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Thai Hotels Step Up Discounts And Promotion Packages


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I would like to comment on this 150 baht ATM charge.

Personally i think its an annoying but very bearable charge. One poster put it well when he said (summing up in my own words here ) people don't mind spending thousands of baht a night on overpriced drinks but begrudge paying ANYTHING on an ATM charge . If the charge were 50 baht you would all still be whingeing. Its the fact that you don't want to pay anything at all thats the issue , not the 150 baht.

However a possible solution to minimise this is if you stop taking trivial amounts out and take one whacking lump out , then surely the 150 baht becomes trivial?

Part of the problem , and it applies here in the UK especially i've noticed, is that people walk around with almost nothing on them in cash. For Christs sake why?

In the UK, I always have a couple of hundred pounds in my wallet and feel naked if that drops to below 50. In Thailand i usually think between 10-20, 000 baht is about right , never letting it drop below this .So when i take money from a ATM its usually about 100,000 worth so a 150 baht charge , whilst annoying in principle , is nothing at all. But if you are amounst those who go to the ATM 25 times a week and take out 200 baht (just like the thousands who queue in the UK at ATM's for 10 minutes to withdraw a tenner and then do the same thing the next day) then i think you are overcomplicating your lives and costing yourselves unneccessarily.

Part of the problems in this modern day life is that people have been brought up to rely on credit / debit cards and lazily don't carry cash. I am the opposite , i carry cash , buy almost everything in cash , and whilst i have loads of credit cards i rarely use them even for big bills. I am driven to distraction queueing in a shop behind someone who buys £3 of goods and whips out the credit card . No wonder people have so many money problems.

To summarise ... my solution to getting round this 150 baht insignificant charge is ... carry loads of cash , withdraw rarely and in big amounts .

Problem solved ... No??

CAn you tell us what you look like? Or even better provide a pic? :)

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Today, Tourism Minister Chumpol Silapa-archa will present a tourism rescue package that includes insurance coverage for foreign tourists and preventive measures against the flu.

HAHAHIHIHURRRRP that sounds sooooooooo convincing... very typical again ! :)

Oh, I'm definitely coming back! Just like all these other ads....all the newspapers are doing is reporting this hotel has this special going, etc, etc...nothing new. Once you arrive, no specials actually offered (you know the deal if you've been in the tourist mob)..."special rooms full" "special discontinue" "staff sick" anything to get one over. I've seen nothing with these sensationalist ads yet (reporters) who have anything solid and measurable. I do know my trips are coming to an end to maybe only once or twice a year (I learned to stay with friends and family rather than being stiffed by hotels)...better to pay people who could use it.

I think Thailands biggest problem is one that can't be discussed (the elephant standing in the middle of the room).

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Today, Tourism Minister Chumpol Silapa-archa will present a tourism rescue package that includes insurance coverage for foreign tourists and preventive measures against the flu.

Maybe, its also time to dust off and relaunch the SARS era campaign - 1 million baht to every tourist who can prove they caught a swine flu infection in Thailand. :)

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I would like to comment on this 150 baht ATM charge.

Personally i think its an annoying but very bearable charge. One poster put it well when he said (summing up in my own words here ) people don't mind spending thousands of baht a night on overpriced drinks but begrudge paying ANYTHING on an ATM charge . If the charge were 50 baht you would all still be whingeing. Its the fact that you don't want to pay anything at all thats the issue , not the 150 baht.

However a possible solution to minimise this is if you stop taking trivial amounts out and take one whacking lump out , then surely the 150 baht becomes trivial?

Part of the problem , and it applies here in the UK especially i've noticed, is that people walk around with almost nothing on them in cash. For Christs sake why?

In the UK, I always have a couple of hundred pounds in my wallet and feel naked if that drops to below 50. In Thailand i usually think between 10-20, 000 baht is about right , never letting it drop below this .So when i take money from a ATM its usually about 100,000 worth so a 150 baht charge , whilst annoying in principle , is nothing at all. But if you are amounst those who go to the ATM 25 times a week and take out 200 baht (just like the thousands who queue in the UK at ATM's for 10 minutes to withdraw a tenner and then do the same thing the next day) then i think you are overcomplicating your lives and costing yourselves unneccessarily.

Part of the problems in this modern day life is that people have been brought up to rely on credit / debit cards and lazily don't carry cash. I am the opposite , i carry cash , buy almost everything in cash , and whilst i have loads of credit cards i rarely use them even for big bills. I am driven to distraction queueing in a shop behind someone who buys £3 of goods and whips out the credit card . No wonder people have so many money problems.

