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3 Thais Killed, 1 Swedish Woman Injured In Shootings Near Khao San Rd


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We had the computer game Grand Theft Auto 4 banned in Thailand recently as some Thai imitated the game by hijacking a taxi and killing the driver.

No, the game was voluntarily not imported by the distributor after one (1) youth's case could, if you tilted your head and squinted and sung a song, be linked to the game.

Not several and no definite link in any way.

Thailand bans Grand Theft Auto IV

Copies of Grand Theft Auto IV have been pulled in Thailand after a teenager confessed to murdering a taxi driver.

The 18-year-old high school student is accused of stabbing the cab driver to death by trying to copy a scene from the game.

The biggest video game publisher in the south-east Asian country, New Era Interactive Media, has told retailers to stop selling GTA IV.

It is due to be replaced by another video game title.


Thailand's Culture Ministry has recently been pushing for tougher regulation of games like Grand Theft Auto.


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Firstly, my condolences to those who were killed and injured in this tragedy.

Secondly, and sadly so, the above is not paranoia, because I have been involved in, had experience of/first-hand knowledge of, or witnessed all of the above.

So for someone to say it is paranoia, as I said, is from another planet.

I could reel a few of them off for you, like the farang who was stabbed through the heart because he threw his remaining few baht at the tuk tuk driver in anger over being overcharged, so the driver stabbed him to save face; a friend has been offered the opportunity to have the Australian man who owes him a large debt, killed, and the price was 10,000 baht -- -- broken legs were 2000 baht; watched a fracas the other night when a poor young American guy and his girlfriend were attacked by a group of Thai drinks touts after refusing to pay 500 baht per drink when being conned, he was hit with a stool and several other Thais waded in with their elbows and fists. The police came and spoke to the Thais and the Thais walked away, whilst the American guy, bleeding from the nose, was ushered off in the police van (of course this wouldn't have anything at all to do with the fact that the police charge these touts a fee of 8000 baht for allowing them to conduct their business harassing tourists to go into Gogo clubs, and on the back of the photograph of the Gogo club saying entrance is free, is the drinks list, which the tourist never sees, and which starts at around about 500 baht per beer); a group of four young Thais armed with wooden stakes attacked the owner of a pizza parlour because one of their girlfriends was sacked from the place, giving him severe lacerations on the arm and quite possibly a broken arm.

I could go on, but what is the point, you obviously have your rose tinted glasses on, whereas I am always on the lookout for trouble so that I can stay away from it. The problem being that sometimes it finds you.

So you know all of this and yet you decided to stay in the country anyway? Either you are not very bright or you are just making up these phony stories.

If you all think KSR /Bangkok is so dangerous than you have been living in a cave. The bottom line, if you don't look for trouble in Thailand, the likelihood of finding it is slim.

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So you know all of this and yet you decided to stay in the country anyway? Either you are not very bright or you are just making up these phony stories.

If you all think KSR /Bangkok is so dangerous than you have been living in a cave. The bottom line, if you don't look for trouble in Thailand, the likelihood of finding it is slim.

Completely false, it seems like you who has been living in a cave. Neither I, my girfriend or any of our friends has gone looking for trouble but the most brutal trouble has found us anyway. Your logic is that bad things happen to bad people, ridiculous.

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If you all think KSR /Bangkok is so dangerous than you have been living in a cave. The bottom line, if you don't look for trouble in Thailand, the likelihood of finding it is slim.

Problem is , my friend, how does one define ' looking for trouble ' in Thailand?

Perfectly logical and reasonable behaviour in one's own country could well lead to severe injury or even death in this ridiculous land.

A case in point. A male acquaintance of mine complained to the driver of a car blocking his outside the condo where he and she both lived. The driver, a fading actress with hiso pretensions, took exception and emerged from the vehicle brandishing a .38 she extracted from the glove compartment. Recognising the better part of valour he beat a hasty retreat and kept his head well and truly down thereafter.

Your maxim may well give you comfort but I wouldn't rely upon it. The place is a madhouse and therefore, by very definition, anything can happen and usually does.

