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Bass Player And/or Musicians Wanted


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i play rhythm guitar and harmonica

sign and write songs

looking for others

if you can sing that's a plus

084 000 6890

What genre are you playing and writing? I only know rhythm guitar and harmonica stuff from the likes of Bob Dillon or maybe Donovan if you write your own stuff, or maybe you are a flat picker like Doc Watson he uses a harmonica sometimes.

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I would be interested in getting some musicians from different backgrounds together to organise Jams. I,already have a band, rehearsal space and all the gear. This is just to reach out to all the musicians in the area, a side project. Let me know if any are interested...influences are hard rock, classic rock, blues , punk, alternative and lots of originals. To the Op, I believe board member Raro was looking for likeminded musicians, he plays guitar and sings. Best of luck, send me a pm.

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yeah..raro is still looking indeed! :D

My biggest problem is time, I am 2 to 3 nights a week out of town but would love to do something again. Interested in various styles with the exception of what I consider either cheesy (Carpenters et al :D ) or commercial crap (Britney Spears :D:D ). Mostly interested in rearranging known stuff. Originals are ok, too, but time consuming and nobody wants to hear them anyways.

I play guitar and sing, both out of shape as I haven't done anything for about two years but pretty sure that it'll be back if I get me to practice a bit. I shiver when I write "practice"... :o

Could get a drummer organized, not sure for a bass. Is Board member Ace back to Thailand?

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Man, I can't sing by I have my electric guitar here with me.

I can play a few Metalica songs, AcDc, Megadeth, Slayer, this kind of stuff from the beginning of the 90`s. ... And I can jam with rock or blues. I play for around 25 years.

I don't have any effects or amplifier, and I may be rusty a bit.

But I would love to prove myself I'm not dead yet. So if somebody there is ok to make some noise somewhere one evening, please send me a sign, I will love it.

Please :o


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i am the OP

i can and have done plenty of covers but prefer originals


rock, folk, reggae, pop, alternative, world beat, etc...

simple and fun

loc: my place or yours or even outside

the idea is to get back in the groove and have some fun

playing out is a possibility

any bass players wanna give it a go?

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I'm a bass player, but will need to pick up new gear. I play hard rock, classic rock and blues (mostly covers of 1st and 2nd wave British invasion bands). I live in Rayong and have transport, but can only play on Thursday through Sunday nights due to work. If you're interested, let me know, and I'll buy a rig.

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I just moved to Pattaya!

I played bass in bands to pay for much of my college. Even sang backup a bit, although now I know I couldn't hit the notes I could then.

My shipment is still on its way, but I have a couple of basses and a couple of guitars in it. Like others, I punted on bringing over a bass amp, and was hoping to get one here. I do have a small guitar amp for practice coming too that is to be used with a proper transformer.

I would love to get together and play around a bit. I need to get back into writing as well. Back in the day it was rock, mainstream alternative, and such. Now it's a little of all over the place, learning and playing to suit what I write really.

Shoot me a message, and I will post a phone as soon as I get one!!

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