To summarise ... my solution to getting round this 150 baht insignificant charge is ... carry loads of cash , withdraw rarely and in big amounts .

Problem solved ... No??

CAn you tell us what you look like? Or even better provide a pic? :)

Many atm's limit you at 10k-20k and never give you the REAL exchange rate so it's far more than 150 plus the thai side hit you with 200 so multiply that for a few withdrawals a day and it does add up. I did find Schwab bank charges nothing and refunds overseas charges. Someone here told me about them...absolute best move I've made. Now family in Thailand use one of my atm's (not to mention these banks don't give the live forex rate...some rip you off terribly leaving you with fees, etc at least 10% down because each w/d is limited). Been on the other side counting how much atm and ripoff exchange rates cost? 'Till it's happened to you, one cannot fully understand how fast it ads up when some get the same services for free. I'm lucky to be one of the freebies...it's far more than a one time 150 baht...banks do it twice and kill you on the FOREX...there's more to it.

Until you've been robbed or mugged, easy to sit back and judge, as well (I've been robbed and mugged). I still carry about 40-80k daily but because i need it to buy. I don't like it but I do it. I understand why people do what they do so it's not all up to me what others do...can't criticize individuals who have good reasons for doing what they do.

Edited by HYENA
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I still havent found one discounted BKK hotel

Anyway this average hotel in which ive stayed before are offering a free Beer Chang as a special promotion, the 1800bht is more then i paid just before Xmas to stay there. I dont drink much but despise Beer Chang its vile and is Thailands equivilant of Special brew.


Or there is this hotel that will ever so kindly knock a full 10% off the bill if i stay a week, surely this is the norm for staying this long.


I could knock more then this off by booking via asiarooms or similar website.

There are many threads about the 150bht fee cant you discuss that on one of them.

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Has anyone else noticed that most ATM machines are now charging 150 baht to withdraw 20,000 baht on a foreign current account. It was free or 20 baht until a couple of months ago. Hey ho - yet another inflationary spike in a supposedly deflationary environment.

Picking up on an earlier theme I cannot understand, even with a degree in economics and 40 years in finance, how the baht refuses to deflate along with other world currencies. Who is underpinning the baht? Such distortions usually mean increased pain ahead.

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yaketyak: I would like to comment on this 150 baht ATM charge..... blah, blah, blah

Lastly i will confirm again , the common sense way to avoid paying this 150 baht fee too often is stop taking out small amounts , withdraw as much as you can in one go. Simple economics eh?

We are still waiting for you to inform us about the ATM you use to withdraw 100,000 baht in a single transaction, as you claimed earlier..

Were you lying?, Troll?

Childish to keep calling me a troll when if you bothered to look at my many previous posts since i joined you will see i am not.

You see the thing about people like Jiu-Jitsu is that they were brought up to bel;ieve the world revolves around them. They cause people to be held up in the queue whilst they pay for their £1-50 bill with a credit card because they have no concept of whats happening around them . They believe they can do as they please. I was brought up to be efficient and not disturb others. I pay for things quickly and in cash holding no-one up.

Youre just plain rude Jiu-Jitsu .. and a waste of space...never amount to anything.

forgot to say i've started this discussion in the general topics forum

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Just let the market do the job, the big hotels are underpaying their staff for a very long time, so it is much better for the government to help these poor people instead of the fat cat Indian and Chinese who own most properties anyhow.

Underpaying? Have you run a hotel or business in Thailand? Do you know why the staff ratio in Thailand is 1:4 or 5 compared to western businesses? Before you come with statements like this, look into hard facts of average attendance, loyalty and punctuality of Thai workers. There is a very good reason why salaries are what they are in Thailand..................

Hahaha -- and who do you think is to blame for that !? Not those Thai workers as NOBODY ever educated them about attendance, loyalty and punctuality ! And that's the fault of the government ! But do they care ? NO WAY ! the're only interested in filling their own pockets... And this is a problem that NEVER will be resolved in this beautiful country ! What a shame....

Hit the nail on the head and it is a shame. It would be good everytime I get home from working overseas to my local Pub Bistro in Southern Phuket to see the same smiling faces behind the Bar or in the Kitchen but the turnaround of staff is incredible. Some get the job and dont even bother to turn up the next day or even call to give a reason. Sad but on the bright side whoever is behind the Bar will be smiling something that comes naturally and does not neeed a government to teach a reason why I chose to live in LOS

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Lastly i will confirm again , the common sense way to avoid paying this 150 baht fee too often is stop taking out small amounts , withdraw as much as you can in one go. Simple economics eh?