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"looking for trouble" in the context of this story is that an innocent passerby was shot in a crowded tourst area by a violent man who killed his wife, his son and his brother-in-law. I, for one, cannot understand how any person can think this girl was looking for trouble.

The fact this occurred on Khao San road had nothing to do with any "bad neighborhood" or dodgy people hanging around tourists. The woman was working there. She could just as easily have been selling t-shirts on Sukhumvit and some soi cowboy devotee been shot instead.

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This happened opposite Burger King, at one of the T-Shirt sellers, just before the corner of Khao San Rd...

I popped out to seven around nine last night and saw alot of police and a crowd gathered.... rumour last night was Thai Husband had shot his wife and kid and tourist was hit in crossfire....

Vary sad.

This is crazy! Seems that every day a tourist is killed or dies in Thailand. Making Thailand safe for foreigners, whether from Thais or from foreign gangsters, has got be a priority for this goverment. When people ask me if it is safe to travel to thailand, i have to say it is not safest place. I think travelling to Lao or Cambodia or China is probably safer than Thailand at this point.

....or Malaysia or Singapore....the list goes on...sad but true.

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There was a fatal shooting on Khao San Road last night.

Some guy shot and killed his girlfriend and the guy she was with. A swedish tourist was also shot.

It was just on the Thai news. Anyone got any further info?

This is really going to be great for the already struggling tourism situation in Thailand. And if it's like in the States, I can see people watching the news getting ideas and a possible repeat of the incident happening in the future.

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... and people kill more with guns (when available)

Perish the thought that I might disagree with you but buddy, I think you're wrong...Take the UK for example, the English olympic pistol team have to practice in France because it's against the law to posses a pistol for any reason! Just take a look at the crime figures for the UK.

The usual weapon of choice is the kitchen knife...places where guns are freely available have remarkably less anti personal crime as more people take responsibility for their own defence! IMVHO

Are u really saying that the anti-personal crime rate is less in Thailand and the USA than in the UK?

No, what I am saying is that in places in the US where it is allowable that a citizen can legally carry a pistol there is much, much less anti personal behavior.

The amount of anti personal crime is neither here nor there, what is important is, what is the weapon of choice? All over the world it is usually what ever comes to hand, a kitchen knife, wielded by a member of the family or a close friend?

Licenced, lawfully owned pistols are rarely used in crime. They are usually expensive to buy and difficult to posses!

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uhm....what does all this have to do with tourism? Thanks to this forum where everything that seems to deal with expats and farangs is in the spotlight, of course all your opinions will be negative...besides, you wouldnt even care for good news..but when bad news arise, all hel_l breaks lose. (To all Realist's in here, don't mind my comment)

I'm sure that expats living in the Philippines, Brazil, Mexico and other parts of the world deal with the exact same thing. The unfortunate politcal mess just puts Thailand in a bad light. And sure...it does not matter if politics and crime are being put in the same box because if you really wanna bitch about something you'll become unreasonable.

As for Thailand being one of the most dangerous countries of the world...just surf the web for Forbes List or others..and you'll see that Thailand is either not on the list or very far down... Try Jamaica, Venezuela, South Africa or even Russia for danger!


Now to speculations, mine is also the Legionellosis. The symptoms are matching to the descriptions given in all reports. I guess the cheap Bungalow Resort they stayed at didn't want to spend money in maintenance and thus, creating perfect environment for bacterias and such. As for the innocent deaths of these travelers, I too give my condolences to the victims.

I hope this is enough reasons for Thai Gov. to enforce stricter Maintenance Regulations. As for all the insecure travellers out there...You should rather spend a buck more on higher * hotels...they DO maintenance and quality is obviously better.

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Anything better for this story in English? It will probably come sooner or later.

Another blow to tourism..........what was that song they were playing when the Titanic went down?


Thailand is struggling to get tourists and now they are taking shots at the one that did come. :D No seriously I think this is an isolated incident and it is not really going to effect the thai tourist industry. Firstly you need a tourist industry to damage and the thais have systematically eroded that over the last 12 months so I guess this incident will have no adverse effects.

