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Single Minded Thais?


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Thai Single-Mindedness? Self-Absorption?-Self-Centredness: Generalisations?

And the difficulties with noticing things and explaining.

I would just like to understand!

Are Thais more self-obsessed than ‘Westerners’? Or are they more Single Minded as has been argued about Chinese people? Has this anything to do with things like Thais being apparently unable to ask questions like-which is the road to anywhere? Or where is the toy shop? I know there is a difficulty with such questions as it is puts someone in an awkward position if they have to say they ‘don’t know’. And even if they do know they could not explain to you! If my wife has something on her mind we could drive past a herd of pink elephants playing trombones and when asked she would say, truthfully, she had not noticed. And is it anything to do with going into a shop and picking up and buying the first item needed-no shopping around?

Are there any other reasons apart from inebriation, lack of imagination or self obsession/self importance?  that lead you to drive a Pickup/Motorbike out of a soi in front of a raft of oncoming vehicles and then down the road on the wrong side, wsometimes in the outside lane, to get to see your friend/the hairdresser or whatever. Is this to do with it too? There is more..but what do YOU think?!

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To No beleeeeve & srisatch.

Would either of you marry a Thai girl?

Yes or no.

Me.... No.

Oh I am marrried to a Thai Woman! We have 2 kids..Married for 10 Years...But of course 'the trick', if that is the right word, is to live most of the time in , in my case, Europe, and only 'visit' Muang Thai...which is a kind of 'rumpus room for the girl'...I mean she has Mum and Pa and six sisters, who dote on our kids...who I think should be ?% Thai...after all they can speak it...along with English, French and German... Back to the EU she has to go to work, pick up the kids, etc......

I would never marry a bg...anywhere...my wife is a 'Middle Class Chinese Thai' so perhaps she is not Thai at all.....

PS Was not wishing to get at YOU Pandit

As for Monsieur No beleeeeeeeeeeve....I no beleeeve....Why is it that academics/professionals/doctors/lawyers always get into these things and then RUN.....?!...Good luck with your Chinese marriage....You'll be nailed to the floor!

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Jumping back to the circular - linear ways of thinking....

Bina you posted a small note about Navajos and their circular way of thinking? Can you elaborate please. Have family marrying a Navajo and wondering your view on their way of thinking and such ... Thanks!

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>>As for Monsieur No beleeeeeeeeeeve....I no beleeeve....Why is it that academics/professionals/doctors/lawyers always get into these things and then RUN.....?!...Good luck with your Chinese marriage....You'll be nailed to the floor!>><<

Not sure what "nailed to the floor" means here.

Actually, I am not having a Chinese marriage, I'm having an American one in all senses of the word.

Run? From what? Am I missing some special Thaivisa.com dictionary?

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>>As for Monsieur No beleeeeeeeeeeve....I no beleeeve....Why is it that academics/professionals/doctors/lawyers always get into these things and then RUN.....?!...Good luck with your Chinese marriage....You'll be nailed to the floor!>><<

Not sure what "nailed to the floor" means here. 

Actually, I am not having a Chinese marriage, I'm having an American one in all senses of the word.

Run?  From what?  Am I missing some special Thaivisa.com dictionary?

Oh I should be entirely precise. I meant and sincerely good luck in your marriage to a Chinese lady. As to what an 'American Marriage' 'in all senses of the word 'means I haven't a clue!

But, re RUN, you said

"Regarding going over all my other points and commenting on them, my little break is over. I don't have time right now...I have patients I have to go treat."

Oh Big Doctor, Sir, So if you have not the time, we are so grateful you had the time to let us know...because whatever it is you spend your day doing is clearly more important than talking to us. How patronising 'my little break'...'I don't have time'....What on earth did you get into this for in the first place?

Did you have something more to contribute than your text book platitudes and banal 'observations of 'a doctor speaks'....

We were, I thought, having a rather interesting conversation. Then you wade in, flinging your 'qualificatiions and experience' about... and, of course, the party died. Thanks.

Have a great day! too.Narrow escape: Glad I am not marrying you! And extremely relieved I am not your patient

Anyway that is all off the point

I am, thanks to lots of posts,a bit the wiser. But I don't feel I really have a handle on it yet!

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well, I think first of all - we shouldn't generalise coz not everybody is same.

some things can be same or similar, but not all.

Are you are agreeing or disagreeing with yourself? :o

aaaaa has a constant internal sczophrenic dialog, yes he does, no he doesn't get out of my cornflakes, who the ###### are all these goats....

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This Sky Train thing. ..... it really used to annoy me but now I do the same thing, it's great fun.

As the train pulls into the platform you try and line yourself up with the most 'single-minded thai' who is obviously going to try and rush onto the train before you exit (it is better if there is only one person waiting at your door for maximum effect).

