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Opening A Restaurant In Bangkok

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I wish you good luck with your venture and am sorry not to be able to offer the advice you seek.

I will, however, advise the following: please respect the English language; your moronic 'style' of writing makes you seem immature, ill-educated and not worth bothering with.

This is, I'm sure, why no one on this forum has taken you seriously. I suspect that if you were to re-register under a different name and ask for what you want in plain English, you would find people far more helpful and far less contemptuous.

Again, good luck!

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Guys is there any topik or link that can show me what are the requirements and licenses I have to have to open a joint? I almost understand the OP I also do not need to become rich , but my brother in law asked me to find out about it, he wants to open exclusive place ( not 5* lux kina exclusive but something that these is none yet ) he is Yemeni and well he wants to open a real Yemeni place, it's a good idea , we have the potential workers and a cook and someone who can calculate the cost of everything and put it togethe but what we do not know is what needed in Thailand to open a cafe or restaurant or any other food and drinks selling place.

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If I can give the Op some advice as a businessman not a restaurateur, it is this. You probably know quite a lot about restaurants and you obviously have bags of enthusiasm but you know next to nothing about business. Unfortunately they are all inextricably linked. Whether your place is successful may not matter to you but it does to your backer. How you handle your staff is crusciously important.

You are best placed to go and work in a 'good' restaurant for a couple of years. You will learn a lot and more importantly avoid mistakes. With that experience you will find financial backing either easier to come by or more advantageous to you. It is not a great time to be opening a restaurant in any case so think of it as an investment rather than a lost opportunity.

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why is it in many cases PRofTs are not what op is looking for in starting the BUSINESs .

OP CAN YOU TELL US WHO PAYS YOU 30,000 BAHT A MONTH. a job? a sponsor :):D ? thats a lot for a teenager in thailand.

haha u r sooo funny!

Seriously OP I finished my AP prep school education on scholarship, worked my way through college trying to come up with tuition money week by week, transferred to school in Thailand to try to finish my BA because I couldn't afford a US education and YOU are getting paid 30,000 baht a month when you are completely uneducated?! I work my ASS off to cover my rent (7000b) and cannot begin to comprehend what you could possibly do for 30k a month as an unskilled worker WITHOUT a work permit. Enjoy your luck. Life being as it is, you'll probably be immensely successful without ever having uttered a coherent sentence in your lifespan and I'll die penniless with all my education for naught.

WOW. quite something! I guess Im just gonna have to say Its my luck. Moms always told me that I came with fortune and many good blessings. of course, told by her fortune teller. I must have done good things in the past life to have such a great life now. I'm a buddhist, so yeah! I quit my job already anyway because its soo stressful. This is totally random but my mom doesnt have a strand of gray hair and shes 50+, so theres a big chance I wouldnt have gray hair when I'm old but thats not a risk Im willing to take by working there! lol

but dont beat yourself up! your time will come! :D

Edited by maydagirl
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Without going into many common sense reasons ................

Just Try................ :) As my wife would say. ( Yes Thai of course )

Why even come here & ask ?

You know the folks here myself included are actually burdened by a common sense

we gained elsewhere. Which is pretty negative & actually quite useless in a place like LOS

If you don't believe me just read all the posts that ask incredulously why does LOS do things the way they do....

I never forgot when I was young my pal was in India & ran low on money.

He asked a local ....... Man what am I going to do I only have $xxx left.

The local said .....No problem that is plenty enough for a pot some tea & a couple of glasses

you can sell tea !

Basically all Im trying to say is why bother asking ?

You want to jump in....Jump!

You will learn so much more by jumping in & trying.

For better or worse.................Just realize education is never free.

What you gain by asking others here is their wisdom which may or may not be true for you.

What you gain by doing is Knowledge that you Know is true for you.

Good Luck with what you decide.

Thanks! I completely understand. I will open a restaurant. You know, all I need is enthusiasm and trust. Honestly, I trust my friends and its my dream to have a chain of restaurants. Well, ONE of my dreams! lol. If I told you all my ambitions, you'd call me an idiot! Sometimes, I feel like my 19 years old brains gonna explode!! But thanks again!

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If I can give the Op some advice as a businessman not a restaurateur, it is this. You probably know quite a lot about restaurants and you obviously have bags of enthusiasm but you know next to nothing about business. Unfortunately they are all inextricably linked. Whether your place is successful may not matter to you but it does to your backer. How you handle your staff is crusciously important.

You are best placed to go and work in a 'good' restaurant for a couple of years. You will learn a lot and more importantly avoid mistakes. With that experience you will find financial backing either easier to come by or more advantageous to you. It is not a great time to be opening a restaurant in any case so think of it as an investment rather than a lost opportunity.

Typically, it's a good idea but the problem is "ME"!!! I have my head up in my ass that I cant take orders from people! Everybody starts from the beginning and gradually climbs up. But ME? I dont recall anything I ever did that was like climbing a go-forward ladder. Probably, only vines are in front of me where I just need to swing like an ape. It's either open a restaurant or a business of my own or go back to my home country to run the family business! If I go back, its a bummer for me cause there's just tooo much competition from people who want a piece of what we've got!

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I wish you good luck with your venture and am sorry not to be able to offer the advice you seek.

I will, however, advise the following: please respect the English language; your moronic 'style' of writing makes you seem immature, ill-educated and not worth bothering with.

This is, I'm sure, why no one on this forum has taken you seriously. I suspect that if you were to re-register under a different name and ask for what you want in plain English, you would find people far more helpful and far less contemptuous.

Again, good luck!

You know what? You are absolutely right! The only place where I write formally is on my CV and when I apply for a job. So, I didnt think it was THAT necessary to write all correct and perfect(somewhat) here. But of course, I should respect!

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the best things that you would do is, find a legal counsel that can help you with that.....theres lots of agencies and counsel who's expert and they can find for you a way to open up a business in Thailand...

for what I know most of foreigners who comes here in Asia that wanted to buy properties, open business they usually go in a corporate company that can help them..means this company are for those foreigners who plans or wanted to open a business in one place in Asia..

foreigners that I know thats what they doing,which is totally legal and safe for them..

sooo,try to find those kind of corporate or any legal counsel can help you with that...

hope this one will help you

good luck

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