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My friends mother used one on his wife. Results were pictures of her climbing out of a blokes truck, hair all ruffled and blouse hanging out. He never suspected a thing and was utterly amazed.

Turned out she was the town bike.

Trust my arse.

None so blind as those that won't see.

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Just curious to see if anyone has used a PI service and what their experiences where (price, outcome, satisfaction).

if you want to get suckered go ahead, investigate what :D

really are you guys for real, do you send pi in the west around to investigate your gf :D

obviously your curiousty shows your insecurity, if that's the case dump her and move to the gal you feel secure with :D

i spend my hard earned money on fine women and wine, if it feels good great, if not i move on to the next one :D

au revoir :o

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Just curious to see if anyone has used a PI service and what their experiences where (price, outcome, satisfaction).

if you want to get suckered go ahead, investigate what :D

really are you guys for real, do you send pi in the west around to investigate your gf :D

obviously your curiousty shows your insecurity, if that's the case dump her and move to the gal you feel secure with :D

i spend my hard earned money on fine women and wine, if it feels good great, if not i move on to the next one :D

au revoir :o

Would you but a second hand car without getting it HPI checked? Then when the wheels drop off you say "Oh well deary me, it looked alright in the showroon"

The human mind is capable of anything. Never underestimate the deviant capability of your partner. If you get a niggling feeling check it out. Lifes too short to waste on cheating liars.

Just my humble opinion.

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Agree.....no trust....NO HOPE

Trust is not automatic - it is "earned". If we follow your logic of TRUST:

1) You will trust a person applying for a job in our company, without checking references?

2) You will buy a used car, without paying for a professional car inspection?

3) You will ... (fill in the blanks)

You might find trouble if you live your life this way. However, you might also be lucky, for a long time. It is a bit like gambling. (smile) We all have free will - live your life the way you want.

I believe trust is needed to make peace on Earth and between sexes, but it is not automatic. A better motto might be: TRUST - but VERIFY.

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if you use a PI for a girl, woman, kotaey, or what ever , i suggest you loose it and find another person.

Agreed. :o

<deleted>. I recently saw a program in NZ where they followed a PI around catching out "spouses". It was all quite sad. The number of people that were devastated by the PI's findings after years and years of marriage was astounding.Men and women alike. Anybody who thinks that they know somebody 100% is kidding themselves.We all like to think that we would know, just the same as the people who find out that their spouses screw around.

Screwing aroung crosses all boarders and demographics and happens for many reasons.Some of the most "trusted " people have been found with their pants down or skirt up.

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Loads of condescending, self-rightous "no trust, no relationship" utter babble! Fantastic!

You come here on your hols. You've already heard the stereotypes. You meet a bargirl in a such-mentioned establishment. She almost convinces you she's sincere about big plans together. You go back home and ponder about severly life-changing moves such as marrying her. Wouldn't you be looking for that little bit of reassurance?

Or is every bargirl straight up dead honest, and those who suggest otherwise don't know the world they're living in? :o

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Agree.....no trust....NO HOPE

Trust is not automatic - it is "earned". If we follow your logic of TRUST:

1) You will trust a person applying for a job in our company, without checking references?

2) You will buy a used car, without paying for a professional car inspection?

3) You will ... (fill in the blanks)

You might find trouble if you live your life this way. However, you might also be lucky, for a long time. It is a bit like gambling. (smile) We all have free will - live your life the way you want.

I believe trust is needed to make peace on Earth and between sexes, but it is not automatic. A better motto might be: TRUST - but VERIFY.

Respect is earned.....trust is given and given freely until it is proven that the trust is not deserved.

If I need a lawyer, I hire one and trust he will achieve the result I want....if he does....he has earnt my respect.

If I have a friend, I trust him with my secrets, if he keeps them...he earns my respect.

I have been an employer, I employed people based on their experience not on what other people tell me....I judge their experience by talking to them about the work they have done in the past and about the type of work I want them to do. Once I employed them, I trusted them to do the job I employed them to do. If they did the job well....I respected them.

I have never had a pre purchase vehicle check.....I trust my own instincts, and being an ex car salesman I know what to look for. :D

Under your logic, innocent till proven guilty doesnt exist....I was badly burnt by my ex Non Bar Thai wife and have every reason not to trust again and I would never trust her again because she proved she was not worthy of my trust .... BUT...should I condemn every Thai girl because of her ?

How can you trust and verify ???....if you have to verify what your girl tells you, then you dont really trust her, do you ???