I use the ATM 20+ times per month and withdraw the maximum each time so it will still cost me over 3,000thb per month in charges in addition to what I already pay with my issuing bank.

Simply unacceptable.

The maximum at every Thai ATM I've used, at least the last 5 years or so, has been 20,000 THB. You withdraw that amount "20+ times per month", i.e. 400,000-500,000 baht/month in cash. Living the high life, are we? :)

/ Priceless

My HSBC Thai Card allows me 20,000 in the AM and if I need it 20,000 in the PM same day thats 40,000 but with only one branch in BKK that you can with draw 100,000+. 20,000-40,000 a day is more than enough for anybody and is actually a lot more than same bank limits in UAE,UK & Continent

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Okay.. :D I'm lost...Let me get this straight... Thailand is in a tourist slump.. they want more tourists to visit Thailand...Soooo. they offer and exclusive discount to Thai residents only.. and it's valid until 31 October 2008 ... does this make any sense to anybody else?? :)

Expecting hand outs is an unfortunate part of Thai culture. It's really demeaning to Thai's actually for people to say, well Thai's are different they can't afford these rates but foreigners can. It creates a mentality of helplessness, inferiority and expecting Farangs to carry the financial weight. Many have seen this from our Thai relatives all the way up to the highest levels of the government. Blame the Farang, charge the Farang double and complain when the Farang doesn't show up for more.

My wife is Laos and I don't know if this is common but all my in laws have pride and never will ask me for hand outs and definitely don't have this weird sense that they are entitled to one. They like to show they are self sufficient just as I do. I really admire them and always try to help them anyway BECAUSE they never ask. It's very refreshing.

You raise a very important point, and I congratulate you for that....a point that I haven't seen discussed in forums like this....this whole notion of "farang price" vs. "thai price" has deeper causes and effects. It reinforces psychologically, in the minds of BOTH foreigners and Thais, that Thailand is a third-world country..."the farang has more money, so we are entitled to charge him/her more". Granted, this mindset exists in other SE Asian countries also, but it does not exist in Korea, Japan or Singapore for that matter...so if Thailand wants to be in the same group with the Philippines for example, well its place is "secure"....

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Thailand really needs to offer some big incentives if its going to bring back people in significant numbers, Thailand will always attract backpackers, but the tourists that bring the real money in are the two week package tours, and they in my opinion are the most likely to be put off coming here.

I predict some very dark economic times ahead for the Thai Tourism sector :)

The backpackers who stay for a month or more also spend real money, and since more of that money is spent at the local level and not siphoned off and offshore by the package tour industry, I could argue that the Kingdom gets more bang for each baat spent by a backpacker than by a package tourist, much of whose pre-paid travel money never even makes it to the shores of Thailand.

There are a few things that need to be done to bolster tourism. First, as many have mentioned, the baat needs to be devalued, it needs to climb back to around TB42/$1US. And the visa situation needs to be simplified and made subject to less whimsical change. Visitors from countries that now obtain a 30-day tourist visa upon arrival should be granted a 60-day tourist visa. And the country should also lighten up the restrictions on retiree visas. There is no easier money than having a retiree wire money over monthly to cover a modest lifestyle, money that will be spent locally and thus recirculated.

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In Canada if I withdraw money from my account from any bank's ATM other than the one I have the account with I will pay fees of at least $3. So the idea of paying $5 to withdraw money when I am on vacation is relatively cheap in my mind.

Since many tourists/expats support double pricing and extortortion, why should the Thais reduce prices? Why not raise prices and beat the crap out of any one who objects?

Awww, just kidding :)

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Just let the market do the job, the big hotels are underpaying their staff for a very long time, so it is much better for the government to help these poor people instead of the fat cat Indian and Chinese who own most properties anyhow.

Underpaying? Have you run a hotel or business in Thailand? Do you know why the staff ratio in Thailand is 1:4 or 5 compared to western businesses? Before you come with statements like this, look into hard facts of average attendance, loyalty and punctuality of Thai workers. There is a very good reason why salaries are what they are in Thailand..................

