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British Goverment Seek Former Thai Premier


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The British Goverment, ie most Members of Parlement are seeking advice allegedly on how to make large amounts of money from abusing their position,and yet still remain popular with the voters. It has been revealed that a renewal of a British passport and a knighthood are on offer. Has anything been reported on Thai TV or papers ? A bloke in the pub told me. :)

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The British Goverment, ie most Members of Parlement are seeking advice allegedly on how to make large amounts of money from abusing their position,and yet still remain popular with the voters. It has been revealed that a renewal of a British passport and a knighthood are on offer. Has anything been reported on Thai TV or papers ? A bloke in the pub told me. :)

Trust me. I'm getting emails from the UK saying the Brits want the lot of them gone, Labour, Conservative, the lot!

Is this a knighthood for Thaksin? I'm not sure I understand.

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The British Goverment, ie most Members of Parlement are seeking advice allegedly on how to make large amounts of money from abusing their position,and yet still remain popular with the voters. It has been revealed that a renewal of a British passport and a knighthood are on offer. Has anything been reported on Thai TV or papers ? A bloke in the pub told me. :D

Trust me. I'm getting emails from the UK saying the Brits want the lot of them gone, Labour, Conservative, the lot!

Is this a knighthood for Thaksin? I'm not sure I understand.

The mentality of these greedy MP tossers is unbelievable.They seem to think,after getting there hands caught in the till,they can somehow redeem themselves by paying the money back.This theory certainly would'nt help a bank robber.It's the same old shit from the ruling bodies,who have morals lower than a snakes belly.Do has I say,not has I do.Total hypocrites. :)

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The danger is that the British will vote in a right wing nationalist government.

Britain's demise will then be complete. The country run under the jackboot of those my parents fought against.

The global economic slowdown and harsh times in the UK at the moment will just add further fuel to the fire.

The excuse for mass immigration was that they were 'needed', no excuses any more for more arrivals as unemployment hits 6 million. The immigrant populus becomes a resented burden.

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The British Goverment, ie most Members of Parlement are seeking advice allegedly on how to make large amounts of money from abusing their position,and yet still remain popular with the voters. It has been revealed that a renewal of a British passport and a knighthood are on offer. Has anything been reported on Thai TV or papers ? A bloke in the pub told me. :D

Trust me. I'm getting emails from the UK saying the Brits want the lot of them gone, Labour, Conservative, the lot!

Is this a knighthood for Thaksin? I'm not sure I understand.

The mentality of these greedy MP tossers is unbelievable.They seem to think,after getting there hands caught in the till,they can somehow redeem themselves by paying the money back.This theory certainly would'nt help a bank robber.It's the same old shit from the ruling bodies,who have morals lower than a snakes belly.Do has I say,not has I do.Total hypocrites. :)

Spud, I couldn't agree more.

I used to say it was Labour with the fingers in the till, Tory's in bed with some other blokes missus. THEY ARE ALL AT IT.

The only decent one was actually a Labour MP, total expenses £1274 for the year!

I'm not a Labour bloke, BTW.

I'm getting disturbing emails from the UK at the moment. It seems the momentum behind both economic and political carnage and possibly collapse has increased rapidly.

We live in scary times.

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The UK goverment has a phone number set-up so you can "INFORM" on anyone claiming excess benefit,.....you know the type ;single mother doing a bit of part time work to feed her kids,......I just wonder if there is a phone number to "SHOP" your local politician fiddling expenses or Mega rich Tax avoiders like the boss's of Newspapers,Supermarkets,Banks,???? :)

Edited by dee123
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The danger is that the British will vote in a right wing nationalist government.

Britain's demise will then be complete. The country run under the jackboot of those my parents fought against.

The global economic slowdown and harsh times in the UK at the moment will just add further fuel to the fire.

The excuse for mass immigration was that they were 'needed', no excuses any more for more arrivals as unemployment hits 6 million. The immigrant populus becomes a resented burden.

That Oberkommando (fantastic name and avatar, BTW) is my biggest fear for that country. The nationalistic feeling there is growing stronger by the day.

I try and encourage people to vote for independent MP's which really stand for local people and issues. War can be ordered through political parties, whereas with majority independents not so easy.

Political party funding, the 3-line party whip, peerages, the Woolsack, Habeus Corpus, Magna Carter, it goes on and on.

Unemployment is in reality running at around 25% now. These are people of working age 16-65 classed as not economically active. Scary number. Also remember all those self-employed guys and CIS builders won't be in the numbers and my lot have borne the brunt of this thing so far.

Labour really put that country through the mill over the last 12 years. I tell you, my head is still spinning from it.