As soon as the door opens you just walk straight into them! I'm probably at least 30cm and 30kgs bigger than most thais and they just bounce off me. Obviously because everyone has 'cool heart' no-one says a ###### word. Breaks up boring public transport journeys no end.

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Geezus srisatch, are you having a bad hair day or did you fall off a bar stool last night? :o

Dear Udon

Your concern is my delight.

I dont have any hair..so that solves that one.

It is true.

I fell off a bar stool in a Nakrong free zone in the wilds of the North....picked up, of course by a scented, HUNGRY..for money that is Maiden..NOT

I just don't like 'Experts' who expect me to roll over when they wave their PhD Certificates...I got those too, after all!

Actually I was aggravated by an encounter at SEVEN with three 11 year olds on a motopsyche, sporting mobile phones and not a lot else apart from flashing eyes and smiles..and said to the household...what do Ma and Pa think they are up to? Why do they let their pubescent daughters roam the streets at 22.00 of a Saturday Night?..

Thai response...If they want to ...Oh yeah and pregnant tomorrow....

Maybe I should start a thread on the subject of Single Minded Americans!

Now what would that entail?

Take care!

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"puad lhang" and "puad Hua,"  so I'll keep it short na.  A Caucasian American (my ex-roommate) used to tell me--"you think too much..."

My mom says the same thing.

I agree (sometimes :o).

Trouble is I don't see Thais 'Stopping Thinking'....they are, if what they say is to be believed, thinking, like most of us, about food, sex, sleep, money. previous life, next life, pimples, hair, price of gold.. 24 hours...it is just..ie the thread...they don't seem to be thinking about it in quite the same way as me!!

As for Caucasian Americans!? Nor your Mom?!...Couldn't speak for them.....

Edited by srisatch
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I see what you're trying to say... Many Thais don't like to get too "deep" as that's regarded as the source of "headache." Many Thais just love to explore around. That's why Thais are arguably generally quite flexible people. This has its pros and cons na.... yeah, the thread of thoughts do vary from person to person--it runs in no order of impotance I don't think... That would be too robotic and the general population in this country are far from being robotic.....

quote=srisatch,2005-03-22 15:45:09]

"puad lhang" and "puad Hua,"  so I'll keep it short na.  A Caucasian American (my ex-roommate) used to tell me--"you think too much..."

My mom says the same thing.

I agree (sometimes :o).

Trouble is I don't see Thais 'Stopping Thinking'....they are, if what they say is to be believed, thinking, like most of us, about food, sex, sleep, money. previous life, next life, pimples, hair, price of gold.. 24 hours...it is just..ie the thread...they don't seem to be thinking about it in quite the same way as me!!

As for Caucasian Americans!? Nor your Mom?!...Couldn't speak for them.....

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All I can say is that you haven't been in LOS long enough na...

Yeah, Songkhran is fast approaching....and yeah Songkhram (war) too.

Have a great splash!

Take it easy y'all--and thanks for reminding--tis the Season to be jolly...du Du du du  du d u du  du rian...

Oh that not-so-pleasant-thought is invading----Watchout for FORMALINE....

Is it Christmas?It will be Songkhram...what the f))) has Formaline to do with anything?

Edited by bangkokian
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was that in order of importance....??????

hair nor pimples was ever on my list


I was just waiting til I could get at a decent motorbike mirror to deal with my pimples...we pop them in a gang! Hair? That is nicely blonded!..

No obsessions....Not in any order. Are yours!!

About this Formaline? ...I meant it did not have much to do with Single Minded Thais...unless its use at Songkhram is 'Single Minded'

Anyway it is Formalin/Formaldehyde...not Formaline

Its just I don't live a low life like you Bangkokian....presumably you drink it, when you get in the sheep dip, or the fish tank?? Someone told me it was an ingredient of Singha..can that be true?

Anyway I have cracked single mindedness..it stems from the belief that cause and effect only applies when transferring causes from previous lives to present life...therefore any behavior in present life is

a. caused by previous life and

b. without consequence in this life only the next

...so you can do what you b++++y want without a thought for anything or anyone sauf toi-meme

though you might come back as a toe rag

Have you seen those T Shirts with Taxin as Mickey Mouse?...there's revenge

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Hey Sri

The spelling mistake for formalin is mine, not Bina's. Anyway, the functional pronunciation for that word here is "Formaleeen."

was that in order of importance....??????

hair nor pimples was ever on my list


I was just waiting til I could get at a decent motorbike mirror to deal with my pimples...we pop them in a gang! Hair? That is nicely blonded!..

No obsessions....Not in any order. Are yours!!