Yes, I know. Its called 'foot-dragging'. Came upon the same thing many years ago when I was doing research into the affects of the Green Revolution in Malaysia. Generally speaking, when the workers' conditions or salaries are bad they rebel, quietly, by going slow at their duties, by sabotaging equipment, by feigning sickness, and through tardiness etc. They have no respect for thier 'master' nor his investments. It's international and timeless. They feel their jobs are not really worth keeping even though they have little choice.

On the other hand, those well treated and remunerated don't dare upset the apple-cart. They become a part of the 'company' and it's future determines theirs. 'When you're on a good thing - stick to it'

I just spent 3 days at a large hotel in Jomtien which was a complete nightmare in regard to the hotel's condition and poor service. Any complaints were met with 'please contact the agent you booked through, talk to them.' The staff themselves were very friendly but appeared to have their hands tied. Even from the initial booking stage there were problems choosing a hotel as emails were not answered or took days to reply, questions were never answered properly, nor comments attended to on booking requests.

To cut a long story short I think the hotels need to get their act together before going crying to the government just like the auto companies did. Especially in these trying times. Most people at the moment are either too scared to travel or just cant afford it. Those that do are met with bad service and tatty hotels.

An Unhappy Holidaymaker

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Thai hotels are offering better deals than before and Khao Lak certainly gives the Thai Resident 2,199 a night rooms as I was only there last week (it came down just after Songkran). However better deals are being given everywhere around the world as hotels are being hurt as people reign in their spending after the rape of the world by the US financial system gleefully and greedily replicated in Europe. SO now no one has much money except black market money, no one is looking to buy cars, overpriced property - especially here where the best you can get is a 30 year lease on poor terms and no real security of tenure especially if you have a lousy lawyer - and there are plenty of them.

So what does Thailand want? Another poster had it right - high end free spending quality tourists who stay in fancy resorts and put next to nothing in the local economies - their money is spent in the high end resorts because they basically trap them in there. Who is going to spend a hand full of cash on taxis to get to an alternative restaurant which are usually some good distance away from these high end resorts. Believe me the prices are astronomical for food.

What does Thailand not want? Single sex interested tourists, backpackers who haven't got a %^& to ^&*# in, long stay tourists, actually if possible just get the spending money from everyone before they leave their home country and don't let them travel would be the optimum solution. However the world is not a Thai utopia!

People get hung up on the Thais hurting themselves, in an apparently stupid show of intellect. The fact is those in a position to generate revenue for the local economy do'nt give a rats ass about their countrymen or much else as long as they have a good income (from various means!!!!) and secure pension. The lack of thought maybe because of sheer stupidity but I think it is more likely because of sheer ambivalence. Introducing extra charges by the banks (I don't care how many times you withdraw at once but carrying loads of cash on your person these days is lunacy and just asking for trouble), double pricing, overcharging by tuk-tuks (yes you guessed I live in Phuket), overcharging at golf courses (120 quid a round is plain stupid if you want some customers), overcharging at just about every place you go if you are a foreigner, a biased police force if any trouble befalls you and the 'Farang is always wrong and fair game to be ripped off' attitude by nearly every Thia you meet, and then make visas and rules about as complicated and open to corrupt interpretation as possible, does not make for the best impression. People are not stupid, they see these things - they notice and go back and tell their friends who end up picking a different destination (about the same as Spain 30 years ago and look where that attitude got THEM - whatever happened to Benidorm?).

Thailand's neighbours are doing a good job of improving their image, making visas more friendly, improving infrastructure and generally trying to be more foreigner friendly because they know otherwise they will lose their business. Thailand is doing the opposite - WHY?

The MOST beneficial person to have here is someone who lives here permanently (yes you need to make sure they are not taking jobs away and so on in a sensible fashion). These are the people who go to the local shops, often help out in the community and generally put money into the Thai economy - they are generally a benefit - they buy cars, support local restaurants and bars and local shops and businesses for day to day living items and building homes. These are BY FAR the most beneficial foreigners to Thailand and they are treated abysmally.

The NEXT most beneficial person to have is the mid range tourist - they stay in mid range hotels, travel around, might be with children and also spend in the local restaurants and so on - again putting money into the economy. I don't see so many offers directed at these tourists.

The NEXT is the backpacker - whilst not having much to spend he is your future tourist probably and travels around putting his small amounts of money into the local economies buying food and cheap accommodation - not chucking his money at the high class and often foreign controlled hotels.

Last on the list is the Sex Tourist - well maybe not last since at least he supplements the north eastern family incomes. The High Spenders come last in my book benefitting primarily the high end hotels and fancy shops with little trickle down benefit to the basic economy.

