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Dear Sirs,

my mother in law is hopefully visiting the Uk early next month. I have read quite a number of back posts, read the Uk immigration website and tried to telephone the British Embassy in Bangkok; all to no avail. I need help on the correct procedure for the lady's visa please.

My mother in law is 74 and a widow of Thai nationality. She hopes to visit her daughter in the Uk who now has British nationality and I, a British subject. She hopes to visit us for four weeks starting in early June.

This is what I understand to be correct so far (and I may be very wrong):-

Viz:- The lady requires a VAT2 visa (visiting family and friends). I, as her "sponsor", need to supply six months bank statements as proof of being able to support her, a normal photocopy of my passport (not certified by a solicitor) and proof of where I live, although I remain uncertain as to what that proof should be. A letter from myself stating that I shall fund her stay. I can download the VAT2 visa application form and send it to her along with the above mentioned documents.

What happens then? From what I have read, the lady may not be required to attend an immigration interview but she will have to go somewhere to submit her fingerprints. Where?

Gentlemen, is my understanding correct? What do I do in addition to this? Is the price for a ten year annual (six months) visa the same as a single six months visitors visa? How long on average will it take for her to get the visa?

I am not stupid and I am no more foolish than than most but the embassy and immigration website has confused me. I'd be most grateful for any advice. Thank you.

Yours faithfully,



Maybe redundant but the first hoops that she would have to go through is getting the Thai Passport.

I think you would also need to get full medical cover for her in the UK wich could be hard at her age. Good luck.

And in view of previous posts make sure she doesn't say she wants to help look after the children.


Dear harry,

forgive me please, I should have written that the lady already has a Thai passport.

Yours faithfully,



Dear harry,

forgive me please, I should have written that the lady already has a Thai passport.

Yours faithfully,



She may well be entitled to settle here should she prove the following:

Subject to age ?

They are financially dependant on a sponsor who is settled in the UK?

They have no other close relative whom they could turn to for financial help ?

Maintenance and accommodation is adequate without recourse to public funds.

http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk/en/ecg/chapter15/ Follow this link further information.


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