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Gold Fish Swim Bladder Disorder

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I have a gold fish (Ryukin) that developed swim bladder disorder after isolating it in medical bath for a week (no feeding during that time). It used to flip upside down every once in a while but did manage to correct itself in right position, but this time it looks as if it's irreversible. Anyway I can reverse its condition?

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Hi Nordlys, what was the problem that needed medicated baths for a week?

Is it feeding at all? Try paste foods for now + meshed peas.

Most cases of SBP is unfortunately chronic.Try raising salinity level to 0.5% first, for not more then 5 days .Its aids in osmoregulation, is it possible to get hold of epsom salt where you are?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sound advice above, a little salt and a lowered water level usually helps.

Unfortunately fancy goldfish are often prone to Swim Bladder problems partly due to the way they are 'misshapen' from their natural form. Do not feed it dry foods at this time, it's often too much dried food that causes the problem (they eat it too quick, and once their stomach is full with mainly dry food it then swells up as it gets wetter and pushes against the bladder). So feed it live or frozen foods, and if you only have dried pellets soak them first so they are swollen and 'full sized' before the fish eats them.

Good luck, and be patient, the fish may very well come through this ok with enough time.

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