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So Is Pattaya Now Ignoring The Indoor Smoking Ban?


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Cigarette and cigar smokers eat out allot too you know...maybe more money to be made from them than girly non-smoking men.

What about non-girly non-smoking men and girly smoking men?

You try to blow cigar smoke in my face while I'm eating somewhere and I'll teach you something about non-girly non-smoking men. :)

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Cigarette and cigar smokers eat out allot too you know...maybe more money to be made from them than girly non-smoking men.

What about non-girly non-smoking men and girly smoking men?

You try to blow cigar smoke in my face while I'm eating somewhere and I'll teach you something about non-girly non-smoking men. :D

Spot on!!!! :):D:D

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  • 3 months later...

I am not sure about Pattaya, but by far, Koh Samui is the worst offender. There are only a handful of restaurants on Samui, that even have signs posted. It is the worst location in Thailand for non-smokers. I have walked into restaurants and asked for the non-smoking section, and they look at you like you are from Mars. The normal response is, "no problem, you can smoke anywhere". Talk about missing the point. There is not a single government official that cares, or has made any effort. The mayor is lazy, corrupt, and all talk, and no action. He must be voted out next time, but still nothing will change, unless someone in power in Bangkok

embarrasses them into submission.

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walk in most GO GO bars, light up a fag and you will have an ash tray in front of you faster than any beer service. :)

I was told a reason for smoking in closed bars was that some cheapskate customers were going out for a smoke, then once outside doing a runner, leaving the bin on the table.

As the waitress has to pay the unpaid bin in Thailand, no wonder she will give them an ashtray.

A friend takes his POS bin to the smoking area, so nobody can swap their bin with his and pay the lower one, leaving him with a large bin.

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Surly you jest.... the country with people who drive however and wherever they want be it on the wrong side of the road or not... MOST of the laws are not followed. They are just an opportunity for the corrupt bib to get more money out of the visitors

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The non-smoking respite is well and truly over. It was good while it lasted, but unfortunately all good things come to an end.

The smoke in two popular discos nearly killed me the other night.

It's business as usual for smokers.

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I've noticed an increasing amount of restaurants and closed bars that have put the ash trays back on the tables and are allowing smoking throughout the premises. :D

Guess I didn't get the memo.

In bars this is what I would hope would happen and is happening :D

Been out with the boys to a few places, hardly anyone there. Out came the smokes, then followed the ashtrays provided by the bar staff and we all lit up :D

A good night was had by all.

^ Must have been a wildly enjoyable night out! :D

A bunch of guys getting together to inhale noxious fumes and look cancer, heart disease and respiratory illnesses, impotence, ulcers and fertility problems straight in the face and just go for it, giving no concern for the staff and anyone else in the vicinity who got to enjoy the second hand smoke! :)

Selfish? - hel_l no - you "enjoy" yourselves lads. :D

Maybe these bars with ashtrays could set up separate tables so people can enjoy smoking Ya ba, crack cocaine etc? :P

So speaks the puritan man, we had a great night actually, no boring squares or braindead controlled types who somehow equate smoking to ya ba and crack cocaine either! :D

Cheers :P

spot on :D

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The anti smoking brigade got their in the UK way and smoking was banned in the pubs. Since then pubs have been closing down all over the country because smokers like a fag with their pint and are now denied the pleasure. The non smokers who clamoured for the ban are still apparently are boycotting the pubs. Possibly bar owners in Pattaya wish to stay in business and do not wish to go the way of the British pubs. A sensible compromise involving smoking and non smoking areas should be arranged in pubs bars and restaurants.

The non smoker who was indignant about the four smokers in the Butcher's Arms must realise that if the four smokers were denied the right to smoke and went elsewhere that would have left him there but the pub would have forfeited the revenue from four people just to please him. Bad business practice in the good times, let alone a recession.

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I was in the Butchers arms soi bukaow eating when two men came in sat at the bar and lit up imediatley.10 mins later a couple eating on the next table lit up whilst still eating the selfish pricks. I asked one of the stewardesses why they were smoking and she just looked at me blank, Shame on you all there i wont be going back in a hurry!!!!! :D:D:D:D:):D:D


It is an unfortunate economic fact that the management of a pub would prefer to preserve the cash the four smoking customers spend in a pub rather than eject them to satisfy the wishes of a non smoker.

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Why bars can not decide themselves whether they would FOR smokers or AGAINST smokers?

Why not let people decide to frequent a smoke free or smoker's place?

What the heck is going on? Why everybody gets so militant about it. A smoking ban in an open air bar is quite ridiculous.

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Rumour has it that Pattayan police officers have interests in many of the bars in the town. If this is correct it would be naive to expect them to enforce laws that will jeopardize their own financial wellbeing. Poorer nations cannot afford to adopt the politically correct notions that have prevailed in the West over the last few decades. The phrase 'Money number One' aptly applies to the smoking ban as well as other aspects of life in LOS.

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The anti smoking brigade got their in the UK way and smoking was banned in the pubs. Since then pubs have been closing down all over the country because smokers like a fag with their pint and are now denied the pleasure. The non smokers who clamoured for the ban are still apparently are boycotting the pubs. Possibly bar owners in Pattaya wish to stay in business and do not wish to go the way of the British pubs. A sensible compromise involving smoking and non smoking areas should be arranged in pubs bars and restaurants.

The non smoker who was indignant about the four smokers in the Butcher's Arms must realise that if the four smokers were denied the right to smoke and went elsewhere that would have left him there but the pub would have forfeited the revenue from four people just to please him. Bad business practice in the good times, let alone a recession.

Non-smokers and smokers cannot amicably share a single enclosed air space. Using your logic the non-smokers just have to suck it or of <deleted> off.

I wouldn't care less if some businesses went under due to no smoking bans. At least I could still breathe in the few establishments still running and I wouldn't have to sit next to foul smelling guests sporting yellow fingers and teeth.

In most western countries they've thrown out your logic as a ridiculous infringement on the rights of non-smokers to breath fresh air. Non-smokers suffer in a smoke filled environment, smokers do not.

I think smokers are going to be the winners in Thailand for many years to come. I've been sucking up to smokers all of my life so I can probably handle a few more years, but I just must say that most of you smokers are selfish people who put your addiction ahead of the comfort of your non-smoking neighbours. It's not often these days that you meet a considerate smoker who cares where he blows his smoke. :)

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I've noticed an increasing amount of restaurants and closed bars that have put the ash trays back on the tables and are allowing smoking throughout the premises. :D

Guess I didn't get the memo.

In bars this is what I would hope would happen and is happening :D

Been out with the boys to a few places, hardly anyone there. Out came the smokes, then followed the ashtrays provided by the bar staff and we all lit up :D

A good night was had by all.

^ Must have been a wildly enjoyable night out! :D

A bunch of guys getting together to inhale noxious fumes and look cancer, heart disease and respiratory illnesses, impotence, ulcers and fertility problems straight in the face and just go for it, giving no concern for the staff and anyone else in the vicinity who got to enjoy the second hand smoke! :)

Selfish? - hel_l no - you "enjoy" yourselves lads. :D

Maybe these bars with ashtrays could set up separate tables so people can enjoy smoking Ya ba, crack cocaine etc? :D

When all the smokers die, the collective IQ of the world will increase significantly. Too bad their lack of consideration will take others with them.

Theyre children are likely to smoke and continue the cycle. Fuggedaboudit.

Then again, smokers cant get it up! Maybe its a darwin award thing.

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