When Thailand finally gets it's kick up the backside which is rapidly on it's way, perhaps some rationality (yes a strange word here I know) might enlighten the minds of those affected to look at which side of the slice their bread is buttered and start treating their customers with some respect. Perhaps this hardship will bring some measure of pruning to the stupid visa rules (from Thailand's perspective AND that of the visitor or long stayer), some reduction in the racist nature of the society - for their nationalistic ways are racist - some simplification in business & property acquisition, and a fairer taxation regime that taxes foreign and Thai businesses on a similar footing in fact as well as in law.

I somehow don;t think a few hotel discounts are going to be the saviour of the tourist industry here. It is in for a very bleak time despite all the nonsense you here from the industry and it will need a SEA change in attitude from the top down to get things back on track. When Thailand stops being so egocentric and realise their weaknesses of which there are many, maybe some benefits may arrive

On the other hand don't hold your breath!!

Very good post IMHO slipperx, I enjoyed reading it.

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So the tourist arrives thinking wow what a deal and then they are charged 150 baht fee for using a ATM in Thailand. Ridiculous

Love this place -but it makes me crazy

I wish I could get away for 150 baht. I have an account for my wife that she uses to withdraw money from the ATM, and our BANK charges $5 (~175 baht) + Visa charges 3%, and that is PER TRANSACTION! (I had to tell her to stop looking to see what the balance was!) If she uses the card at a store, the charge is a straight 3% from Visa. So it is not just Thai banks that see the ATM as a profit center.

Visa charges 1%, not 3%. The bank that issued the card is keeping the other 2%.

The 150 baht the Thai banks charge is fine, if you can take out 20,000 or 25,000 baht at a time.

Those of us with UK bank accounts can only take out about 15,000 at a time though because of the UK's shit £300 daily ATM withdrawal limit.

And the UK bank is generally (except the Nationwide) far worse than the Thai bank on this end.

The Nationwide is about to charge 1% on foreign transactions, simply because this is what visa charges them (and they've decided to stop having free foreign cash advances as a loss-leader).

One thing I am worried about - every so often, you come across a machine which has run out of 1,000 and sometimes 1,000 and 500 baht notes invariably next to a machine that isn't working on a Sunday when the banks are closed. The 150 baht is far nastier if the bank's ATM only has 100 baht notes in it, so you're limited to withdrawing 2,000 baht. (The 150 baht is per ATM withdrawal after all).

If you're taking out money a lot, get a local bank account, and so long as your home bank lets you do international transfers, you can do a monthly transfer for your regular expenses. (My bank in the UK now only charges £9.50 for international telegraphic transfers, and so long as you let the Thai bank do the FX conversion, you're better off than going to the ATM here 4 times now (twice if you include that particular banks charges on foreign ATM withdrawals along with the new Thai charges)... and you still have your regular foreign card as a backup if you find you haven't transferred enough.)

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I've read threw most of this postings and am I am at a lost for words why

1. People complaining about ATM Fees ( if your not willing to pay the fee don't use the atm machine period ) If you feel its to much to pay that fee please dont travel anywhere period. Just stay at home.

2. Deflate the baht, the last time I understood thailand banks were fine, economy is so so, have not heard much about cutting interest rates but am aware thailand is going to use big money to try to revamp the economy which in my opinion seems silly to me considering ( 50% or more GDP comes from exporting and 7% is from tourism. Thailand does not have a big percentage is domestic consumption as most people dont make a lot of money

3. I read some posting about someone saying have airlines decrease their prices ( most airlines are still trying to recover from oil shock prices at its peak jet fuel was $170. People are not really spending. Now you have a flu going on. You have lots of competitors out there, air asia actually is expaning routes. Its call survival. A smart company with low debt, good reputation, resources, good service will get by. Check for yourself you'll see airlines are already offering discounts. They need customers its that simple.

4. I work in the hotel industry I won't say alot but will say this we've seen most people downgrading from 5 star to 4 star, 4 star to 3 star. Hotels have no choice but to give low rates, I do know most of you can't realistically understand how much money, time, effort, resources, it takes to run a hotel every month

5. Thai wages, wages vary due to skill, education level, ability to speak english, most of you seem to forget that the thai system in general is not so good. Working with thai's has been a learning experience but most of them try to do what they can most know already business isn't good this year. Also different hotel pay different wages a 5 star pays different from a 3 star.

