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A Soeng Sang Check In


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hi all,

just checking in for a few minutes in hot and humid soeng sang... living with sis in laws et al in small house... with rain coming in thru the roof... have been to a new born baby string tyinng thingy, have learned to do thatch roofs ( i like doing stuff with my hands) and left my photo album for the family in bangkok so will have to go and get it, or maybe it will be brought to us as we ar without a car... stayed with cominghomesoon, her cat and family for a night which was wonderful -- what a great thing this forum is for little things like that... it makes trips so much better.... and nice to see bangkok from an apartment that isnt a worker's apartment in a slum (last time we visited and stayed with friends with five people plus us in a room)...

enjoying living, and not working of course, good suggestions by all for telling me to bring some farang munchies and a few books, everything i have is spot on... can now safely make a farang lady in issaan suitcase list...

oh, and eveyrone wants to know when i will have a baby... :)

soeng sang is just the speed for me and shopping, not a big market, and i cant get lost...

by for now....

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you are soooooooooooo cute :)

and you really have a way with making even the most ordinary things in the villaeg life sounds like fun

hope you enjoy your trip and have lots of fun. nice that you could spend sometime with goinghomesoon.

if we ever are in bangkok at the same time, we should hae a slumber party :D

I want SBK and eek at the party too. but knowing me.....not sure we will slumber though HAHA

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi just a post to say i have arrived , with hubby in tow (changed flight date for him as he was missing 'home' in israel, ha ha what a change of tune that was... )...

had amazing adventures including :

1 scorpion bite - not me) , 1 leech -- on me, and all were amazed that i didnt panic- and getting stuck in a river in a fishing boat without 'nammaan' along with 4 park ranger friends, hubby and one young auntie -- my israeli practism kicked in and i started wondering how the current flows and if i was the only one who knows how to swim-- forgot to mention that the boat also had a million small holes in it, , while hunting poachers and hiking/ we made it to shore with thai ingenuity and lots of luck;

hubby's mom fell in the mud going out to the bathroom after a rain and broke her wrist so sat around with various extended's (family) in sung soong (sp) mini hospital for two days w/o orthopedist or xray reading facility...

thanx to cominghomesoon's husband, i found the semi precious stones and beads mall and bought karen beads for daughter (and in swampyphum saw a huge family of karen with bright white new shoes on their feet, apparently going to the states thru some 'program' since they had an english speaking thai accompanying them)

learned how to make one of those fancy shiny pink round pillows (not finished brought it home to finish), bought 3 pairs of shoes(for my daughters) for cheap in big c (went a little crazy for twenty minutes as i am not a shopper, must of gone into a 'fit' from the noise)

got a good body massage from hubby's auntie;

was stuck wandering around the central plaza bangna for hours to waste time in the a/c until we could go to swampybhum, since we slept in brother in law's room in workers' hotel (actually not bad, but far from everywhere)but had no money for actual shopping except a camera that works (as ours didnt behave the whole trip (: )...

smuggled a kilo of ...........................................mongot (mangosteens) --bet i had u all worried for a moment there :)-- into israel for a mini arrival party that my 'extendeds' set up for me complete with home cooked makluba (an arabic rice and chicken dish cooked by my dog sitter)

have just head that there was an outbreak of dengue fever thirty minutes from anon's muubaan (actually dengue was in khonburi), but hopefully neither of us got it, will know i guess in a week or so (incubation time?)...

am not terribly pleased to be back home, israelis are soooooooo rude and big and well, israeli...i'd forgotten how tense and on the edge ready for action all the time we are-- but nice to be with daughters, son and dogs (lillee may be preggers)

bye for now


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bought 3 pairs of shoes(for my daughters) for cheap in big c (went a little crazy for twenty minutes as i am not a shopper, must of gone into a 'fit' from the noise)

Haha, I knew you had the shopping gene :)

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quoted from 'bina'........and in swampyphum saw a huge family of karen with bright white new shoes on their feet, apparently going to the states thru some 'program' since they had an english speaking thai accompanying them)..."


I saw the same scene at the SUV airport while waiting at the UA gate. There were about 40+ (men,women, children) lining up waiting on the farest lane, nearly all the adults were carrying an over large size white plastic with 3 alphabets printed on it. I tried to interpret what this group came from and where was their destination?

Other passengers were curious, asking each others....who they were ?

The best I could guess was they were part of the Hmongs on their way to be settled in the USA.

Thanks 'bina' for the info.

And 'Welcome Home' !

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thank u....

we actually asked the thai woman accompanying them --she had the 'look' of an 'organization worker type' -- who and what ethnic group they were since it was so obvious that they weren't thai workers, thai travellers or thai students.


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As always Bina your tales sound wonderful. Please tell me what is soeng sang tho. I can't work out what u mean. Come to see me if you get to England dear. Boo can give u directions cos she's been here :)

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