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i know i will get alot of negativive replies from this post but i have lived in chiang mai now for 9 years,I have to mention the alarming amount of idiots with uneducated ticks they call wives or girlfriends,living here.I live in Hangdong and it seems to be the epicenter of it. Everyday there are more


Well, look at the percentage of people able to get an education in this country. It's a logical consequence. I assume that in addition to posting here you also walk up to people in your area, Thais and Westerners alike, and ask about the education credentials of their spouses?

Or are their wives/girlfriends and their education (or lack thereof) the minor issue and is in fact everyone in your area you an idiot?

(except yourself of course? :) )

i know i will get alot of negativive replies from this

There's a word for that. :D


I think it’s mostly down to that these Farangs prefer younger women.

Many younger Thai ladies that choose older Farangs are low educated, rather dense and find difficulties in acquiring skilled jobs that pay a decent living wage. So they see the walking ATM as a good option for getting themselves out of their poverty.

Sometimes this applies to the older women as well.

I am not suggesting that the above pertains to the majority of Thai ladies, only of those few that can’t hack it and prefer to have someone do all the thinking, decision making and to totally support them.












These old gits are living in a never, never land. They really want to believe that they are back in their youth and having a fairytale romance. They try and ignore the realities until it smacks them in the face.

The people to blame is not those who leech, but the walking ATMs who fully participate with them in their self deceptions and fantasies.


And at the end of the day.....

If everyone's happy, good for them.

Why in the hel_l should anyone let it bother their day?

Thailand, just SMILE :)

And at the end of the day.....

If everyone's happy, good for them.

Why in the hel_l should anyone let it bother their day?

Thailand, just SMILE :)

Very true.

Fools never listen to advice or use common sense, they only learn by experience.

And it they choose to burden themselves with some brain dead gold digger it certainly doesn`t affect my life and who cares anyway.

And as you say, don`t worry about it, smile and plod on our own merry way.


ALL people just strive for happiness. If it does'nt meet the criteria of the OP,

Maybe he/she/it, should find a new home.

i know i will get alot of negativive replies from this post but i have lived in chiang mai now for 9 years,I have to mention the alarming amount of idiots with uneducated ticks they call wives or girlfriends,living here.I live in Hangdong and it seems to be the epicentre of it. Everyday there are more

I'll be generous and assume that you have had the benefit of a good education. Are people who haven't been so fortunate, unworthy? Is that your point?

Why does it concern or bother you? Are you superior in some way?

What does 'they call' mean?



Perhaps he is referring to the way they conduct themselves and not the papers they hold. I have seen many of the type of people he is referring to, some of which had degrees.

Though other posters are right, the lack of widespread higher education can be a factor. Though I think that is starting to have a cut off date, if you can 35 or younger and looking for a Thai partner it is quite easy to find a wonderful girl who is educated.


As I wrote recently on another thread:

Without wishing to harm any romantic notions or egos, I think that [certain people], when they extol Thai women and denigrate farang women, forget that in many respects they are talking about a market, with sellers seeking to sell goods of varying quality and buyers being able in varying degrees to be choosy about what they select.

Your point, foxyhooper, is related to this. The 'farang loser' to whom you refer may be operating on much better terms in Thailand than he could in his home country, making him a 'winner' here by comparison, but that does not mean he is highly desired by all potential buyers. As necessary, he, like any seller anywhere at any time, will go down market, even to the 'Thai ticks' you mention, until his product clears.

i know i will get alot of negativive replies from this post but i have lived in chiang mai now for 9 years,I have to mention the alarming amount of idiots with uneducated ticks they call wives or girlfriends,living here.I live in Hangdong and it seems to be the epicenter of it. Everyday there are more

