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150 Baht Atm Withdrawl Fee.. Does It Matter?


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Everybody on here should write to the Thai bankers association to tell them of your disgust at the greedy charge. Also mention how much money you have in their banks, tell them that there're other banking options in thailand for savings accounts. We're talking about billions of baht we control. Let's stick together for a change! They need to know that we're not just ATM customers, they want our money in the banks or not???

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Everybody on here should write to the Thai bankers association to tell them of your disgust at the greedy charge. Also mention how much money you have in their banks, tell them that there're other banking options in thailand for savings accounts. We're talking about billions of baht we control. Let's stick together for a change! They need to know that we're not just ATM customers, they want our money in the banks or not???

I'll post the same answer that I did in the other thread where you made an identical post:

They just might answer something like: "If you have that much money in one of our member banks, why do you use a foreign ATM card?".

/ Priceless

Edited by Priceless
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Everybody on here should write to the Thai bankers association to tell them of your disgust at the greedy charge. Also mention how much money you have in their banks, tell them that there're other banking options in thailand for savings accounts. We're talking about billions of baht we control. Let's stick together for a change! They need to know that we're not just ATM customers, they want our money in the banks or not???

I'll post the same answer that I did in the other thread where you made an identical post:

They just might answer something like: "If you have that much money in one of our member banks, why do you use a foreign ATM card?".

/ Priceless

Because we still need an income or we'll run out of cash. The banks don't want us digging into our savings, we know how greedy they're after all.

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Everybody on here should write to the Thai bankers association to tell them of your disgust at the greedy charge. Also mention how much money you have in their banks, tell them that there're other banking options in thailand for savings accounts. We're talking about billions of baht we control. Let's stick together for a change! They need to know that we're not just ATM customers, they want our money in the banks or not???

I'll post the same answer that I did in the other thread where you made an identical post:

They just might answer something like: "If you have that much money in one of our member banks, why do you use a foreign ATM card?".

/ Priceless

Because we still need an income or we'll run out of cash. The banks don't want us digging into our savings, we know how greedy they're after all.

This is almost getting funny :D It appears that you believe that ATM withdrawals are the only existing way to transfer money between countries. If that is the case, do some research!

I'll spell this out as clearly as I can:

- The Thai bank is offering a service through its ATM.

- In all probability the individual using this service with a foreign ATM card is not, and never will be, a customer of this bank.

- For this service, the bank levies a charge (150 baht).

- It is completely up to the person at the ATM whether s/he thinks the charge is reasonable and uses the service, or finds the charge unreasonable and abstains.

How do you handle the fact that most hairdressers charge for their services :)

/ Priceless

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When did you try Kasikorn Thai last and was charged the 150 baht fee?


Is the Kasikorn Bank now charging ???

the partys over at Kasikorn, they are now charging the 150 baht fee

where now?

anyone have up to date information on still free atm withdrawels?

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When did you try Kasikorn Thai last and was charged the 150 baht fee?


Is the Kasikorn Bank now charging ???

the partys over at Kasikorn, they are now charging the 150 baht fee

where now?

anyone have up to date information on still free atm withdrawels?

Post at the top of this page (101) shows the logo's of the free banks just remove Kasikorn.

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When did you try Kasikorn Thai last and was charged the 150 baht fee?


Is the Kasikorn Bank now charging ???

the partys over at Kasikorn, they are now charging the 150 baht fee

where now?

anyone have up to date information on still free atm withdrawels?

Post at the top of this page (101) shows the logo's of the free banks just remove Kasikorn.

thank you, i will check them out today

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Anyone else spotted other GSB ATM locations around BKK?

Sai Thai Mai, at least three ATMs there. Might imply they're at the other big terminals as well.

Unfortunately, my card got a 'communication error.' Maybe it was a bad moment, or maybe it didn't like my card.

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Bendejo, I got the same ATM message when I tried to use my MasterCard logo debit card in the GSB ATM in BKK...

Presumably, GSB ATMs only take Visa logo cards, not MC... On the GSB ATM I used, there was a sticker saying...Visa Electron. There was no sticker for MC/Cirrus.

But, also, there was no 150 baht fee.

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I seemed to have got embroiled in a discussion about this new ATM charge of 150 baht per time on another forum and we agreed to take it here instead.

