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Why Do Food Subjects Have To Be So Contentious?


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This question was asked on another thread earlier today. I was intrigued by it, but the thread was already at risk of being closed and I thought it better not to increase that risk by getting into what might be regarded as yet another diversion from the topic at hand. So I raise it here instead. Your thoughts?

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Rasseru,

That is a most tasty question which reminds me of larks' tongues in aspic, and other gourmet viands, my farang once dined upon in his imagination.

A close shave with Ockham's Razor of that question might yield some facial hairs whose dna would indicate that the gustatory can be a signifier for the delights and appetites of the other orifices ?

But, dost think we need more of a Vajra lightning-bolt here than a Jovian jolt ? : is it as simple as saying what appears as "contentious" is evoked by those things in us which are eating us ?

Or is it just random "smoke," static on the line, from the fires of farang frustration as we, daily, realize the paradise lost is one that never was, and that the angel with the flaming sword who banished us is ... us ?

best, ~o:37;

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Rasseru,

That is a most tasty question which reminds me of larks' tongues in aspic, and other gourmet viands, my farang once dined upon in his imagination.

A close shave with Ockham's Razor of that question might yield some facial hairs whose dna would indicate that the gustatory can be a signifier for the delights and appetites of the other orifices ?

But, dost think we need more of a Vajra lightning-bolt here than a Jovian jolt ? : is it as simple as saying what appears as "contentious" is evoked by those things in us which are eating us ?

Or is it just random "smoke," static on the line, from the fires of farang frustration as we, daily, realize the paradise lost is one that never was, and that the angel with the flaming sword who banished us is ... us ?

best, ~o:37;

I'd trash that too but I'm not clever enough to understand it :)

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Simply because people have different opinions on what is good and what is bad. I have eaten in some very expensive restaurants and some have been good, some have been mediocre and some have been utterly crap! each to their own. Just accept the fact that other people may have a differing opinion to yours and accept it. Simple really.

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You're always starting threads like this. It makes me sick :)

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Milton,

Isn't a major function of this forum to provide a safe vomitorium for our indigestion of threads and each other's thoughts ?

I find Khun Rasseru's question in excellent taste, most nourishing, and I feel very healthy right now; of course I am not "fully" happy because my brother, Khun Milton, is feeling sick ! Yet I am optimistic he will come through this purgative course cleansed and friendly.


Edited by orang37
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I'd trash that too but I'm not clever enough to understand it :)

Silly! Why let anything like a little absence of understanding get in the way of a good time! I haven't a clue what he was talking about either, but I'm going to say something about it once the breeze - and it is lovely, isn't it? - gathers my my scattered wits together in some corner of the room.

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Sawasdee khrup, Khun ~o:37;

Thank you very much indeed for your thoughtful post. I somehow feel that we are starting down a path to friendship, if I might be so presumptuous as to suppose that one such as you might deign to be friends with one such as me.

Larks' Tongues in Aspic is a favourite of mine as well, perhaps my very favourite. I prefer part one to part two, but both are marvelous.

I do so envy your farang, by the way, having both an imagination and a dream-state. My goodness, what that must be like! I'd like to be able to say, at this point, 'Imagine that!', but of course, as I obviously lack an imagination of my own, such a comment by me would simply cause pain and embarrassment to everyone listening, by which I mean, of course, reading.

Being a mere stumbler along a much, much lower path than the one upon which you stride, I cannot be certain that I understand fully all that you share with us, but when you write, as you did, that 'the gustatory can be a signifier for the delights and appetites of the other orifices', I cannot help but wonder whether, as a reply to the question before us, that means that contention occurs on food threads because ars*holes are drawn more than others to the topic of food? Have I understood you correctly, or have I perhaps simply and inadvertently revealed, as you seemed to suggest we all might do, what is eating me?

Humbly yours, etc


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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Rasseru,

That is a most tasty question which reminds me of larks' tongues in aspic, and other gourmet viands, my farang once dined upon in his imagination.

A close shave with Ockham's Razor of that question might yield some facial hairs whose dna would indicate that the gustatory can be a signifier for the delights and appetites of the other orifices ?

But, dost think we need more of a Vajra lightning-bolt here than a Jovian jolt ? : is it as simple as saying what appears as "contentious" is evoked by those things in us which are eating us ?

