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Chiang Mai Is Dead!


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It's May, which means that there are two main topics of idle conversation -

'It's hot'  - 'Raawn Maak'  (or 'Haawn Maak' to us locals) and 'It's very quiet' .

Talking about the weather is a polite pleasantry in most countries and Thailand is no different. 

However, the talk of business being slack is always spoken with great concern and worry as if this is some new phenomonem. So, just to console those that are concerned about business, I'll give you one of my many pearls of wisdom ....

It's MAY. May is always hot and always very quiet business-wise. It has been for the last twenty years that I know of and probably will be this year too. June will also be very quiet, but trade WILL pick up in July. So relax, Go fishing, play Tennis, or if you're old or out-of-shape take up Golf.

The exception to this rule may be Marco's but not let's go down that path. :)

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It's May, which means that there are two main topics of idle conversation -

'It's hot' - 'Raawn Maak' (or 'Haawn Maak' to us locals) and 'It's very quiet' .

Talking about the weather is a polite pleasantry in most countries and Thailand is no different.

However, the talk of business being slack is always spoken with great concern and worry as if this is some new phenomonem. So, just to console those that are concerned about business, I'll give you one of my many pearls of wisdom ....

It's MAY. May is always hot and always very quiet business-wise. It has been for the last twenty years that I know of and probably will be this year too. June will also be very quiet, but trade WILL pick up in July. So relax, Go fishing, play Tennis, or if you're old or out-of-shape take up Golf.

The exception to this rule may be Marco's but not let's go down that path. :)

I wish I could believe you about it coming right in July.

Yesterday, and after four years in business, my partner decided she is going to close down her shop in CM - she says she has never known it so bad (for ANY time of year).

Edited by piercefilmlid
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I can't help but think that certain key-segments are on a particular decline.

I had lunch at Daret's Guesthouse today, and I don't think I've ever seen it so empty.. There were 4 other people. And, more importantly, they were all in their sixties at least.. Really NOT the backpacker crowd you'd expect!

So, backpackers being one segment.

Other segments... : single male travellers.. particularly gays..Driving past some areas that used to have gay bars doing booming business, they were mostly all closed. (Night Bazar etc).

Note that I'm not in the tourist industry so this is not just whining about business. I do think it's remarkable that 10, 15 years ago there were FAR fewer foreign residents in town, but bars and restaurants were doing good business then..

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I can't help but think that certain key-segments are on a particular decline.

 I do think it's remarkable that 10, 15 years ago there were FAR fewer foreign residents in town, but bars and restaurants were doing good business then..

It's not difficult - there were FAR fewer bars and restaurants. And Hotels. Oh and Massage places too. And street vendors. They didn't even have Boutique hotels - they hadn't been invented.

As regards segments - certainly a lot more families and young couples these days.

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I can't help but think that certain key-segments are on a particular decline.

I do think it's remarkable that 10, 15 years ago there were FAR fewer foreign residents in town, but bars and restaurants were doing good business then..

It's not difficult - there were FAR fewer bars and restaurants. And Hotels. Oh and Massage places too. And street vendors. They didn't even have Boutique hotels - they hadn't been invented.

As regards segments - certainly a lot more families and young couples these days.

hey my wife aqnd I had lunch at Chez Marcos today at 3:40p.m. lte lunch marcos was empty he said at 3:30 it is empty ... he said t is slow season ... profound words. he was confused when i tried to tell him about my post on thaivisa his english is not that great but o.k. ... his comment was i have my customers ..... he told me a bill brit freind of his that has english pub down the street told him about this few days ago but he did not seem to get it nor care... i told him he had some clowns talking about beating him but he did not seem to care about that either... said someone had grabbed one of his fenale waitresses there which cause problems... some farang bozo flashed a tourist police badge??? what is that?? they give bozo farang badges here >??? for what??? to flash at the marcos of CM ..a french chef. or more likely some guy buys a badge somewhere to play sucurity guard at spicy????

we had some great food though prepared by guess who????? marco himself.....