Good Post I totally agree!! and every time a foreigner is shot, strangled, beat up, hit and run, etc etc. Tourism will suffer more as the world recession bits.

RIP to the three Thai's that Died. Let's hope again that this is just a one off [but can't see it].

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Firstly, my condolences to those who were killed and injured in this tragedy.

Secondly, and sadly so, the above is not paranoia, because I have been involved in, had experience of/first-hand knowledge of, or witnessed all of the above.

So for someone to say it is paranoia, as I said, is from another planet.

I could reel a few of them off for you, like the farang who was stabbed through the heart because he threw his remaining few baht at the tuk tuk driver in anger over being overcharged, so the driver stabbed him to save face; a friend has been offered the opportunity to have the Australian man who owes him a large debt, killed, and the price was 10,000 baht -- -- broken legs were 2000 baht; watched a fracas the other night when a poor young American guy and his girlfriend were attacked by a group of Thai drinks touts after refusing to pay 500 baht per drink when being conned, he was hit with a stool and several other Thais waded in with their elbows and fists. The police came and spoke to the Thais and the Thais walked away, whilst the American guy, bleeding from the nose, was ushered off in the police van (of course this wouldn't have anything at all to do with the fact that the police charge these touts a fee of 8000 baht for allowing them to conduct their business harassing tourists to go into Gogo clubs, and on the back of the photograph of the Gogo club saying entrance is free, is the drinks list, which the tourist never sees, and which starts at around about 500 baht per beer); a group of four young Thais armed with wooden stakes attacked the owner of a pizza parlour because one of their girlfriends was sacked from the place, giving him severe lacerations on the arm and quite possibly a broken arm.

I could go on, but what is the point, you obviously have your rose tinted glasses on, whereas I am always on the lookout for trouble so that I can stay away from it. The problem being that sometimes it finds you.

So you know all of this and yet you decided to stay in the country anyway? Either you are not very bright or you are just making up these phony stories.

If you all think KSR /Bangkok is so dangerous than you have been living in a cave. The bottom line, if you don't look for trouble in Thailand, the likelihood of finding it is slim.

As regards your quote about me "not being very bright, or I am just making up these phony stories", and comments from JetsetBkk -- -- I would like to add that I have been considered reasonably bright throughout my life holding senior positionss in many multinational organisations. However that is not to say that you would understand this, however you may understand the next three stories from the Phuket Gazette, which will highlight my point, and hopefully rest my case. Please pay attention to the last paragraph where it states that two young girls aged 7 and 12 were hanged probably because of a property dispute.

Thailand safe?? Get real.

From the Phuket Gazette..

Monday, May 18, 2009

Phuket gardener stabs boss to death on motorbike

KOH KEAW, PHUKET: A gardener stabbed his boss to death in broad daylight as the pair were riding a salaeng (motorbike with an illegal sidecar) down Thepkrasattri Road yesterday afternoon.

Around 5pm, police officers investigating what was causing a half-a-kilometer long tailback on the road arrived at the scene outside the TT&T office in Koh Keaw.

Just as they arrived they saw 28-year-old Suthep Piakamnet slitting the throat of his employer, as yet identified only as “Mr Laem”.

Sgt Somphon Thongkham and Sgt Chalit Ngiapsangat fired warning shots into the air to make Mr Suthep lay down his knife before moving in to arrest him.

The officers called the Kusoldharm Rescue Foundation to take Mr Laem to hospital, but he was dead by the time the volunteers arrived. Mr Laem was carrying no identification.

Mr Suthep knew only his nickname, that he was from Yala, and that he was in his early thirties.

The crime was reported to Phuket City Police Duty Officer Suphachai Petchsakul who rushed to the scene together with Police Superintendent Wanchai Ekpornpit, Inspector Wijak “The Magnet” Tarom, and Inspector Prawit Sutthireuangarun.

Mr Suthep was reportedly extremely intoxicated and unable to speak clearly, police said.

However, he admitted that he stabbed Mr Laem in a fit of rage after the victim insulted him all the way from Thalang, where they had been drinking together.