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The British Goverment, ie most Members of Parlement are seeking advice allegedly on how to make large amounts of money from abusing their position,and yet still remain popular with the voters. It has been revealed that a renewal of a British passport and a knighthood are on offer. Has anything been reported on Thai TV or papers ? A bloke in the pub told me. :D

Trust me. I'm getting emails from the UK saying the Brits want the lot of them gone, Labour, Conservative, the lot!

Is this a knighthood for Thaksin? I'm not sure I understand.

The mentality of these greedy MP tossers is unbelievable.They seem to think,after getting there hands caught in the till,they can somehow redeem themselves by paying the money back.This theory certainly would'nt help a bank robber.It's the same old shit from the ruling bodies,who have morals lower than a snakes belly.Do has I say,not has I do.Total hypocrites. :)

Spud 1. That is uncanny !!! The former Thai Premier reportedly issued a statement almost word for word the same as you. Apparently he does not want to be associated with them,as he feels it could tarnish his reputation , and if he wanted a passport he would not want one from a 4th world country.So this bloke said anyway.

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The British Goverment, ie most Members of Parlement are seeking advice allegedly on how to make large amounts of money from abusing their position,and yet still remain popular with the voters. It has been revealed that a renewal of a British passport and a knighthood are on offer. Has anything been reported on Thai TV or papers ? A bloke in the pub told me. :D

Trust me. I'm getting emails from the UK saying the Brits want the lot of them gone, Labour, Conservative, the lot!

Is this a knighthood for Thaksin? I'm not sure I understand.

The mentality of these greedy MP tossers is unbelievable.They seem to think,after getting there hands caught in the till,they can somehow redeem themselves by paying the money back.This theory certainly would'nt help a bank robber.It's the same old shit from the ruling bodies,who have morals lower than a snakes belly.Do has I say,not has I do.Total hypocrites. :)

Spud, I couldn't agree more.

I used to say it was Labour with the fingers in the till, Tory's in bed with some other blokes missus. THEY ARE ALL AT IT.

The only decent one was actually a Labour MP, total expenses £1274 for the year!

I'm not a Labour bloke, BTW.

I'm getting disturbing emails from the UK at the moment. It seems the momentum behind both economic and political carnage and possibly collapse has increased rapidly.

We live in scary times.

I've come to the conclusion,that's capitalism for you.What happened to the Labour socialist party.

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Really struggling with 2G tonight.

Old Labour were mental, Thatcher went too far, Bliar was a crook.

I reckon the best they had of late was Major. He did, well, not much, interfered little.

I don't think it's capitalism. Capitalism is human nature, the need to survive. What you see today is Big Government tied up with Big Business and more importantly Finance.

Remember this one?

"Finance is like a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull ze trigger."

Sum's it up for me.

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The danger is that the British will vote in a right wing nationalist government.

The BNP as im guessing this is who youre refering to are socialists, read their manifesto before coming out with such crap. You will learn something.

The Scottish already vote in their masses for a nationalist party does this kind of democracy scare you, you really are a product of NuLabour, with your scare tactics.

Edited by sanmiguel
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The danger is that the British will vote in a right wing nationalist government.

The BNP as im guessing this is who youre refering to are socialists, read their manifesto before coming out with such crap. You will learn something.

That's what "The Chingford Skinhead" aka Norman (on ya bike), Tebbit said last night,....I couldn't stop laughing :) .....Tip; never believe BNP literature!

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The danger is that the British will vote in a right wing nationalist government.

The BNP as im guessing this is who youre refering to are socialists, read their manifesto before coming out with such crap. You will learn something.

I've been to their website a few times. Yes, they are old style socialists. But in addition to that they seem to still have a very extreme faction of racists.

Now, UK immigration policy does need sorting out and enforcing. But to go down the route of the BNP to do this is . . . well, a bit scary.

I feel they'd start off as old Labour and then deteriorate into extremism.

Major overhaul of Parliament needed. Put a bulldozer through much of New Labour's ill-conceived legislation of the past decade or so. But most of all, break the bonds between big government and big business. That's where the problem is.

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The danger is that the British will vote in a right wing nationalist government.

The BNP as im guessing this is who youre refering to are socialists, read their manifesto before coming out with such crap. You will learn something.

That's what "The Chingford Skinhead" aka Norman (on ya bike), Tebbit said last night,....I couldn't stop laughing :) .....Tip; never believe BNP literature!

Well it as its a fact, i grant you on immigration their policy is what can be described as right wing, but the rest of it most certainly isnt.

When Nick Griffin speaks i believe him far more then pretty much all other politicians ..... but no i dont vote for BNP as they arent in my constituency i just agree with many of their points ... as do the mass majority of Brits when shown their manifesto without being told it was from the BNP.

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