My view on this is that it is a pretty insignificant charge and that i truly believe most people's objections are not that the charge is 150 baht but that there is a charge at all. They just don't want to pay for the service at all because it used to be free.

As an ex banker i can see that its fair there should be a charge (after all its a service allowing you to withdraw cash in another country ) and i think we have all been lucky that up to now its been free.

My advice on the other forum was that if people refrained from getting trivial sums out almost daily but instead got out the maximum they can in one go , then this charge would surely seem insignificant each month. This seemed to provoke hysteria amounst the "carry no cash with me " brigade . I have no idea (someone enlighten me ?) why people walk around both in the UK and foreigners in Thailand with next to no money on them. I always have a wallet stuffed with cash (not arrogance BTW just a fact) and credit cards which despite having them i almost never use. I am constantly amazed how people will queue for ages at an ATM and then get out just £10. Why not get out £500 and be done with it?

One poster who was sputing venom at these charges then went on to say he goes to the ATM (in thailand) almost everyday . I mean ... words fail me .

So my simple solution is ... get as much money as you can out of the ATM in one go and then you will minimise these charges to the point where they don't matter. Alternativally go into the branch and withdraw the cash .. no charge at all usually.

The only people who really suffer (if thats the right word for a trivial 150 baht charge ) in all this is those stubborn people who HAVE to go to the ATM daily and won't change their ways . But then its like those who live their lives on credit cards and don't pay back the full balance at the end of the month. They also get charged a lot but will they change ? ...never. Almost all bank charges are avoidable (i don't pay any and i'm sure millions of others are in the same boat) , not because i don't spend any money .. far from it .. but because i know how the stystem works and avoid doing what costs. Simple really.

yaketyak misses the point. Most foreigners piss way 150 on stupid "made-in-China" souvenir crap. The point is that only foreigners pay the charge. Along with the taxi thugs and two-tiered entrance fees, this is just another way to gouge foreigners and further erode the tourist trade. The 150 fee should be for everyone or no one.

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yaketyak misses the point. Most foreigners piss way 150 on stupid "made-in-China" souvenir crap. The point is that only foreigners pay the charge. Along with the taxi thugs and two-tiered entrance fees, this is just another way to gouge foreigners and further erode the tourist trade. The 150 fee should be for everyone or no one.

He may have missed it, but this is not the point. Only holders of foreign cards pay the fee, including Thais with foreign cards but excluding foreigners with Thai cards. The issue has absolutely nothing to do with the card holder's nationality and everything to do with:

A/ That the card holder is (as far as the bank can possibly know) not a customer of that particular bank.

B/ The provisioning of this service entails extra costs, compared with the servicing of a domestic card.

/ Priceless

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  • 3 weeks later...
When did you try Kasikorn Thai last and was charged the 150 baht fee?


Is the Kasikorn Bank now charging ???

the partys over at Kasikorn, they are now charging the 150 baht fee

where now?

anyone have up to date information on still free atm withdrawels?

try UOB - the japanese ATMs in BKK. dont know where else UOB has

ATMs? has worked without 150 THB fee one week ago

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He may have missed it, but this is not the point. Only holders of foreign cards pay the fee, including Thais with foreign cards but excluding foreigners with Thai cards. The issue has absolutely nothing to do with the card holder's nationality and everything to do with:

A/ That the card holder is (as far as the bank can possibly know) not a customer of that particular bank.

B/ The provisioning of this service entails extra costs, compared with the servicing of a domestic card.

/ Priceless

It is nonetheless dual pricing and predominately aimed at foreigners because it applies to 'foreign' cards. There would be very few Thais using overseas cards. Charges for Thai cards in other banks Thai ATMs is 20/25 Baht - a fair charge. 150 Baht is usurous and clearly not fair.

If you want a fair charge to cover the cost of maintaining an ATM network then consider a 10 Baht charge across ALL ATM withdrawals Thai or foreigner.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To encourage toorists they should double it...or raise it even higher...thats the Thai Way.....init

in fact even better go the whole HOG and make it say 1000 bt to withdraw your ha sip s"tang coffee money...

thats the way to bring in all those rich punters who will be "flocking" to the place...... :) yeah

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