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Khao San Road Photos


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I don't have much problem with backpackers, sure they're little twits sometimes, but hey, they're 20... I was a twit back then too. Are they any worse than the 60-somethings riding their tour busses from souvenier shop to souvenier shop? :o

The wannabe hippies, and imo, the wannabe rastas definitly take themselves too seriously though, but at worst they give me a chuckle.

Whats changed about backpacking is they used to be at least semi-independant. Now they check in to a hostel expecting hotel service at hostel prices and whine constantly when they don't get it.


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It is contrived because the whole hippie/backpacker culture is entirely fake.

Its become a rite of passage.

Go to BKK, go to Khao San Road, get hair braided, buy Fisherman's pants, go on a hill tribe trek in Chiang Mai or Pai, return to KSR and rattle on about your 'authentic' experience, go to a Southern Beach for 2 months, go back to University and bleat on about how much you learned about Thai Culture.

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Yeah but aren't most '"cultures" contrived? Better they get out and see the world a bit. They may not appreciate it as much now but when they grow up a bit they'll look back on a few lessons learned.

Beats having them go from mommy and daddy's howse to a uni dorm then graduate thinking they have a clue about the world when the most multicultural they ever got was that chinese manager they had at pizza hut. At least out here they will learn a thing or two, even if it does take a few years to sink in.

They're kids... let them be kids.


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But the 1960s was the 'real' time for the hippies. Not this vile contrived middle class nonsense we see today..............even though it was actually vile contrived nonsense even back then.

.If we are dealing in stereotypes I find the Fat White Plonker(FWP) sitting on his Pattaya barstool far more objectionable.

I agree, those dam ..FWP's, hey, wait a minute .. ! Doe !


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Yes I did take those pics and yes I would say those comments to people if I thought they deserved it.

The one point I would make is people on this thread are excusing these people because they are all young. Look again. There are many people in these pics at least 30 and over. And they should know better.

And that bald girl and her mate in the ali baba pants were strutting down the street patting local children on the head and lookinging unpleasantly at anyone not dressed like a Mcdonalds mascot. They were c....s and i would indeed them them to their face.

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Yes I did take those pics and yes I would say those comments to people if I thought they deserved it.

The one point I would make is people on this thread are excusing these people because they are all young. Look again. There are many people in these pics at least 30 and over. And they should know better.

And that bald girl and her mate in the ali baba pants were strutting down the street patting local children on the head and lookinging unpleasantly at anyone not dressed like a Mcdonalds mascot. They were c...s and i would indeed them them to their face.

Do you mind me asking whether there is a history of mental illness in your family?

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Yes I did take those pics and yes I would say those comments to people if I thought they deserved it.

The one point I would make is people on this thread are excusing these people because they are all young. Look again. There are many people in these pics at least 30 and over. And they should know better.

And that bald girl and her mate in the ali baba pants were strutting down the street patting local children on the head and lookinging unpleasantly at anyone not dressed like a Mcdonalds mascot. They were c...s and i would indeed them them to their face.

Do you mind me asking whether there is a history of mental illness in your family?

oops ! here it starts again ! :o

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Boody ######!!!!

They're having Fun, looking like Pricks and yes they do act like C*nts!

but if I saw one face to face (as have many times) I just smile sympathetically, if they start trying to chew my ear off about 'Thai culture' I just order a double :D and let them do thier thang. :D

One day they'll look back at thier old KSR pics and say to themselves 'God did I look like a c*nt or what?!'

So no ones being crass here it's just the truth of the matter! :o

P.S I never did the unwashed body dreadloc thing but yes I have a couple of pics of me in fisherman pants! :D


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Do you mind me asking whether there is a history of mental illness in your family?
Something missing with the guy thats for sure. Takes a big man to say he would insult a female to her face. Two girls walking down a street in a backpackers hangout minding their own buisness whilst enjoying a foreign country. And some jumped up <deleted> takes snapshots of them only to wait until he gets on a chatboard to expel
They were c...s and i would indeed them them to their face.

Post 1 = coward.