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It's May, which means that there are two main topics of idle conversation -

'It's hot' - 'Raawn Maak' (or 'Haawn Maak' to us locals) and 'It's very quiet' .

Talking about the weather is a polite pleasantry in most countries and Thailand is no different.

However, the talk of business being slack is always spoken with great concern and worry as if this is some new phenomonem. So, just to console those that are concerned about business, I'll give you one of my many pearls of wisdom ....

It's MAY. May is always hot and always very quiet business-wise. It has been for the last twenty years that I know of and probably will be this year too. June will also be very quiet, but trade WILL pick up in July. So relax, Go fishing, play Tennis, or if you're old or out-of-shape take up Golf.

The exception to this rule may be Marco's but not let's go down that path. :)

Haawn Kahnaht!!!

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It's May, which means that there are two main topics of idle conversation -

'It's hot' - 'Raawn Maak' (or 'Haawn Maak' to us locals) and 'It's very quiet' .

Talking about the weather is a polite pleasantry in most countries and Thailand is no different.

However, the talk of business being slack is always spoken with great concern and worry as if this is some new phenomonem. So, just to console those that are concerned about business, I'll give you one of my many pearls of wisdom ....

It's MAY. May is always hot and always very quiet business-wise. It has been for the last twenty years that I know of and probably will be this year too. June will also be very quiet, but trade WILL pick up in July. So relax, Go fishing, play Tennis, or if you're old or out-of-shape take up Golf.

The exception to this rule may be Marco's but not let's go down that path. :)

Haawn Kahnaht!!!

is it that hot here ?? seems pleasant for me... what is funny is thai people say this to each other 100 times aday... they were born here seems like you would expect the heat.. it doesn't bother me and i know when it is going to be A.C. time every year.....

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I can't help but think that certain key-segments are on a particular decline.

Other segments... : single male travellers.. particularly gays..Driving past some areas that used to have gay bars doing booming business, they were mostly all closed. (Night Bazar etc).

Indeed - single gay tourists to CM are a very rare breed these days, fortunately, most of the sex tourists seem to prefer BKK and Pattaya. The Night Bazzar bars are now inhabited only by the real low life sexpats who get all gays a bad name with their activities and predilections. IMHO the bulldozers can't come soon enough!

On the other hand, CM is ever more popular with retired gay ex pats and there is a trend towards more upscale venues without the sleaze to cater for this customer group. Several new places have sprung up or been renvigorated in recent months including Soho bar, Nimman Kitchen by Krit (truly excellent Thai food BTW - and its not just a gay place), La Vie En Rose (opposite hillside 4 and next to Nimman Kitchen), Sabbai Di (Santitham Guest House) and the soon to open Metro Bar. As well as more established places like the Glass Onion and Spirit House. Whilst I doubt anyone is doing booming business, these places all have a regular expat clientele which increases their chances of survival. The gay business demographic in CM has certainly changed.

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On the other hand, CM is ever more popular with retired gay ex pats .

Sounds like a niche market worth exploring.

I wouldn't want to go so far as changing the name to The Pink Lion, but maybe something a bit more subtle.

Do you know where I can buy one of those mulit-coloured gay-pride flags?

Worth a try.

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On the other hand, CM is ever more popular with retired gay ex pats .

Sounds like a niche market worth exploring.

I wouldn't want to go so far as changing the name to The Pink Lion, but maybe something a bit more subtle.

Do you know where I can buy one of those mulit-coloured gay-pride flags?

Worth a try.

Yes be subtle and there is business to be had. As an example, I heard the Pub is popular with the gay ex pat crowd, on the other hand the Queen Vic (Previous management - I hasten to add) cynically advertised on several gay websites and got themselves a bad reputation with local gays as a result.

To a large extent the internet has replaced the gay bar as a pick up joint. All most gays want to do is go out and enjoy themselves and they don't need an exclusively gay venue to achieve that.

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On the other hand, CM is ever more popular with retired gay ex pats .

Sounds like a niche market worth exploring.

