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Thanks To Tuskers


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Without wishing to harm any romantic notions or egos, I think that IanForbes, john b good and others, when they extol Thai women and denigrate farang women, forget that in many respects they are talking about a market, with sellers seeking to sell goods of varying quality and buyers being able in varying degrees to be choosy about what they select.
<br /><br /><br />The point I have been trying to make is that single white caucasioan women <b>are </b>welcome in lots of bars around town - I would say the vast majority of bars. I drink all round town, mainly in the pubs, as opposed to the bars: O'Malleys, Olde Bell, Red Lion, Irish Pub, even The Pub as well as Tuskers and I have met lots of single white females who have had a great evening and my wife (Thai) and they have got on famously. That is the norm rather than the exception in Chiang Mai, the majority of Chiang Mai Thais are the friendliest you caould ask to met and generally the same applies to the expats who live here, most of whom are thoroughly decent people<br /><br />Ianforbes: You seem <b>very</b> sure that Aussiechick is kosher, do you know her perchance?<br />
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i do, and she is. unlike many of the threads on this forum recently. lately any time a poster on here seems to mention tuskers bar, an official, paying sponsor of this forum, in a positive manner up spring a number of replies promoting and advertising rival bars and pubs who do not pay for advertising on this forum. coincidence? starting to not feel like it. something stinks a bit on here at the moment.

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any time a poster on here seems to mention tuskers bar, an official, paying sponsor of this forum, in a positive manner up spring a number of replies promoting and advertising rival bars and pubs who do not pay for advertising on this forum.

No maybe not coincidence but a general dislike for what is percieved as planted posts extolling the product. To advertise a product is one thing as an advertisment or identified promotion but this looks like a try to drum up business by denigrating the other bars. Not my favorite way of getting bussiness. It may not be intended as that and if it isn't I apologise to theOP who seems to have a wonderful time in many of the restuarants and bars in Pattaya and even enjoyed the burritos in Chiang Mai.

Edited by harrry
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Has anybody else noticed how this is turning into something Pythonesque? ... snip ...

Sawadee Khrup, ChiangMaiOldHand,

Indeed, I was thinking ... even ... Anacondan. White bwana suddenly in he grip of powerful coils, squeezing, squeezing.


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You are correct, no ulterior motive at all on my part - my only intention was to say thanks - as I did have to get back to Pattaya without any notice. I certainly was not denigrating other bars - I didn't name them - I was just stating a fact! Slight difference in service from 1 bar where the female behind the bar "tossed" the drinks list at me and then ignored me (and it had 2 other customers - male), to being greeted with smiles and chat from the very first time I walked into Tuskers (and there were 5 other customers - male) and my name and my drink remembered! Yes, good bars and bad bars also happen in Pattaya and I have left some with the same feeling of not being welcome.

I certainly wasn't in Tuskers every night of the week in fact I probably went 5 times in 7 weeks.

Now understand this: I enjoy my visits to Chiang Mai - there are lots of things I like about the place BUT all I was doing, as I stated in my first post, was publicly thanking the bar staff (and Chas) for a good time.

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I have been informed that Tuskers did not "collude" with this post and I accept that and apologise if I implied that they did. I still note though that the OP did implicitely denigrate the other bars and cosider most of my reply to stevieH still stand. As this was not advertising by TUskers it is quite obvious that they did not denigrate the other pubs. THe OP did.

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You are correct, no ulterior motive at all on my part - my only intention was to say thanks - as I did have to get back to Pattaya without any notice. I certainly was not denigrating other bars - I didn't name them - I was just stating a fact! Slight difference in service from 1 bar where the female behind the bar "tossed" the drinks list at me and then ignored me (and it had 2 other customers - male), to being greeted with smiles and chat from the very first time I walked into Tuskers (and there were 5 other customers - male) and my name and my drink remembered! Yes, good bars and bad bars also happen in Pattaya and I have left some with the same feeling of not being welcome.

I certainly wasn't in Tuskers every night of the week in fact I probably went 5 times in 7 weeks.

Now understand this: I enjoy my visits to Chiang Mai - there are lots of things I like about the place BUT all I was doing, as I stated in my first post, was publicly thanking the bar staff (and Chas) for a good time.

Don't worry about us old farts, aussiechick. We just like poking fun at each other and your post was just a good excuse to get started. Check on any of the active topics and you'll see the same thing. You are always welcome in Chiang Mai and come back soon. If you come back next winter when I return I'll buy you a beer.

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It is MUCH different when you meet under different surroundings... like day trips and trekking trips where you get to know each other on a more personal level. All sorts of strange things happen on trekking trips.

Do tell! And include pictures please.


I can do that, Winnie...

A Russian friend at Koh Samui




And a Swedish friend on a hiking trek




You can't pay attention to names of bars, and Tuskers just didn't jump out at me.

There's a hint in there.. Tuskers needs to shape up and place either cute chicks or fish at the door.