6. People are still traveling I know how shocking, yes its not like any other year, tourism is down, but its still happening. Global economy is so so, higher unemployment rates will happen most likely but the sky isn't falling


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Visa charges 1%, not 3%. The bank that issued the card is keeping the other 2%.

The 150 baht the Thai banks charge is fine, if you can take out 20,000 or 25,000 baht at a time.

Those of us with UK bank accounts can only take out about 15,000 at a time though because of the UK's shit £300 daily ATM withdrawal limit.

And the UK bank is generally (except the Nationwide) far worse than the Thai bank on this end.

The Nationwide is about to charge 1% on foreign transactions, simply because this is what visa charges them (and they've decided to stop having free foreign cash advances as a loss-leader).

One thing I am worried about - every so often, you come across a machine which has run out of 1,000 and sometimes 1,000 and 500 baht notes invariably next to a machine that isn't working on a Sunday when the banks are closed. The 150 baht is far nastier if the bank's ATM only has 100 baht notes in it, so you're limited to withdrawing 2,000 baht. (The 150 baht is per ATM withdrawal after all).

If you're taking out money a lot, get a local bank account, and so long as your home bank lets you do international transfers, you can do a monthly transfer for your regular expenses. (My bank in the UK now only charges £9.50 for international telegraphic transfers, and so long as you let the Thai bank do the FX conversion, you're better off than going to the ATM here 4 times now (twice if you include that particular banks charges on foreign ATM withdrawals along with the new Thai charges)... and you still have your regular foreign card as a backup if you find you haven't transferred enough.)

Visa here in the US used to charge 2% for foreign transactions and just upped it to 3% in March. Visa, not the bank. The bank then decided to supplement our taxpayer dollars by charging a $5 ATM fee for all ATM's not belonging to our bank. So basically, it is as I said, $5 + 3% PER TRANSACTION! If all she does is look to see what the balance is, it is $5, which I consider really rather greedy! I have looked at other banks...no go. Thai banks do not honor Certified Checks from American Banks, and it takes approximately 45 days to clear. I get Certified Checks for free, but the time it takes Thai banks to clear them makes them not a good alternative. US Banks in general charge a $40 transaction fee PER EFT TRANSFER to a foreign bank so again, an expensive alternative for getting funds to Thailand.

If anyone here is aware of a US Bank that is more amenable to foreign transactions, I certainly would like to hear of them. Wachovia used to be a good bank before they had to sell out to Wells Fargo!

Best Regards,

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I've read threw most of this postings and am I am at a lost for words why

1. People complaining about ATM Fees ( if your not willing to pay the fee don't use the atm machine period ) If you feel its to much to pay that fee please dont travel anywhere period. Just stay at home.

A very helpful post sir. How about because I still live and work in the US and my wife lives and works in Thailand? See the problem?

Personally, if you work in the hotel industry, then perhaps your attitude is part of the problem. I do hope I never have to stay where you work. Not everyone fits into neat little pigeon holes. If you're not willing to listen and understand, then why blame the posters?

Best Regards,

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I've read threw most of this postings and am I am at a lost for words why

1. People complaining about ATM Fees ( if your not willing to pay the fee don't use the atm machine period ) If you feel its to much to pay that fee please dont travel anywhere period. Just stay at home.

2. Deflate the baht, the last time I understood thailand banks were fine, economy is so so, have not heard much about cutting interest rates but am aware thailand is going to use big money to try to revamp the economy which in my opinion seems silly to me considering ( 50% or more GDP comes from exporting and 7% is from tourism. Thailand does not have a big percentage is domestic consumption as most people dont make a lot of money

3. I read some posting about someone saying have airlines decrease their prices ( most airlines are still trying to recover from oil shock prices at its peak jet fuel was $170. People are not really spending. Now you have a flu going on. You have lots of competitors out there, air asia actually is expaning routes. Its call survival. A smart company with low debt, good reputation, resources, good service will get by. Check for yourself you'll see airlines are already offering discounts. They need customers its that simple.

4. I work in the hotel industry I won't say alot but will say this we've seen most people downgrading from 5 star to 4 star, 4 star to 3 star. Hotels have no choice but to give low rates, I do know most of you can't realistically understand how much money, time, effort, resources, it takes to run a hotel every month

5. Thai wages, wages vary due to skill, education level, ability to speak english, most of you seem to forget that the thai system in general is not so good. Working with thai's has been a learning experience but most of them try to do what they can most know already business isn't good this year. Also different hotel pay different wages a 5 star pays different from a 3 star.

