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I'm Moving To Pattaya!


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I'll be starting a new software job in Pattaya later this week, so I should start posting on this forum!

I live in Phuket, where my ex and I own the airport hotel. But my 'real' profession is as a telecoms software engineer. I've just accepted new employment in Pattaya and will be commuting weekly to/from Phuket, (I can't trust my 'ex' to look after the hotel 7 days a week!).

Although I'm also a Tourist Police Volunteer in Phuket, I have no plans to do the same in Pattaya! :)

Good to meet you all on this local forum.


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oh! very surprised to hear that, after I read all your posts where you were looking for a business partner to run your hotel, or even sell it completely....

did no decent sincere person show up to run the hotel with you together ?

I am not sure if it is a good idea to let your EX manage the place while you are not there. there is a danger that, sooner or later, it will go downhill, believe me.... but of course, that's your very own decision, wish u good luck for all that :)

Edited by siam2007
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I am not sure if it is a good idea to let your EX manage the place while you are not there. there is a danger that, sooner or later, it will go downhill, believe me.... but of course, that's your very own decision, wish u good luck for all that :)

I have to add:

particularly when I read THIS from one of your previous posts :D

"Let's face it, there are many farang in Phuket, Pattaya and Samui with 'hobby' bars, hobby restaurants and hobby guesthouses. By 'hobby', I mean that these persons have very little idea about running a business. (Like my 'ex', they maybe consider business revenue to equal salary and spend it accordingly).


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Siam2007, we DID have a new investor who was ready to buy my ex out completely! But at the very last minute, he pulled out due to the red shirt riots in BKK. (Thanks guys!).

Of course the hotel service will deteriorate! And if you read a long thread about my ex's mental illness, then you will understand that it will probably deteriorate rapidly!! However, I do have a longstay German customer at my hotel (stays for 1 year), and he has agreed to help out and to keep an eye on things and to alert me when my ex goes crazy :)

Actually, 90% of the business income goes directly into my bank account. The other 10% is 'leakage' since my ex gets her hands on it... I will still look after the online side of the business, and split the hotel profit 50/50 with my ex.

This new software job is basically my escape route out from the madness of living with a bipolar partner for more than 4 years. I accepted long ago the financial loss that I've taken re this hotel.


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Siam2007, we DID have a new investor who was ready to buy my ex out completely! But at the very last minute, he pulled out due to the red shirt riots in BKK. (Thanks guys!).

Of course the hotel service will deteriorate! And if you read a long thread about my ex's mental illness, then you will understand that it will probably deteriorate rapidly!! However, I do have a longstay German customer at my hotel (stays for 1 year), and he has agreed to help out and to keep an eye on things and to alert me when my ex goes crazy :)

Actually, 90% of the business income goes directly into my bank account. The other 10% is 'leakage' since my ex gets her hands on it... I will still look after the online side of the business, and split the hotel profit 50/50 with my ex.

This new software job is basically my escape route out from the madness of living with a bipolar partner for more than 4 years. I accepted long ago the financial loss that I've taken re this hotel.


Hi Simon,

I worked in different Countries in the Asian region on the dream ticket expat package for 5 years, 5 star hotels, business class travel etc and was based in Bangkok.

I moved to Pattaya last year and the only blight on my life is the same as yours, My Thia wife - Now she is an educated person and not at all stupid, however after numerous illogical episodes, suicide attempts (she was in Hospital for 4 months after one nearly successfull attempt), very odd behaviour over the years I finally persuaded her to seek proffesional help at Samitiveg Hospital on Soi 49 BKK.....after several sessions she was diagnosed as suffering from Bi-Polar Syndrome, which was previously named Manic Depression, she followed advice and took prescribed drugs and she did improve but then for some reason just gave it up........now we are back to square one where I dont know wether I wake up in the morning with Mrs Jekyll or Mrs Hyde?......believe me I have tried my utmost and have been to hel_l and back with her but its come to the point where I cant take it anymore.

Her younger brother did commit suicide at the age of eighteen leaving her and one brother.

I can completely relate to your story.

PM if you like when you come to Pattaya.

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