I wouldn't want to go so far as changing the name to The Pink Lion, but maybe something a bit more subtle.

Do you know where I can buy one of those mulit-coloured gay-pride flags?

Worth a try.

Yes be subtle and there is business to be had. As an example, I heard the Pub is popular with the gay ex pat crowd, on the other hand the Queen Vic (Previous management - I hasten to add) cynically advertised on several gay websites and got themselves a bad reputation with local gays as a result.

To a large extent the internet has replaced the gay bar as a pick up joint. All most gays want to do is go out and enjoy themselves and they don't need an exclusively gay venue to achieve that.

"chaing mai is dead" thread has now gone gay... does this mean the mods are going to crush it now??

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Indeed - single gay tourists to CM are a very rare breed these days, fortunately, most of the sex tourists seem to prefer BKK and Pattaya. The Night Bazzar bars are now inhabited only by the real low life sexpats who get all gays a bad name with their activities and predilections. IMHO the bulldozers can't come soon enough!

Paagai, you've been knocking the Night Bazaar bars for quite a while. At the time, I disagreed with your previous comments that amounted to an obituary for something that hadn't died at that point - though I do agree the place has now declined in "buzz" as so many places have closed. But - to say that they "are now inhabited only by the real low life sexpats who get all gays a bad name with their activities and predilections" is just plain wrong. It's also offensive to those who still go there who in no way match the label you're trying to stick on them.

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All cities everywhere change over time... some for the good and some for the worse. Very often it is because of access and convenience. If a certain group move into a neighbourhood and find it comfortable a few businesses will start up and attract like minded people. Years ago before I was born my grandfather had a butcher shop specializing in pork products in a relatively upscale part of Toronto, Canada. Over time the area became predominantly Jewish. Jewish people do not eat pork. My grandfather could have and should have moved his business elsewhere, but he was stubborn and he lost a lot of clients. It was not the fault of the Jewish people. It was the fault of not being adaptable. My grandfathers business only survived because he ran a good shop and people from outside the community came to buy, but he would have done far better in a different part of Toronto.

The smart people see a trend happening and adjust beforehand. Some people put all their eggs in one basket and gamble. Continual gambling over the long run will hurt you, but on the short term it could also make you very wealthy.

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Yes be subtle and there is business to be had. As an example, I heard the Pub is popular with the gay ex pat crowd, on the other hand the Queen Vic (Previous management - I hasten to add) cynically advertised on several gay websites and got themselves a bad reputation with local gays as a result.

To a large extent the internet has replaced the gay bar as a pick up joint. All most gays want to do is go out and enjoy themselves and they don't need an exclusively gay venue to achieve that.

Of course.. However there's types of establishments, and I can only speak for the straight universe here, where a little cuddling is common or encouraged. If you go to regular mixed venues like Warm Up or whatever then there's probably a limit on that?

Also, why did advertising in gay websites back-fire for the Queen Vic? If anything it would send out a message that they're welcome?

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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It's May, which means that there are two main topics of idle conversation -

'It's hot' - 'Raawn Maak' (or 'Haawn Maak' to us locals) and 'It's very quiet' .

Talking about the weather is a polite pleasantry in most countries and Thailand is no different.

However, the talk of business being slack is always spoken with great concern and worry as if this is some new phenomonem. So, just to console those that are concerned about business, I'll give you one of my many pearls of wisdom ....

It's MAY. May is always hot and always very quiet business-wise. It has been for the last twenty years that I know of and probably will be this year too. June will also be very quiet, but trade WILL pick up in July. So relax, Go fishing, play Tennis, or if you're old or out-of-shape take up Golf.

The exception to this rule may be Marco's but not let's go down that path. :D

Now you have me worried; the last two days our business has been full, even requiring extra seats to be brought in.....oh what are we to do come July.....

...wishing it was quieter for some fishing time......