Or is it just random "smoke," static on the line, from the fires of farang frustration as we, daily, realize the paradise lost is one that never was, and that the angel with the flaming sword who banished us is ... us ?

best, ~o:37;

Up yer's.


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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Rasseru,

That is a most tasty question which reminds me of larks' tongues in aspic, and other gourmet viands, my farang once dined upon in his imagination.

A close shave with Ockham's Razor of that question might yield some facial hairs whose dna would indicate that the gustatory can be a signifier for the delights and appetites of the other orifices ?

But, dost think we need more of a Vajra lightning-bolt here than a Jovian jolt ? : is it as simple as saying what appears as "contentious" is evoked by those things in us which are eating us ?

Or is it just random "smoke," static on the line, from the fires of farang frustration as we, daily, realize the paradise lost is one that never was, and that the angel with the flaming sword who banished us is ... us ?

best, ~o:37;

I think I need one of those Viagra lightning bolts that orang is drinking. :)

I'd prefer that to the Jovian jolt produced by Coca Cola.

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Simply because people have different opinions on what is good and what is bad. I have eaten in some very expensive restaurants and some have been good, some have been mediocre and some have been utterly crap! each to their own. Just accept the fact that other people may have a differing opinion to yours and accept it. Simple really.

Spot on! But why do so many people find it hard, or impossible, especially, it seems, when it comes to food, to accept that others may have an opinion different from theirs?

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Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Rasseru,

That is a most tasty question which reminds me of larks' tongues in aspic, and other gourmet viands, my farang once dined upon in his imagination.

A close shave with Ockham's Razor of that question might yield some facial hairs whose dna would indicate that the gustatory can be a signifier for the delights and appetites of the other orifices ?

But, dost think we need more of a Vajra lightning-bolt here than a Jovian jolt ? : is it as simple as saying what appears as "contentious" is evoked by those things in us which are eating us ?

Or is it just random "smoke," static on the line, from the fires of farang frustration as we, daily, realize the paradise lost is one that never was, and that the angel with the flaming sword who banished us is ... us ?

best, ~o:37;

i'd say that food threads on here are more akin to schrödinger's cat than occam's razor.

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chaing mai farangs are obsessed with food. thats all i ever seem to see, food threads

once i came the chaing mai forum to have alook... 5 food threads right at the top

I see from your avatar that you're a bloodsucker. No wonder food threads don't interest you. You may find more threads to your liking in the Health Forum.

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This is a great topic..

I'm so glad it meets with your approval.

It also seems to be serving well another purpose I had in mind for it when I started it, namely to preserve and protect the innocent little Chez Marco thread from the dismemberment or destruction that can follow on going too far off-topic. This topic is the off-topic of that one, as it were, and probably will never give birth to an off-topic discourse of its own.

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... snip ... It also seems to be serving well another purpose I had in mind for it when I started it, namely to preserve and protect the innocent little Chez Marco thread from the dismemberment or destruction that can follow on going too far off-topic. This topic is the off-topic of that one, as it were, and probably will never give birth to an off-topic discourse of its own.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Rasseru,

That is a most wonderful disclosure of your plans for this illusion ! This thread, like a snake-bite remedy made from snake venom, then becomes a homeopathic cure for the off-topical maggotry infesting the other thread. I like your mind more and more.

I have formed a very positive opinion, by the way, of Chez Marco from the threads here, and intend to go there soon and see if he can cook something soft and bland for my farang's damaged palette. And I am recommending it to some visiting friends of mine today.

I join with you in wishing that this thread will not spawn more trogolodytic progeny, but I would never underestimate the local talent for off-topicality present here.

regards, ~o:37;

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chaing mai farangs are obsessed with food. thats all i ever seem to see, food threads

once i came the chaing mai forum to have alook... 5 food threads right at the top

I see from your avatar that you're a bloodsucker. No wonder food threads don't interest you. You may find more threads to your liking in the Health Forum.

i can see from your avatar that you are a dog. maybe you will have more threads to your liking in the pets forum lol

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chaing mai farangs are obsessed with food. thats all i ever seem to see, food threads

once i came the chaing mai forum to have alook... 5 food threads right at the top

I see from your avatar that you're a bloodsucker. No wonder food threads don't interest you. You may find more threads to your liking in the Health Forum.

i can see from your avatar that you are a dog. maybe you will have more threads to your liking in the pets forum lol

I'm a chow hound you see.

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