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I will be in Chiang Rai soon at my fiance house where we have a huge water issue, or just simply no water at all after about a minute, then it is usally touch and go during the day and returns somewhat during the evening. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a contact in the Chiang Rai area. Thank you in advance...

Would I be correct in assuming. I would need a setup similiar to. Also would like hot water please fill in design if I am missing anything. In addition, Is tank drain for overflow. I am hoping to have this started ASAP.

Also if you have pictures you would like to share, costs, as well do's and dont's are much appreciated.

This is also posted in the DIY section, however I have rcvd pm advising to post in my local area, which actually makes sense....


There's plenty of places in town that sell pumps and tanks... the corner of the Super Highway and the old bus station turn off comes to mind. (Prasop Suk?)

this is probally more than you need but the guy who installed it is was 1st class and his price was less than the others I checked out. s.b. water filter 081 026 3979

:) I appreciate it greatly

Sweet Setup

Have you had any problems with this outside under the elements? I am guessing this helps to heat for shower water (would I be correct in that assumption)?

What size tank is that? I may need to go bigger (2000L) as we need. I will be giving him a call in the morning...

  • 3 weeks later...
this is probally more than you need but the guy who installed it is was 1st class and his price was less than the others I checked out. s.b. water filter 081 026 3979

:) I appreciate it greatly

Sweet Setup

Have you had any problems with this outside under the elements? I am guessing this helps to heat for shower water (would I be correct in that assumption)?

What size tank is that? I may need to go bigger (2000L) as we need. I will be giving him a call in the morning...

If anyone has anyone else they could recommend please drop me a line as I will not have Internet access 0845518264. Thnx

this is probally more than you need but the guy who installed it is was 1st class and his price was less than the others I checked out. s.b. water filter 081 026 3979

Hello Nongkhaidude ,how deep have the man drilled an how mutch have you paid ,



Yes, for anyone to give an informed opinion of Newguy70's water situation, they would need much added info.

I have some experience with water systems, tho I don't hire out. There's a place (sorry, don't know the name) on the right side of the road as you're leaving downtown to get to Hi-Ek intersection. It's rear part is v. close to the super hwy, about 300 meters south of Hi Ek. They have water tanks and such outside, it's next to one or two mechanical fix-it places. The boss woman speaks English and rather knowledgeable.

Most home grown (not city water) Thai water systems have two pumps, although one would suffice, and it's better to have one (half the maintenance). If your pump is turning on and off often, then it sounds like you should get a large holding tank. I just bought a 2000 liter fiberglass one for my scene.

As for HW pre-heat, try getting a 2nd hand stainless steel tank. As 2nd hand anything is hard to find in Thailand, maybe splurge on a new one. Make sure it has no leaks. Paint it black and put it in a sunny area. For added heating power, Put it in a box and put a large piece of glass on it - tempered is best.

You can put reflective stuff on the inside of the box (aluminium foil) and even insulate the box, but that might be over-kill. It set up well, it can provide hot water from about 1 pm to 8 pm. Mine gets so hot sometimes, I have to add cold to it - for showering.

If you can swing going solar for your pump, I highly recommend going that route. It's not cheap to get set up, but lowering your electric bills can be v. satisfying. and it lessens the need for Thailand to rely upon Laos destroying its watersheds and building dams - to provide A.C. for Thais - who have nearly zero consciousness about conservation.


Paid nothing they quoted 80,000 baht to bring out the big machine and drill. I advised them to 1st come out, and look over the situation. They guy came out after about 2 days. Looked for water using a method I have not seen since in my time, where the guy holds two pieces of etal and they swing side to side. So they found a spot and quoted 4,500 baht if hey find water, and of course if it is a good strong source, well that did not work, so nothing paid. We took care of them food/drink wise at the end of each night. So my problem is two folds no drinking/ eating water,& and no cleaning bathing water. We just picks up (2) 2000 L tanks, I know overkill, However I have been a little frustrated with the lack of city water for bathing (should I paint one black for hot water?). Picked up a pump and having a guy buidling a housing unit for the whole system. The setup I am attempting to put in place is the one I mentioned prior.Pump paid , 2,100 baht, two 2000L tanks 5,900 baht each. Sorry trying to limit my Internet use, iPhone AT&T.


The two pieces of 'etal' (I assume you mean 'metal') is called witching - which I'm in a minority opinion as thinking it's a bunk practice - yet it's done all over the world. On a small property, it hardly matters where you drill. On a large property, you look for largest trees. Thais, and most others, will always go for the lowest accessible part of the property, because they know that water flows downhill. However, water doesn't behave so predictably underground. It flows in seeps & streams and gets stuck in aquifers, that aren't always at the lowest end of a property.

Often water is three levels deep. Thai drillers will hit the first level, usually about 3 to 5 meters deep, and say, "Ok, you've got water!" That's true, but the deeper levels will yield cleaner water, and the flow (or 'recovery rate) may be better. If getting a well done by a rig, it's important to see how and where they perforate the casing pipe - usually 4" pvc. If they dig a deep well, and perforate the pipe near the top (which they will inevitable do) then your well is getting comparatively unclean water from the uppermost level, so it rather defeats the advantage of drilling deep. I've had other, worse, things done by Thai well drillers (without forewarning from them), but that would take several pages of explaining - too much for this space.

If you're going solar, go with a metal holding tank, not plastic.

Also, if you get a well drilled, measure it (with string) BEFORE paying for it. If you've made a prior arrangement to pay a set amount per meter, make sure you pay for the meters dug. It sounds obvious, but there are devious ways for unscrupulous well drillers to get the customer to pay for more than was dug. Again, that would take a few pages to explain.

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