell it out" for you.

westerners are generally brought up, educated , call it what you will , with the belief that dogs and cats are cute animals with high intelligence and should be treated in a humane way , and to eat them goes against upheld beliefs. considering what is done to battery hens and cows and fish, these beliefs may seem hypocritical. but nevertheless they exist , its how most of us were brought up

that is why , in most western countries you can be prosecuted for mistreating animals that are seen as household pets.

asians , rightly or wrongly , (that is not the argument here) are brought up to see animals differently , and to eat them , boil them , ignore their agony when they wander about in a distressed state etc. does not elicit the same feeling of repugnance that it does in a westerner.

that is why i find it strange that westerners can eat dog.

Edited by taxexile
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