6. People are still traveling I know how shocking, yes its not like any other year, tourism is down, but its still happening. Global economy is so so, higher unemployment rates will happen most likely but the sky isn't falling


Is that you when you are "lost for words"?

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yaketyak: I would like to comment on this 150 baht ATM charge..... blah, blah, blah

Lastly i will confirm again , the common sense way to avoid paying this 150 baht fee too often is stop taking out small amounts , withdraw as much as you can in one go. Simple economics eh?

We are still waiting for you to inform us about the ATM you use to withdraw 100,000 baht in a single transaction, as you claimed earlier..

Were you lying?, Troll?

Childish to keep calling me a troll when if you bothered to look at my many previous posts since i joined you will see i am not.

You see the thing about people like Jiu-Jitsu is that they were brought up to bel;ieve the world revolves around them. They cause people to be held up in the queue whilst they pay for their £1-50 bill with a credit card because they have no concept of whats happening around them . They believe they can do as they please. I was brought up to be efficient and not disturb others. I pay for things quickly and in cash holding no-one up.

Youre just plain rude Jiu-Jitsu .. and a waste of space...never amount to anything.

forgot to say i've started this discussion in the general topics forum

Still waiting for the information on the 100k baht ATM. You appear to be remarkably reticent to impart this information.

As to never amounting to anything... is that how you would describe someone who has zero debt and managed to retire before he was thirty?

Unlike yourself, the majority of posters here don't feel the need to 'brag' about their carrying 'proper money' in order to attempt to denigrate others.

I will stand by my description of you being a Troll, at least until you impart the information about which you bragged so obtusely.

Your ridiculous statement about waiting in the queue for people who pay by card..... Why should it take longer to pay by card? Pop your card in the machine, tap in your PIN. Et voila!

The alternative? Hand the cashier a paper note and wait for her to count the change three times before she hands it to you and then think about whether she gave you the right change.

Don't try to tell us that you have the correct change every time?

Troll. Look up the definition. It fits you perfectly.

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Paying cash is much quicker than plastic even with chip & PIN.

Many is the time, with a queue at the supermarket check out, someone taps in the PIN for a different card, or miss keys the correct PIN, then has to start over. Done it myself, it ain't difficult to do.

Often the payment points are slow to communicate with chaos control & you stand there like a spare prick at a wedding waiting for it to eventually come up with "payment accepted."

Often, people want cash back, so then there's the counting it out several times just as you mentioned.

....... and that's here in the UK where overall things tend to happen somewhat more organized/expediently than in LOS.

Edited by Lancashirelad
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May as well allow the Banks to throw EXTRA SERVICE CHARGES on Foreign Cash Withdrawals..

Never do I cease to be surprised by the behavior here .


Yet another stealth tax imposed on us...150 baht to make an ATM withdrawal from my UK account + what the bank in the UK will charge. I guess someone has to bail out the Thai economy. Why pick on me?

Some officials/people in Thailand firmly believe the only reason "farangs" are here (allowed here) is to suppliment the income of all the hands that can fit in a foreigner's pocket. Aren't foreigners from the West looked upon as money machines?

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Quicker...faster...take it easy my friend. I don't stress over whether someone is paying cash or with card. Both can take time.

Personally, I don't like to have copious amounts of change jangling around in my pockets.

Would the yaketytroll argue against the use of an Oyster Card? That too is an electronic payment system and there is no argument that is quicker than paying cash.

It's clear to me that even with the copious amounts of cash available to some here, they are still very unhappy people. :)

I certainly wouldn't allow having to wait in a queue for a ATM to upset me to the point where I would need to vent my spleen on an Internet forum.

I'm happy enough to allow people to be themselves. No need for me to dictate to them that the ONLY way to behave is my way.

Other the other hand, if I saw some bad tempered petty minded twerp in the queue behind me, I might just take my time in remembering my PIN.

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Quicker...faster...take it easy my friend. I don't stress over whether someone is paying cash or with card. Both can take time.

Personally, I don't like to have copious amounts of change jangling around in my pockets.

Would the yaketytroll argue against the use of an Oyster Card? That too is an electronic payment system and there is no argument that is quicker than paying cash.

It's clear to me that even with the copious amounts of cash available to some here, they are still very unhappy people. :)

I certainly wouldn't allow having to wait in a queue for a ATM to upset me to the point where I would need to vent my spleen on an Internet forum.