That might work, but a better idea is to post a sign at the start of the soi on the moat road.

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I have been informed that Tuskers did not "collude" with this post and I accept that and apologise if I implied that they did. I still note though that the OP did implicitely denigrate the other bars and cosider most of my reply to stevieH still stand. As this was not advertising by TUskers it is quite obvious that they did not denigrate the other pubs. THe OP did.

Am I alone in being being bemused by Harry's continued insistence that the OP denigrated other bars? Maybe my eyesight is failing me but nowhere in this thread did the OP mention any other bars by name. How can you denigrate somewhere if you do not even name it? In fact, she went out of her way not to mention the places that she considered to have provided poor customer service. There are thousands and thousands of bars in CM and presumably Harry does not know which ones the OP visited unless he read it in his tea leaves or his crystal ball.

Or maybe the OP is a raging alcoholic, insomniac and she managed to stay out drinking 24 hours per day for her 7 weeks in CM and thus covered every single pub, bar, shack and hut that serves booze in CM. If so, I take my hat off to her and suggest that she is entitled to denigrate where she likes! :D:)

Give it a rest Harry, old chap. You're boring us. Go redeem your free pint in your local pub for all your hard work on this thread, which is obviously a competitor of Tuskers and cannot stand the good press given by the OP of her own volition. Cheers :D

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They may welcome 'aussie chicks', but can be down right rude to your Thai wife!

Though in their deffence I swallowed my pride and attended the last TV part with friends there. Mrs would not attend.


I would like to mention that my wife has always been treated superbly by Tuskers staff as have all my friends' Thai partners. I'm not saying that your wife didn't have a bad experience but I do find this incredibly surprising based on my personal experiences there.

I also note that you have signed up + 1 for the TV BBQ in Tuskers next month. Will you be bringing your mia noi instead of your wife? :)

Maybe Tuskers should bar from the TV BBQ all those TV members who choose to use this forum to voice complaints about Tuskers instead of talking to the manager directly. Tag them as the new "Axis of Evil". Keyboard cowards!

Edited by hill16
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Without wishing to harm any romantic notions or egos, I think that IanForbes, john b good and others, when they extol Thai women and denigrate farang women, forget that in many respects they are talking about a market, with sellers seeking to sell goods of varying quality and buyers being able in varying degrees to be choosy about what they select.


"I am not saying that you are responsible yourself from the responses you have met around Chiang Mai but many caucasian women are fully responsible no less so than if they hadn't met up with a bar of soap for an appreciable period of time"


I do have to ask where exactly, in either my post or that of IanForbes is there anything written that denigrated "farang women"

My use or reference to bar of soap was used figuratively to try and explain the effect of purely and simply making an effort to do anything other than the "pass the time of day" I admit that might have given an unintended impression.

But if we (figuratively again) were back in farang land and made an effort to pass the time of day (not to be confused for example asking direction to someplace) in many many cases we would be told exactly in what direction to take ourselves.

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But if we . . . were back in farang land and made an effort to pass the time of day . . . in many many cases we would be told exactly in what direction to take ourselves.

And that would be the market at work, as I suggested earlier.

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Ahh cmon now, Iets aII throw away any oId mouIdy chips Ieft on our shouIders from past experiences. We are aII here enjoying this wonderfuI city, and i consider myseIf Iucky. Yes, some of us western women may not be open to conversations with strangers as some of our Thai counterparts. But as Ian Forbes pointed out, it often depends on the situation. In my case if i come over as hesitant when a man (of any nationaIity) taIks to me, its because im wary. Just as I have aIways been. Here or any other country. Im aIso quite shy and guarded untiI i get to know peopIe. I personaIIy dont know how different bars around cm receive singIe white women, as I dont go out to bars reaIIy. At Ieast not aIone. But aussiegirI just wanted to say thanks for the warm weIcome she received in Tuskers in comparison. Thats her own personaI experience, no matter what any of us say.

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there is no need to denigrate Tuskers just because someone thanks them for good service. I am a fellow bar owner and get fed up with people slagging off pubs and bars unecessarily. We all work hard to provide as good a service as we can in this town: you'd miss us if we all folded!

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It's mostly a case of going where you feel comfortable. Not every place appeals to everyone but there are lots of great places to choose from. It often takes time to get to know the staff and the clientel at the bar/cafe/restaurant establishment. And, when they make you feel at home you like to return. When you make good friends (at whatever level) with the staff then you are more likely to return... simple as that. It is only when the establishment is sold, or the staff move elsewhere, that we might look for some place new. I only have 3 or 4 places I visit on a regular basis and when my friends aren't there I go elsewhere. If I'm having a good time I might stay until after closing time. If my favorite staff aren't there I might go home early. I think that is all aussiechick was saying. She felt comfortable at Tuskers and kept going back for that very reason. No need to look for some place new when you are enjoying yourself.

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