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5' Thai Rips Head Off 4' Bear


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Sorry, but I had to share this.

Over a year ago I bought the then Thai wife's kids a cuddly toy bear each. For the 1 year old a smaller bear. For the 5 year old I bought a huge 4 foot cuddly toy bear.

As things turned out, the wife and I split up with some acrimony shortly after that.

(Now reconciled with the ex and she is currently my new g/f).

Today after asking how the youngest liked her new Barbie doll I bought for her birthday on Saturday, I hear it has already been decapitated by the baby :)

The conversation then turned with the g/f talking of the bears I bought last year. When I asked if they still had them she told me no. Told me she went home on the day of our break up, ripped the head off the 4 foot bear and tore it to shreds then she started on the smaller bear and ripped the head off that one in a raging fit of anger too.

Ahhhh, the joys of an angry woman. I am so pleased it was the Bears that got it and not me !!! :D

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I never forget when I divorced the ex Thai wife, went to the villiage to collect my belongings and saw all the village boys wearing my t-shirts and shorts. Every item of clothing she gave away to the local layabout boys. Photographs, forget it, All ripped up and burnt.

Still makes me smile when I think about the poor villiage idiot who ended up wearing my Millwall home shirt.

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just like I don't tolerate nor make excuses for sloppy drunks, so too I don't tolerate frazzled women who let their emotions go blotto. If she can do such a thing with a stuffed toy, she can also 'fly off the handle' with kids, animals, property, and.....

Word to the wise, G54, don't let her play with scissors or a sharp knife - too close to your family jewels.

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Had a friend who went to get cloths etc from estranged wife and found everything slashed and in the swimming pool. He had several pair of exotic skin boots and shoes which received the same treatment. "hel_l hath no fury like a scorned woman" No reconciliation for him/her after that.

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You're laughing about her crazy anger and I'm laughing that you were dumb enough to get back with her...

Where would the fun and excitement be without some risks?? :)

And I only found out after I got back with her, yet, deep down - no, not the nether regions - I feel it might be the best move I have made in a long time. Time will tell.

I had to laugh though. I have these visions of her stomping off home and at 5' tall, sitting astride this bear that was nearly as big as she and venting her anger on the poor thing as she kicked and punched the crap out of it before ripping its head off. I'd love to have had a video of that. Hilarious :D or maybe I have a twisted sense of humour.

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55555! In a fit of pique once (ok, I was bladdered!) I slung the missus shoe collection out into the car park........ bloody hilarious the next day seeing all the Khmer builders, painters, sparks etc swarming over the condo block opposite, all wearing her heels and pumps! :):D

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God how can you guys date these types of women? Dont they have farm girls that dont come with volatile personalities?

Passion is passion,can happen in the best families,so they say.Better slash the teddy bears than a human i say :D I must confess that few years ago i was in a terrible anger with my gf,i slashed my best shirt into pieces,but it was not enough :D next i destroyed my mobile throwing it into the floor.After that i was in the "peace & love" mode again. :)

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