About this Formaline? ...I meant it did not have much to do with Single Minded Thais...unless its use at Songkhram is 'Single Minded'

Anyway it is Formalin/Formaldehyde...not Formaline

Its just I don't live a low life like you Bangkokian....presumably you drink it, when you get in the sheep dip, or the fish tank?? Someone told me it was an ingredient of Singha..can that be true?

Anyway I have cracked single mindedness..it stems from the belief that cause and effect only applies when transferring causes from previous lives to present life...therefore any behavior in present life is

a. caused by previous life and

b. without consequence in this life only the next

...so you can do what you b++++y want without a thought for anything or anyone sauf toi-meme

though you might come back as a toe rag

Have you seen those T Shirts with Taxin as Mickey Mouse?...there's revenge

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navajos? dont remember who asked, not thai subject but ....

well, a long time a go i had to sit thru a movie made by navajos which involved a ball rolling around.... my father worked with the native americans oops the indians oops the native americans whichever.... he was the only caucasion (and a native brooklyn jew for that matter )and his job was to help the people in the native american project(this was part of health and human services not the BIA) to spend all their budget or they wouldnt get the same amount of money the next year.... he found it very difficult cause sense, or use of time was different BUT most navajo are probably pretty 'regular' americans (with the usual differences between east coast, west coast, southern, new york jewish etc etc etc if u get my drift)unless they were raised on the rez, or are 'going back to their roots'... which were the two types he usually worked with... things took forever and ever to get done, what they called Indian time (like jewish time --always late to arrive and then stayover time for what seems like forever standing by the door cause 'just going now' etc )... navajos are for the most part the welalthiest and largest of the tribes: casinos, nulcear waste projects etc... was in a pasqua yacki rez (reservation) 6 years ago... my dad's been retired for a long time....

as for FORMALIN??? what did i post about formalin?? am i blacking out at the keyboard?? :o:D what did i type about formalin??? the closest i came to formaldehyde was looking at the post about the monk and the fomaldehyde puppy in the buddhism section....??? :D

bangkokian where did u post about formalin.... ??

the thing is, i lost track of the original subject somewhere>

ridilin is probably not a much used drug in thailand if every one is single minded, therefore not easily distracted... seems like every other israeli kid i meet is using ritilin (including two of mine)....

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head on!!!

three very important points!!!

[Face is very important, so admitting you don't know is loss of face.

I think the education system also encourages rote learning and not thinking through a problem to solve it.

but many westerners too think that the best way to solve a problem is to let it solve himself - although not the most successful people

I'm not a logician but isn't there something about westerners using a linear logic and Asians (and others) using a circular logic?

the advantage is, that westerners can reroute to circular logic if linear doesn' do them any good, whereas (average) thais onlu think linear

An Asian friend once pointed out to me that in a western letter the meat is up front but in an Asian letter the most important stuff is near the bottom of the page.

when thais start a conversation/letter/negotiation, they always start with a little story about something, and after some time, just casyally, come to the point - chinese I believe are the experts in this

Only thing I know is that when I'm in LoS, I'm not going to change their thinking, it's up to me to adapt. Makes life easier if I do.

if every farang would (and could) do this, there would be none to very little problems!! :o  :D

My humble experience, is that if Thais are thinking about something that challenges the norm, or may lead to confrontation often leads to reaction of putting their heads in the sand.

This may be face, this may be jai yen or preserving one's karma however, I simply believe it to be a very nice way to keep the peace. Very frustrating at the outset, but if one believes what goes around comes around, many minor things in life sort themselves out.

The problem comes when a given individual is corrupt, criminal or in a position of power and no one dares to challenge it. I have been misdiagnosed by a doctor twice, a dentist once, only to see their misplaced bubble of pride burst when I have contacted doctor friends of mine at home who have advised me differently and correctly. I have seen friends of mine hire their own ambulances to get to Brumrungrad because the doctor has completely misdiagnised their toddler. God knows how many people die in this country every year because of jumped up physicians too proud to get or allow a second opinion.

Avoiding confrontation is a lovely idea when one imagines it. A world free of frustration, with rose tinted spectacles, birds twittering in the lush green meadows. What does it lead to? People blindly paying under the table to get everything done, politicians who can buy their influence, a society riven with prostitution, kids and politicians buying their degrees, poverty in the villages and overt ostentation in the cities.

Thais need to stand up and see the reality of their society and challenge the norm. This does not necessarily mean having a row with everyone, but occasionally doing the right moral thing, not giving away your vote for 100 bht, not paying the civil servant to get your papers processed.

Asking foreigners to adapt is an absolute cop-out. Simply because we are standing on a piece of land called Thailand, does not mean that all moral wrongs become rights. The fault is with the lack of desire of Thai people to challenge the norm and make this country better.

'The only thing necessary for the triumph [of evil] is for good men to do nothing.’

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