I think lot of men in CM come from the Western world populated with a lot of gold-digging (self-declared, obvious, or not) women who are pumped up (literally or not) by hyper-feminists who have been hard-done by (consciously or not) some hot, dark and handsome player. I wish I could describe these women differently, but that has been my finding. There are decent women everywhere of course. But, few match the stereotypical women found in movies, songs, and ads. In general, men have been sold something that does not likely exist. Maybe women too! If I were a hot guy, I might have different finding! Sue my parents! I think these men are looking for sex (and what is wrong with that), but it is a bit safer to have a GF and financially a little better (if you play it right). Of course, compare to playing with the women in the western world, women in LOS are a bargain, again if you can play things right. To be perfectly honest, I think very few women believe in love as much as they believe in ATMs. Of course, the uglier the better the women usually, but not always. I prefer the medium rare type who are not so bitter because they were rejected by numerous men and who do not think that they are super model material, with all the things that encompasses that designation (medical or not)! Of course, Thai women might not know or be interested in Hamlet, but then they are not interested in feminism or soap opera movies either. Beside, that is why I have male (and some very selective female) friends. There are fine women out there. You can test how genuine they are by telling them that feminism in the Western world is a bit too much and then you will see if they will be smart-, open-minded women who can admit that some women (just like some men) do take advantage of situations. It is kind of sad that men have to travel 12, 000 KM from their abode to find women they feel they can kind of get a relationship that is not totally based on greed and exploitation (that's women exploiting men, btw). I have given up on normal, decent relationships a long time ago. It would help if women who are decent women would be advertising themselves a bit more BTW other than putting tons of lipstick on. In a dream of mind I have a perfectly liberated and genuine woman actually looking at my personality and brain as opposed to what I have in my wallet or how "good" my genes are (tall, dark, and handsome are usually the criteria). Hey! Women who look for these guys get what they are looking for: usually players. And guys who chooses the hot woman in LOS might get the same. I guess it is buyer beware a lot of the time! I wish things were different or I had different experiences! Don't sue me, sue them! There are always two sides to every story! Hopefully this comment provided a more balanced view of why things happen the way they do.


In the West, generally, woman have much more power than men in relationships and a lot of it is because men have relinquished their traditional powers in order to be "fair".

In many places in the East, men have held on to the power to the point that women are 2nd class citizens and men remain firmly on top.

I think that it is pointless to hate Western women for grabbing as much power as they can, but I much rather live somewhere where the odds are more in my favor. :)


foxyhooper, I see you haven't registered yourself for the TV BBQ at Tuskers next month as yet. Do you intend to do so? I'm sure there will be number of "loser" or "idiot" expats and their "uneducated ticks they call wives or girlfriends", who would love to discuss this subject further with you. I know I certainly would but unfortunately can't make it.

//Flame removed - mod//


Too easy to generalise. I have a 44 y.o. wife, I am 59 myself. Never had a better one in Europe! It is what has been said already, feminism in Europe and US is Far too much! My wife is not greedy, does not see me as an atm machine or whatever. I give her my respect and I get respect back. Very different from women outside Asia.

i know i will get alot of negativive replies from this post but i have lived in chiang mai now for 9 years,I have to mention the alarming amount of idiots with uneducated ticks they call wives or girlfriends,living here.I live in Hangdong and it seems to be the epicenter of it. Everyday there are more

You let your feelings known about "idiots with uneducated ticks" but is your alarm borne out of concern for the farang men who might be taken advantage of, or for the women? Is your alarm due to your discomfort about being surrounded by too many "uneducated ticks" although I note you are in Hangdong, wherever that is or is there too much competition from "idiots"? What exactly disturbs you to the extent you feel this way about other people's life's? I am really curious because frankly I do feel somewhat uncomfortable sometimes when I am introduced to a totally mis-matched couple, when of course it should be none of my business.

i know i will get alot of negativive replies from this post but i have lived in chiang mai now for 9 years,I have to mention the alarming amount of idiots with uneducated ticks they call wives or girlfriends,living here.I live in Hangdong and it seems to be the epicenter of it. Everyday there are more