Mr Suthep and Mr Laem worked for a gardening company, he said.

Mr Laem, who was his supervisor, always spoke very harshly and often insulted him. Despite this, they often drank together after work.

After finishing their drinks in Thalang, Mr Laem suggested they continue the session in Phuket City, Mr Suthep said.

Mr Laem drove the motorbike, with Mr Suthep in the sidecar.

Mr Suthep became very angry, drew his knife and stabbed Mr Laem about five times in the head and neck before slitting his throat.

Mr Suthep would be questioned again when he had sobered up, but is likely to be charged with murder, police said.

The story was covered by multiple media sources, none of which mentioned if the stabbing caused the motorbike to crash – although images of the vehicle showed the vehicle was still intact.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Krabi man survives assassination attempt

NAKHON SRI THAMMARAT: The key witness in a trial against six security forces personnel was shot and injured in Phra Phrom District on Saturday.

The victim was due to testify against the men in an attempted murder case stemming from a previous attempt on his life.

Jit Jansiriwong, 52, was shot as he driving his pickup truck through Tambon Thai Samphao Village 9. He was hit once in the right arm and once in the chest. Relatives rushed him to Maharaj Hospital, where he was reported in a stable condition and able to give a statement to police.

Mr Jit’s wife, 49-year-old Jaruay Amphasuwan, was sitting in the front passenger seat but was unharmed in the attack. At the scene, police collected a number of 5.56mm cartridge cases.

The couple were driving to a relative’s home when the gunmen struck, Mrs Jaruay said.

At the scene of the attack, the driver of another pickup truck, parked by the side of the road, turned on the vehicle’s high-beam headlights before 10 gunshots rang out, Mrs Jaruay said. The vehicle then sped off.

“Jit used to be a farmer in Krabi and has been shot once before, but survived,” Mrs Jaruay said.

“Jit could remember the faces of the people who shot him last time. It turned out that it was a gang of six men from the security forces. The trial is now on and the court is due to hear witnesses testimony soon. This is why Jit left Krabi; he was afraid his life was in danger, so he came back here to his hometown to prepare for his court appearance, but the criminals came and shot him again,” Mrs Jaruay explained.

Krabi province borders Phuket, Phang Nga, Trang and Satun.

Deputy Superintendent Wutiphong Thitisaroj of Phra Phrom Police said that Mr Jit is the only witness in the previous attempt on his life and was prepared to identify the six people involved in that attack. The case has now gone to trial and Mr Jit was due to appear before the court on March 22 next year.

Police believe the defendants in the trial are likely to have tried to have Mr Jit killed to prevent him from testifying, Lt Col Wutiphong said.

From now on, Mr Jit will have high-level protection to prevent any further attempts on his life, Col Wutiphong added.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Star mayor gunned down in Haad Yai

SONGKHLA: The mayor of Khlong Hae Town in Songkhla’s Haad Yai District was gunned down in his car on the evening of May 16.

Aphichat Sangkhachat, 39, was shot at around 10:30pm as he stopped at an ATM on Ratyindee Road in downtown Haad Yai City while on the way home from a funeral at Wat Khlong Ple. He was hit once in the chest.

Haad Yai, about 250 kilometers south of Phuket, is a major commercial and transport hub and gateway to Thailand's Deep South region.

Rescue volunteers took Mr Aphichat to Bangkok Hospital Haad Yai, but he later died of his injury.

Suphawat Thapkhliow, Superintendent of Haad Yai Police, said that Mr Aphichat’s killers were driving a pickup truck.

“The perpetrators are likely to have followed the victim all the way from the temple. They were unable to get a good opportunity to shoot [Mr Aphichat] until he stopped to withdraw money," Col Suphawat said.

A few days before the attack, Mr Aphichat had been warned by relatives that his life was in danger. The victim was taking a risk by traveling alone at night as he knew killers were just waiting for the opportunity to strike, Col Suphawat said.

At the scene police found one 5.56mn cartridge case of the kind fired by an M-16 assault rifle.

While serving as mayor of Khlong Hae, Mr Aphichat played an important role in the establishment of the Khlong Hae Floating Market.