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perhpas it is a good idea - to ask admins in this Forum to make some similar galery to show ugly side of farangs visits to this country? I think it would help a lot to change some things. and surely it would be interesting and informative - and a lot of fun too !  :D

We have a gallery. Please post it there, we would love to see how ugly we are! :o


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What have I started here!?

In fairness I will say to SEAtramp that whilst I agree with him in principle re being rude to a lady, I wonder if he would feel the same way if he overheard some similar female(s) sneering at some bloke with his Thai wife as I have in the past. I do think using 'c***' is a bit much though!

I do feel that many visitors to the Kingdom should realise there is more to Thailand than wacking on a pair of fisherman's pants, getting the dreads, and hitting the tourist circuit. There does seem to be some kind of self delusion amongst these types that they are getting closer to the 'culture' merely by how they dress and where they stay which we all know is a nonsense.

The excuse that 'they are young' has been dealt with. The excuse that 'they are finding their feet in the world' only seems to me more reason why they need a boot up the arse and a wake up call.

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I do feel that many visitors to the Kingdom should realise there is more to Thailand than wacking on a pair of fisherman's pants, getting the dreads, and hitting the tourist circuit. There does seem to be some kind of self delusion amongst these types that they are getting closer to the 'culture' merely by how they dress and where they stay which we all know is a nonsense.

What are those pants all about? me and missus have been to KSR on many occasions , she loves to sit with a cold drink and farang watch.

Live and let live.

(sorry for the dodgy edit)

What dodgy edit? :o

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There does seem to be some kind of self delusion amongst these types that they are getting closer to the 'culture' merely by how they dress and where they stay which we all know is a nonsense.


In april i took 15 thai workers to the beach for the day; we did all the food at the beach etc..... nearby was a huge 'rave' or whatever its called..... all these people in rastas and fishermens pants kept stopping by and saying 'sawadee' and 'ko pi pi' , bangkok number one...etc. obviously stoned ... but when we invited any of them to sit with us (my kids were with us and the guys were playing takroe), they quickly left the area..... they didnt want to meet real live thai people; they were enchanted with some exotic idea fixee of what thailand is, which is koasan road, the islands, hill tribes etc.... but not a bunch of guys in jeans playing glorified volleyball on the beach and grilling meat on a barbecue

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I, myself have never been a backpacker and don't intend to but I would say 'All power to them !'. I wish I was much younger so that I could do at least a month of backpacking.

Using offensive remarks against people due to their appearance/clothes is really nasty and pathetic.

For me, a group to use offensive remarks against would be Neo-Nazi thugs (in various European cities) with baseball bats, threatening to beat up (and often going through with their threats) immigrants.

Back to backpackers in Thailand....they may not be bringing as much money into the Thai economy as, say, the elderly tourists staying in luxury hotels but they, nevertheless, provide livelihood to thousands of Thais.



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I wonder if he would feel the same way if he overheard some similar female(s) sneering at some bloke with his Thai wife as I have in the past.

what EXACTLY does a "sneer" sound like that's being "overheard"???????? :o

indeed, since it's a non-verbal, how do you know exactly what they thinking???

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Back to backpackers in Thailand....they may not be bringing as much money into the Thai economy as, say, the elderly tourists staying in luxury hotels but they, nevertheless, provide livelihood to thousands of Thais.



And people who come as backpackers now and enjoy the country will return after they grow up for holidays, honeymoons, buying trips, etc. Consider them loss-leaders for the economy.


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And people who come as backpackers now and enjoy the country will return after they grow up for holidays, honeymoons, buying trips, etc. Consider them loss-leaders for the economy.

After they grow up? Yeah, and thats not condecending in the slightest. Would you tell them to their face they need to grow up? Nooooo.

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Thats because they're ######.

How many times do you dribbling morons have to be told.

apparently those "morons" need to be told more.... by the way, you need to puff out your chest more when you spew out such nonsense :o

what is it that you are so insecure about that you can't let people live or travel in the way they see fit?

I imagine a fair number of them are here precisely to get away from your Western intolerance.

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