Pretty special time of year; quiet, warm and slow. That's nothing to complain about, good pearls too. :)

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Who says its quiet? At the Olde Bell we are having the best months since we opened 3 yers ago - obviously most of that is spin off trade from Chez Marco just down the road, but whatever the reason I'll take it! I don't know what busines you're in Chiangmaioldhand but In addition to Marco and I some other places are quite busy too. I was down at the Red Lion last week and they were full outside. Plenty of punters munching their way through steak and chips and watching 60's music videos. I had a pint there with the wife. Very pleasant!

Also remember me and the wife were with you for Songkran...Bloody Millwall, we'll get you at Elland Road on Thursday :)

See you all next month.



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Ha! Ha! Basinboy and his memsahib certainly contributed substantially to Aprils bumper month!!

Millwall take a 1-0 lead to Elland road, my old friend!!

should be quite an interesting game!

Both on and off the pitch!!

A pint on the outcome?

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to say the obvious, the whole of Thailand seems quiet and yet flights seem fairly full and unless you book ahead, still expensive.

is it the pink or lilac baht that will bring prosperity?


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to say the obvious, the whole of Thailand seems quiet and yet flights seem fairly full and unless you book ahead, still expensive.

is it the pink or lilac baht that will bring prosperity?


Don't forget that many passengers on planes which land at BKK are in transit to elsewhere.

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Do you know where I can buy one of those mulit-coloured gay-pride flags?

Worth a try.

Why not nick the one from next door :)

Because I'm from Liverpool. :D

Unfortunately for me, chiangmaioldhand has banned all riff raff from his café and tennis club, so that’s the end of my social life in Chiang Mai. Can’t even bring the kids along, he hates them as well. Was going to send the wife but she has some awful habits, picks her nose at the table and scratches her ass with the salad fork.

At first I thought ole cmoh was really mean, but now I realise he’s a scouser I think I understand. Last time I visited his tennis club, was singing songs like; I’m enery the eighth I am & my old man’s a dustman E wears a dustman’s at.

I should have been singing, Ferry cross the Mersey & Oh Liverpool Lou, Lovely Liverpool Lou, Why don’t you behave just like other girls do. And why the hel_l did I mention that I cant stand Cilla Black, should have kept my bladdy mouth shut.

I visit the town twice a week for nightly entertainments and many are saying business is the worst it has been for years. Quite a few factors involved here, the political turmoil in Thailand that has been well hyped up by the Western media, the worldwide economic crisis, low bank exchange rates and job insecurity.

My forecast is that 2009 is going to be another bad year for the tourist industry, maybe improving slightly next year if things pick up.

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Unfortunately for me, chiangmaioldhand has banned all riff raff from his café and tennis club, so that's the end of my social life in Chiang Mai. Can't even bring the kids along, he hates them as well. Was going to send the wife but she has some awful habits, picks her nose at the table and scratches her ass with the salad fork.

At first I thought ole cmoh was really mean, but now I realise he's a scouser I think I understand. Last time I visited his tennis club, was singing songs like; I'm enery the eighth I am & my old man's a dustman E wears a dustman's at.

I should have been singing, Ferry cross the Mersey & Oh Liverpool Lou, Lovely Liverpool Lou, Why don't you behave just like other girls do. And why the hel_l did I mention that I cant stand Cilla Black, should have kept my bladdy mouth shut.

Actually, I'm very fond of kids - I'm 'Papa' to all the night bazaar ragamuffins. Sreaming, uncontrollable kids I take exception to. Who doesn't?

As regards to Ferry Cross The Mersey - it really annoys me. It's a Ferry he's on. He took a 15 minute boat ride to Birkenhead and now he's singing about going back to 'this land I've always loved'!!!

I'm not so keen on 'Our Cilla' either. But then who is?

Oop, late for tennis, must dash.

Edited by chiangmaioldhand
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to say the obvious, the whole of Thailand seems quiet and yet flights seem fairly full and unless you book ahead, still expensive.

is it the pink or lilac baht that will bring prosperity?


Don't forget that many passengers on planes which land at BKK are in transit to elsewhere.

agree but 10 years ago (ok 5 even) a lot used to hop off and spend some time here

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