BTW...can you tell me how I can go to the internet shop my girl might use and instal your spyware on the computer she may use just before she uses it, when I live 3315 miles away from her.... :o

Edited by gburns57au
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BTW...can you tell me how I can go to the internet shop my girl might use and install your spyware on the computer she may use just before she uses it, when I live 3315 miles away from her.... :o

Yes, you simply send her a special email with a file attachment. It will automatically install on her computer. The company that sells the spy software will give more information on their web site on how to do this. Keep in mind it will only install on that one computer that she is reading her email on. If she comes back the next day and reads her email on another computer, you are out of luck.

Perhaps an easier way to do all this is to bring your laptop computer and buy a cheap dial-up Internet connection (available in all 711 stores) to check you email while staying at your hotel in Thailand. Then tell your girlfriend - at the right moment when she is bored - that you are going to the store to buy some beer, but she is welcome to use your computer to check her email.


When you come back the key logger program will have tracked her password, websites visited, screenshots of pictures viewed etc.

I am only giving you this advice as an alternative to hiring a more expensive PI. I am not saying you should or should not use this spy software. It is your call.

Edited by ThaiLover1
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BTW...can you tell me how I can go to the internet shop my girl might use and install your spyware on the computer she may use just before she uses it, when I live 3315 miles away from her.... :D

Yes, you simply send her a special email with a file attachment. It will automatically install on her computer. The company that sells the spy software will give more information on their web site on how to do this. Keep in mind it will only install on that one computer that she is reading her email on. If she comes back the next day and reads her email on another computer, you are out of luck.

Perhaps an easier way to do all this is to bring your laptop computer and buy a cheap dial-up Internet connection (available in all 711 stores) to check you email while staying at your hotel in Thailand. Then tell your girlfriend - at the right moment when she is bored - that you are going to the store to buy some beer, but she is welcome to use your computer to check her email.


When you come back the key logger program will have tracked her password, websites visited, screenshots of pictures viewed etc.

I am only giving you this advice as an alternative to hiring a more expensive PI. I am not saying you should or should not use this spy software. It is your call.

Gee I am glad my girl doesnt have an e mail address......then I might be tempted to use these acts of deception and betrayal in order to find out if I can trust her or not.... :o:D

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just curious about the implications of using a PI...is what's good for the goose also good for the gander? If one were to hire a PI to check up/spy on wife/GF, then wouldn't it be fair play for them to do the same in return? I know I would personally be pretty upset to find out my wife/GF was paying someone to check up on me, even though I am not doing anything wrong. Just wondering if those that advocate hiring PI's have given this question any thought...seems like it might be another example of hypocracy and double standards (do as I say, not as I do).

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It is amazing how people purporting to be experienced in the ways of Thailand and its people constantly seem to apply the criteria they have learnt in their completely different society to how Thai ladies and no doubt men, evaluate, rationalize,justify, interpret ,excuse etc their behaviour , when in fact these criteria are completely irrelevant.

For example Lady makes a misjudgement for which she should probably be a little penitent/apologetic for , but no because she has lost face she goes into one, not talking to anyone and generally giving the farang the impression that he has done something wrong, for hours if not days, leaving farang completely puzzled.

Thai people live a kind of double life if involved with farang, the farang bit and the Thai bit, it would br impossible for her to live her farang bit within Thai society as she would be rejected, as in: Thai lady marry farang, she now farang.

For my money these double standards easily encompass the possibilty of some extra relationship nooky, excused in some perfectly valid (in Thai terms) way to herself and therefore the concept of checking out something that you are really have no idea about, overcomes the principle of western style 'trust'.

I am sure there are 10% of members sitting at home with their faithful Thai wifes who are rightly secure in the realtionships as I am also sure Thai ladies are capable of being very faithful, but the there is the other 90% many of whom are not even in Thailand, who in their terms might have something to worry about.

Remember Rule No:1 : TiT farang never knows what is going on. Don't kid yourself.

Edited by fisherd3
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just curious about the implications of using a PI...is what's good for the goose also good for the gander?  If one were to hire a PI to check up/spy on wife/GF, then wouldn't it be fair play for them to do the same in return?  I know I would personally be pretty upset to find out my wife/GF was paying someone to check up on me, even though I am not doing anything wrong.  Just wondering if those that advocate hiring PI's have given this question any thought...seems like it might be another example of hypocracy and double standards (do as I say, not as I do).

Good point, Nokkeow. If you found out your significant other employed a PI to spy on you, it would definitely cause problems with the relationship.

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