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Hi there,

My wife is going to Bangkok to submit her settlement visa application on Monday.

I read on another thread that instead of a certified copy she can just show them my passport on the day of submission, they will photocopy it and give it her back there and then - is this true?

If not, and I must supply a certified copy, can I get this quickly done at somewhere like Sunbelt Asia in Fortune Towers and get back in time to submit the application the same day?

We both live and work around four hours from Bangkok, and I had planned to just include my original passport in the application. However, I've already given my notice at work and I've just realised that once I leave at the end of the month my work permit will be revoked and I'll need my passport for the visa run. Hence the last minute panic ...

Any advice appreciated - thanks!


Do I take it you are applying for Settlement to UK ???

If that is the case your Wife if she is the one making the application will be Required to LEAVE her Passport

With the application

Your Passport IF you are A Uk Citizen will neen photo copys of Main Page and Entry and Exit Stamps

Just Regular Photo Copys OK

Do I take it you are applying for Settlement to UK ???

If that is the case your Wife if she is the one making the application will be Required to LEAVE her Passport

With the application

Your Passport IF you are A Uk Citizen will neen photo copys of Main Page and Entry and Exit Stamps

Just Regular Photo Copys OK

Thanks for your reply.

Yes it's a settlement visa for the UK. We'll leave her passport with them, but on the VFS website it has a checklist that says I must also provide a "Certified copy of spouse/civil partner's passport as evidence that he/she is British or is settled in the UK".

However, I found another post on TV that said "If you are going to the UKVAC with her then she can take your passport in with her and the staff there will copy it and return the original to her."

So I don't know whether or not I'll need to bother running around Monday morning trying to get my passport copied and certified before submitting our application.

Have you personally submitted just plain photocopies when applying for a UK settlement visa for your spouse?


Best to take a certified copy, as they need it for their records.

Also do not rely on the Embassy to photocopy for you, they might not and then she

will need to find the nearest copy shop and go back in again.

Hi there,

My wife is going to Bangkok to submit her settlement visa application on Monday.

I read on another thread that instead of a certified copy she can just show them my passport on the day of submission, they will photocopy it and give it her back there and then - is this true?

If not, and I must supply a certified copy, can I get this quickly done at somewhere like Sunbelt Asia in Fortune Towers and get back in time to submit the application the same day?

We both live and work around four hours from Bangkok, and I had planned to just include my original passport in the application. However, I've already given my notice at work and I've just realised that once I leave at the end of the month my work permit will be revoked and I'll need my passport for the visa run. Hence the last minute panic ...

Any advice appreciated - thanks!

I also live in Thailand. I've always photocopied every page (including the blank ones), signed each one and my wife's handed them in with her application. I've never taken the photocopies anywhere to have them certified. My wife's had three tourist visas already and we submitted her settlement application about two months ago. I've done this each time and it's been acceptable to the British Embassy, they've never queried anything and never asked to see my actual passport. Providing a copy of each page with entry/exit stamps, work permit, etc is is also proof of your time together in Thailand.

Don't forget to sign EACH page.

Best to take a certified copy, as they need it for their records.

Also do not rely on the Embassy to photocopy for you, they might not and then she

will need to find the nearest copy shop and go back in again.

If you need to photocopy anything while you're at the VFS office there's a photocopier right outside their door, in the entrance to Visa World. If she needs any copies of anything that's where the VFS staff will send her to get them done. Copies are either 5 or 10 baht per copy. If it's your passport, or anything else of yours, that she has to copy you'll need to be with her to sign the copies.


Hi there

I would make sure she has a certified copy, as they will need it for their records.I would not rely on embassey etc to copy for you,When my wife did her settlement visa she had all the copies ready for them.

( You could piss them off if they have to get up out off the chair to many times)



My wife obtained a visa to come to the UK for our marraige Sept 2008

Just Regular photo copys of my Passport main page and Entry Exit Stamps. Photocopy Machine on site

Thet can soon check it is YOUR passport with the home office and the Passport Number

But I am thinking Mr borrows here maybe Not

And Don't forget the X Ray Cert

No Need to go back to collect if you dont want to. Courier Service Available at Extra cost

And Good Luck


Thanks very much for your helpful replies.

It seems like I misunderstood the meaning of 'certified copy'. I thought they meant something stamped by someone official. But kennkate and sumrit you just submitted signed copies no problem, and beano2274 signed copies is what you meant by 'certified'. So I'll just photocopy and sign every page beforehand and that should do.

Thanks again everyone for your help.

But I am thinking Mr borrows here maybe Not

I'm not sure what that means, but I hope it's not important :)

And Good Luck

Thanks a lot!

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