I think lot of men in CM come from the Western world populated with a lot of gold-digging (self-declared, obvious, or not) women who are pumped up (literally or not) by hyper-feminists who have been hard-done by (consciously or not) some hot, dark and handsome player. I wish I could describe these women differently, but that has been my finding. There are decent women everywhere of course. But, few match the stereotypical women found in movies, songs, and ads. In general, men have been sold something that does not likely exist. Maybe women too! If I were a hot guy, I might have different finding! Sue my parents! I think these men are looking for sex (and what is wrong with that), but it is a bit safer to have a GF and financially a little better (if you play it right). Of course, compare to playing with the women in the western world, women in LOS are a bargain, again if you can play things right. To be perfectly honest, I think very few women believe in love as much as they believe in ATMs. Of course, the uglier the better the women usually, but not always. I prefer the medium rare type who are not so bitter because they were rejected by numerous men and who do not think that they are super model material, with all the things that encompasses that designation (medical or not)! Of course, Thai women might not know or be interested in Hamlet, but then they are not interested in feminism or soap opera movies either. Beside, that is why I have male (and some very selective female) friends. There are fine women out there. You can test how genuine they are by telling them that feminism in the Western world is a bit too much and then you will see if they will be smart-, open-minded women who can admit that some women (just like some men) do take advantage of situations. It is kind of sad that men have to travel 12, 000 KM from their abode to find women they feel they can kind of get a relationship that is not totally based on greed and exploitation (that's women exploiting men, btw). I have given up on normal, decent relationships a long time ago. It would help if women who are decent women would be advertising themselves a bit more BTW other than putting tons of lipstick on. In a dream of mind I have a perfectly liberated and genuine woman actually looking at my personality and brain as opposed to what I have in my wallet or how "good" my genes are (tall, dark, and handsome are usually the criteria). Hey! Women who look for these guys get what they are looking for: usually players. And guys who chooses the hot woman in LOS might get the same. I guess it is buyer beware a lot of the time! I wish things were different or I had different experiences! Don't sue me, sue them! There are always two sides to every story! Hopefully this comment provided a more balanced view of why things happen the way they do.


I have a good feeling this is going to get shut down... but there are just as many uneducated farangs here who walk around with a chip on their shoulder feeling superior to the locals. Half of the English teachers my daughter has had can't even compose a coherent sentence.

What exactly disturbs you to the extent you feel this way about other people's life's? I am really curious because frankly I do feel somewhat uncomfortable sometimes when I am introduced to a totally mis-matched couple, when of course it should be none of my business.

doggie88888 pretty much nailed it. It's nobody's business but the other people. There were lots of good, reasonable answers here to a post that was generally demeaning to men and women.

I would not call any woman a "Thai tick"... unless she actually did something nasty to me. And, even then I'd just ignore it with the understanding that it was her problem and not mine.

After my two western marriages ended I gave up the notion of "true love". I've come to realize that I'm far better off being single. But, not everyone wants to be single. And, I don't blame either of my ex-wives even though I never did anything wrong or treat them poorly.

Poor Thai women want an ATM machine first and formost. Men prefer an attractive woman to have sex with. It's about as simple as that.

Attractive, educated Thai women have far more options and usually choose an educated man... either Thai or falong. I know several older falong men who have lovely, educated Thai wives. Or, Thai wives who were street smart and educated themselves later.

Arrogant, ignorant prick that you are. Perhaps your right hand is your lover. Or is it your left?

Blinky, don't beat around the bush, just tell them what you really think.

Aren't you being a bit tough on the poor woman though?


Why would anyone get upset with the educational background of other people? I've met so called 'educated' westerners who didn't have an ounce of common sense and the social skills of a ........ A high level of education certainly does not automatically equate to being an honest, decent individual.

Arrogant, ignorant prick that you are. Perhaps your right hand is your lover. Or is it your left?

Blinky, don't beat around the bush, just tell them what you really think.

Aren't you being a bit tough on the poor woman though?

Bokkers, prick can apply to both genders. Fingers are attached to hands so if applicable "Perhaps the index finger of your right hand is your lover. Or is it your left?"


Did you read the post that Blinky was replying to? What right does foxyhooper have to call other foreigners and their wives nasty names?

Blinky Bill is a heck of a nice guy to anyone with a little manners and common courtesy, but he does not suffer fools gladly. :)


I like them pretty and stupid. They're much more fun, and I'm not really looking for an intellectual discussion with them. One guy once said to me, "You can't talk about the world situation with her." I told him, "I don't want to." As far as paying them, I've paid them to leave me alone at times.

For those who seem to have a problem with the subject thread or what I just said, I can lend you a couple baht if you need it.


I am not sure why this is still running. With the general negativity, nastiness, abuse and flaming and insults going on it violates more than a few forum rules.


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