The market, the only floating one in the South, is a popular attraction for Thai and Malaysian tourists.

Mr Aphichat had served as mayor for over two years. He was reportedly very popular among his constituents and was considered a rising star of local politics in Songkhla.

Commander of Songkhla Provincial Police Wirun Iamphaichit said that debt or a political dispute were the likely motives for the killing.

The murder came just one day after two young girls, aged 7 and 12, were found hanged in their back yard in Klong Hae in what police believe may have been a robbery or silencing killing related to a land dispute.

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Phuket, Thailand

11:43 local time (GMT

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Yikes, am sorely glad I don't reside in those heavily touristed areas which experience daily barbarism - as mentioned above. Granted, such butchery happens other places in Thailand, it just appears more thick in Phuket, Pattaya, Bangkok, and the southernmost regions (because of the sicko insurgency - which flattens schools and harms people who are in any way involved with gov't - even trashmen).

The murder came just one day after two young girls, aged 7 and 12, were found hanged in their back yard in Klong Hae in what police believe may have been a robbery or silencing killing related to a land dispute.
that's beneath sicko. Even animals don't kill their own young, except perhaps big cats looking to breed.

I cant' think of any realistic way to lessen the sick mentality that affects such perpetrators. Sure, I can suggest things, but it's like yelling in to a pillowcase - it does no good. Even so, here are some suggestions to any community with individuals who might cause such abject harm to others:

>>> try to lessen alcohol use/availability. Teach kids that it's unhealthy and uncool to drink. I say 'kids', because that's when a person is impressionable. Adults: try to be a decent example. In reality, most parents get failing grades in that regard.

>>> Less exposure to violent videos/movies/TV.

>>> Less exposure to katoy TV and other such influences. A significant % (I'd say as high as 8%) of Thai boys become katoy, for various reasons, not least because there's so much exposure and acceptance of it in Thailand. It can open the door to other types of social/non-natural deviation - including (arguably) extreme violence. If you've ever seen a wronged katoy, you'll know what I mean.

>>> Parents need to teach their kids right from wrong in the real sense, not just with high-minded rhetoric. Schools and teachers could do a better job also. Wats could do better also, instead of staying so aloof from it all.

Nothing is going to make crazed violence go away, but over time, with less twisted influences for youngsters, its incidence might lessen. I have been involved with Lao families for the past 11 years. They've immigrated from small agrarian settlements up near the Chinese border. The difference between how they manifest day to day, and our Thai neighbors is noticeable and noteworthy. Thai neighbors drink to excess, talk and act loudly, are brash and put-on (feigned friendliness that's actually skin deep), non-caring about bothering others. In contrast, the Lao families are soft-spoken, slow to anger (actually, I've never seen them angry or raise their voices), and considerate of others.

That's what I've observed, living side by side with the two types.

Oh, and I know farang can be full fledged a**holes also. I just met one the other day who was such a drunken sod, he would make biker rednecks blush.

Edited by brahmburgers
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I sincerely doubt the Nakhon Si Thammarat murder had anything to do with the Southern insurgency and highly unlikely it had anything to do with tourism either. Hat Yai, possible but most likely it was business related. A brief daily perusal of any of the Thai language newspapers will show that the majority of murders in this country take place between Thais and in non-touristy places.

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I sincerely doubt the Nakhon Si Thammarat murder had anything to do with the Southern insurgency and highly unlikely it had anything to do with tourism either. Hat Yai, possible but most likely it was business related. A brief daily perusal of any of the Thai language newspapers will show that the majority of murders in this country take place between Thais and in non-touristy places.

The objective of posting the items in my previous post was to try and point out to the two posters who saw it necessary to consider me "not very bright", and of making stories up, that violence is an everyday part of Thai life, whether we like it or not, and it knows no boundaries.

Whether you are Thai, Farang or whatever, violence is a fact of life in Thailand and those who tried to belittle others for pointing this out, certainly are not seeing the bigger picture, in my opinion.

As I said before, I rest my case.

Edited by Philnz
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