I'm happy enough to allow people to be themselves. No need for me to dictate to them that the ONLY way to behave is my way.

Other the other hand, if I saw some bad tempered petty minded twerp in the queue behind me, I might just take my time in remembering my PIN.

Jiu-Jitsu .. again.

Look the problem here for me is the way you started your first post by attacking me as a troll. Despite all the evidence against this (look at my old posts if you like) you STILL keep repeating it . Amazing.

If you had constructed a well argued polite post i would have replied to you in detail . But you don't so i won't.

Strange how you haven't actually bothered to comment on my main point here .. if you don't like this trivial charge use the ATM less by withdrawing larger amounts. Can't see how that can be argued against... which explains Jiu-Jitsu why you haven't. !!

Try carrying some money on you one day instead of living by plastic... you might be pleasantly surprised. Quicker for you and everone else.

Now if you really want to have a SENSIBLE arguement on this go to my topic i started on the general forum and i promise i will answer your questions as long as you comment on my points too. Fair?

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  • 2 weeks later...
May as well allow the Banks to throw EXTRA SERVICE CHARGES on Foreign Cash Withdrawals..

Never do I cease to be surprised by the behavior here .


Yet another stealth tax imposed on us...150 baht to make an ATM withdrawal from my UK account + what the bank in the UK will charge. I guess someone has to bail out the Thai economy. Why pick on me?

Kasikorn Bank did not charge me the 150 bt for a US atm use.

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Kuhn Yaketyak, how are you today? I trust life is treating you well.

I was wondering if you could spare a moment to assist me please. I believe you mentioned in a previous posting being able to withdraw 100,000 baht in a single ATM transaction. Could you please advise where I might find such an ATM in Bangkok and the type of account I would need to have to do as you do.

Thanking you in advance for your reply.

Jeffer  :)

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Kuhn Yaketyak, how are you today? I trust life is treating you well.

I was wondering if you could spare a moment to assist me please. I believe you mentioned in a previous posting being able to withdraw 100,000 baht in a single ATM transaction. Could you please advise where I might find such an ATM in Bangkok and the type of account I would need to have to do as you do.

Thanking you in advance for your reply.

Jeffer :)

Hi Jeffer,

I must confess that the last time i used the ATM in Thailand was in the good old days when the HSBC was in Silom Road , and that particular branches machines allowed these big withdrawls. When i go to get money now i go into the branch (moved years ago to Rama 1V road nearby) and take it out from the teller. No charge. Usually take out about 100000 at a time , whats the point in taking less? That way i only need to go there maybe once a month.

But all this triviality over how much various banks machines now allow in one go is really neither here nor there. NOTHING detracts from my comment that if anyone is so annoyed by paying 150 baht that it leads to the rants we have seen on here , then go to the ATM less and withdraw the maximum you can each time. You can't argue with that logic .. which is why no-one has.!!

I think the people who are annoyed by this charge are ALL the ones who just HAVE to go to the ATM everyday (probably like they do in the UK) to withdraw minimal amounts. Can anyone explain to me why people do this ... i can't fathom it . And don't give me all this rubbish about being mugged , because i don't believe thats why they do it . Its a mentality issue ... they grew up learning to pay for everything , no matter how small , by card by parents who probably do the same. I have no idea why people do this.

One example and then i'll leave it ..... i usually get my petrol in a very large and busy Tesco filling station. Typically there is a queue of about 10 people ready to pay at any one time . Whilst in this queue i notice that , almost without fail , everyone pays by card . I am the only one who pays with cash. Pay with cash and you can forget about it . Pay with card and you have to keep the receipt , check it off on the statement .. blah blah . What a waste of time .


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But all this triviality over how much various banks machines now allow in one go is really neither here nor there. NOTHING detracts from my comment that if anyone is so annoyed by paying 150 baht that it leads to the rants we have seen on here , then go to the ATM less and withdraw the maximum you can each time. You can't argue with that logic .. which is why no-one has.!!

I haven't complained, so this isn't directed at me, but one thing I've always done is take out the max, then when I run out of 100's, I go to the ATM and take out 900 baht so I have a 500 and four 100's.

Well actually I used to take out 16,900 since that's close to my daily max and gives me a bit of small bills, plus 900 baht right after. Or for ATMs that didn't offer more than 20 bills, I'd take 9,900 plus 6,900 or something like that.

I do the best I can to break 1,000's whenever I can, but frankly keeping a stockpile of small bills is really hard for non-residents.

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