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Australian Woman With Bar Mat.


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There should be a pole started so Thaivisa members can vote.

Something like this:

A: she should have been made to pay for the mat, let go with a warning and told not to visit the bar again.

B: with police involved, a small fine (1000baht ish) and police warning.

C: taken to police station, warning, fine and let go.

D: Kept for months awaiting a court case, eventually given a life sentence.

I'd vote for E: It's over, finished, for God's sake let it drop and hope that next time something happens like this that there is a bit more common sense used.

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I do hope that someone can get a copy of the picture of the bar mat to the Prime minister in Aus!

If you could say that you did not see this mat (even rolled up realy realy tight) in a hand bag then you must be concidered a liar and it is no wonder the police took the stance that they did.

I agree 100%
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I'm Thai living in Australia. I wonder what would happen to me if I tried to steal things here and said it was just a prank and then verbally abused the police.

Phuket police went too easy on her. She could go to jail for that abuse and bribery. She actually needs to thank them.

I'm so glad that she wont go back to Thailand.

Right on lilFish. I'm glad too.

Hope this incident won't lead to an even more xenophobic Australia. Although I doubt it, most aussie posts here don't exactly bear witness of an enlightened crowd.

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I do hope that someone can get a copy of the picture of the bar mat to the Prime minister in Aus!

If you could say that you did not see this mat (even rolled up realy realy tight) in a hand bag then you must be concidered a liar and it is no wonder the police took the stance that they did.

I agree 100%

I have heard one is on a DHL courier to him right now.

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I'm Thai living in Australia. I wonder what would happen to me if I tried to steal things here and said it was just a prank and then verbally abused the police.

Phuket police went too easy on her. She could go to jail for that abuse and bribery. She actually needs to thank them.

I'm so glad that she wont go back to Thailand.

They probably would beat you into a pulp. But maybe not .. depends on the police guy and a degree of the abuse you gave them. But you are a man. If a Thai lady did this in Australia she would be most likely let free with a caution.

Abuse, bribery? But how do you actually know what happen? As you say you are in Australia so you couldn't been there in Phuket when the events took place.

So you are a Thai Farnag living in Australia? Do they call you Foreigner there on every occasion? I bet you wouldn't be as nationalistic as you seem if only you could live as Farang in your beloved Thailand for a day.

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From the Sydney Morning Herald:

A 36-year-old woman imprisoned in Thailand for the "prank" theft of a bar mat has compared her experience to that of convicted drug runner Schapelle Corby.

Montrose mother of four Annice Smoel, who was reunited with her family today at Melbourne Airport, says she had endured the worst experience of her life and would never return to Thailand.

"Being locked up in that cell for two days on a concrete slab ... and worrying ... so many times it went through my head this is just like Schapelle Corby, even though drugs weren't involved, they're just going to lock me up and throw away the key and not care," she said.

More at http://www.smh.com.au/travel/travel-news/b...90521-bgkp.html

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I'm Thai living in Australia. I wonder what would happen to me if I tried to steal things here and said it was just a prank and then verbally abused the police.

Phuket police went too easy on her. She could go to jail for that abuse and bribery. She actually needs to thank them.

I'm so glad that she wont go back to Thailand.

They probably would beat you into a pulp. But maybe not .. depends on the police guy and a degree of the abuse you gave them. But you are a man. If a Thai lady did this in Australia she would be most likely let free with a caution.

Abuse, bribery? But how do you actually know what happen? As you say you are in Australia so you couldn't been there in Phuket when the events took place.

So you are a Thai Farnag living in Australia? Do they call you Foreigner there on every occasion? I bet you wouldn't be as nationalistic as you seem if only you could live as Farang in your beloved Thailand for a day.

notime.... I think I love you. :)

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I'm Thai living in Australia. I wonder what would happen to me if I tried to steal things here and said it was just a prank and then verbally abused the police.

Phuket police went too easy on her. She could go to jail for that abuse and bribery. She actually needs to thank them.

I'm so glad that she wont go back to Thailand.


The best post so far.

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I am not interested who may have said or done what in this 'Matgate' affair, nor am I interested in the apparent constant splitting of hairs in relation to numerous events in LOS.

Thailand will always remain a beautiful, enigmatic and enchanting country, encapsulated in legal, procedural and practical anomalies that more often than not require inordinate amounts of cash, concern and distress to clarify. Far more than our personal, mental and emotional 'budgets' are prepared to meet.

My lovely wife and I chose to leave this wonderous place over 13 months ago and it is quite timely that we are now back to collect our two children and leave the 'mine field', for want of a better word, for good.

Even though we wanted our kids to remain for a while to get a better grasp of the language, it can always be learnt in our native country and refined upon subsequent recreational returns.

I would never contemplate bad mouthing this lovely land, but for the sake of sanity and being conscious of the brevity of life, we are certainly not prepared to waste another second more than required navigating life at the complete whim of others, in accordance with their perceived or real positions in society and level of greed.

We are out of here in two weeks and more certain than ever that our decision is the correct one.

Good luck to those obviously far braver than we, and Long Live the King, for HE really is the absolute God send in the Land of Smiles.


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"I walked slowly down the stairs, it was raining when i got outside, i was terrified and then decided to run"

Listen to more of Sheila's lies on Oz radio interview:

Sheila is still adamant that she didn't realize there were was a 5 foot long mat in her handbag.

Edited by ThaiEye
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So what has business been like at the Aussie bar since this happened, Personally I would not go in the place. From what I read there where a LOT of friends or the accused in the bar (spending lots of money?), I know this is not all about money but how much where they spending compared to the cost of the bar mat/towel. The owner of the seems to want to go out of business!!!!! no one is going to want to drink there with an owner who seems hel_l bent to getting his customers locked up, it this really the only way he could have dealt with the situation?

Has the owner posted anything in response to all these posts?

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There was another story on tonights news about a Perth couple who were clipped $3000 after a night at the Aussie Bar. Seems this guy was legless and woke up in the Kathu lock up. He was accused of theft until it was pointed out the shop he was supposed to have thieved from was closed at the time. He was then charged with criminal damage as he was then accused of running across a roof and damaging it. The cops wanted $5000 but all they had was $3,000, apparently it was put in a white envelope without any writing on it. :)

I dunno if the cops are picking marks from there or it is something more sinister like an organised thing between bar staff and cops. I met a couple of old mates from Australia in Patong about 2 years ago. One is a biker who has done a bit of time in his day but is now married and settled down. He went to the Aussie Bar for a daytime beer with his wife and this was what happened as told to me directly by him later that night.

When they entered they were ushered by the Thai staff to a table in one of the more isolated corners which they thought was quite strange as the bar was not busy it seems. They were then approached by 2 farangs offering cocaine. They obviously declined but these two guys had already asked where they were staying even wanting their room number.

My mate is no fool and he said it reeked of a set-up for him. He said the whole place reeked of a scam so he bolted real quick. He was real spooked by the time I saw him that day and they had moved rooms at their resort already. I don't really hang out in Bangla so was unable to find out what was what. I remembered the place being called the "Expat" or something like years ago that but had no idea of who the new owners were.

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