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Most Single Isaan Women Want A Western Husband: Poll


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Issarn women? aaaargghh, uurrrgh most of these are the pits, the bars are full of these beggers.

Its not being from Isaan that makes them the pits.

I think you have your chicken and egg the wrong way round.

Chicken and Egg? No i don't think so I think you're confusing whores with normal honest girls.

I'm not saying that all Issarn girls are whores, but there are a hel_l of a lot of girls from that area in all of the bars in bangkok, pattaya etc make of it what you will. The bars are not as populated by girls from other areas of thailnd, so I don't see where you're coming from

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Can we say something about Isan women morals here? Would it be generalising, or threefifths is not enough?

No it would not be generalising.Three fifths is sixty percent, overwhelming in a scientific well administered poll like this - and we know how rigorous Thai polling methods are.I think we must conclude there is a very big question mark against the morality of NE women, and indeed NE men as well.Additional proof is available in that these people generally supported the great Satan Thaksin, which demonstrates their base and evil nature.In fact I am wondering whether they really deserve to be Thais at all.How dare these peasants question their karma, and demand political weight equal to their numbers? I'm tired of the propaganda of gullible foreigners (mostly sexpats I should think) who argue that the people of the NE are some of the most delightful, charming and hospitable in the Kingdom.

Is this the kind of thing you have in mind?

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Issarn women? aaaargghh, uurrrgh most of these are the pits, the bars are full of these beggers.

Its not being from Isaan that makes them the pits.

I think you have your chicken and egg the wrong way round.

Chicken and Egg? No i don't think so I think you're confusing whores with normal honest girls.

I'm not saying that all Issarn girls are whores, but there are a hel_l of a lot of girls from that area in all of the bars in bangkok, pattaya etc make of it what you will. The bars are not as populated by girls from other areas of thailnd, so I don't see where you're coming from

Nature or nurture.

Are they bad because they come from Isaan or are they bad because working in a bar changes their moral compass? Do you believe that primal instinct drives Isaan girls to bars in Bangkok and Pattaya like lemmings?

The issue isn't that they are from Isaan, it is that Isaan is probably the poorest area of Thailand with probably the least amount of opportunities. Of course a percentage of women worldwide will always work in this profession, but I would presume that local employment opportunities, financial pressure and perceived easy access to greater earnings are the starting point for ALL women choosing this profession.

There is a bloody big range of mountains between the north and the north east, you won't find too many Isaan girls in Chiangmai working in bars. All roads run south out of Isaan, so they go to Bangkok and Pattaya. People certainly aren't as dumb or morally depraved as you may think.

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Are people surprised by this poll - seems the Nation likes running this story every two years..


and this one...

'MIA FARANG': When Harry weds Somsri, business blooms

The Nation, Published on Jun 14, 2004

Thai women who marry Westerners are now being looked up to, instead of down at

KHON KAEN - To the many thousands of Isaan women who leave their villages and end up marrying a foreigner, being a mia farang has it burdens. Some have to tolerate insults, all have to bear a certain stigma.

But the reality behind marrying outside their culture is the economic and social advantages it brings to the country, and this is finally being recognised by provincial authorities in a surprising and practical way.

Some governors in the Northeast are planning to honour the Isaan mia farang by asking them to act as "commercial and tourism ambassadors" for the region, with their mission being to help sell more than 3,000 "One Tambon, One Product" (Otop) items.

They will also be asked to persuade their husbands' friends and families to visit Thailand to help boost tourist arrivals, the governors say.

The phenomenon of the mia farang has been well noted for decades among the households of the region, but it has been very much a taboo subject at community level and above. But that is all changing as the economic reality of marrying a foreigner sets in.

To Thais, especially in rural areas, a commonly held prejudice of a Thai woman walking with a Westerner is that the woman must be in the sex industry and the man her customer. It might be grossly unfair, but that is the perceived wisdom.

But now the first mia farang club has been founded in Roi Et and similar ones are in the pipeline in most provinces of the Northeast.

The clubs will be initiated by the provincial governors and officially recognised, Roi Et Governor Nopporn Jantarathong told The Nation.

"We have invited [the mia farang] to be official guests for our bunpavet - an annual Isaan Buddhist ceremony - and to wear Thai silk dress, like at other provincial ceremonies," Nopporn said, giving just one example of how the province recognises the contribution of the foreign husbands to the mia farang's family.

"It is a historical and drastic change," he said. "These women have been looked at in a negative light for too long, but it is a fact that they exist and they are not a problem.

"To the contrary, they bring in foreign currency and have boosted the province's economy for decades. Why shouldn't they be recognised positively," the CEO governor said in explaining his decision to set up the Roi Et club, known officially as Mae Ban Ruam Jai Club (housewives come together).

Khon Kaen Governor Jade Thanawat said his province will set up a club similar to the one in Roi Et by next April when most of the wives bring their Western husbands to their home towns.

"We are trying to work out the best form of cooperation between the province and the mia farang. The club is one very interesting form," Jade said.

However, he accepted that giving official recognition to mia farang might be too sensitive an issue for many people and could lead to opposition from more conservative elements of society.

"Therefore we have to spend some time studying it carefully before announcing the policy," he added.

In Roi Et, there has been no such hesitation. Governor Nopporn said he is planning to give even more recognition to the province's mia farang by holding an official "wedding ceremony" for them in the province.

"It is to send a message that they are now honoured by the governor. Looking at what they have done for the country, they deserve this honour," he said.

Roi Et resident Athika Sarawithee, chairman of Roi Et's mia farang club, said she is very happy with the policy.

"The recognition is very important to us. We have been looked at negatively for too long," she said. Athika is currently running for the Tambon Administrative Organisation (TAO) in her home town.

Nopporn said the new policy had been running since February and he was now evaluating the number of extra visitors and the amount of Otop products sold.

"I have seen some women bringing as many as four groups of visitors with them this year," he said.

Anthika said communication among the club's members was still poor as many of the members live abroad.

"So selling Otop products and bringing in more tourist is still being learnt at the individual level, mostly. The idea of this policy is great but personally I think Otop products need many improvements before being sold abroad, especially designs," she said.

Decha Vanichvarod, director of the regional office of the National Economic and Social Development Board, said the phenomenon of mia farang had long been noted by local people and the authorities but no scientific studies had been made before the NESDB's, which he conducted because of a personal interest. The study will be published this year but the results are already being used to shape regional policy.

The issue is attracting more and more interest from local academics and non-government organisations. Some of them are planning to conduct a series of studies on the impact of mia farang, especially the cultural and social aspects.

Kamol Sukin, Sumalee Phopayak

The Nation


Vast potential to be exploited

A recent survey by the National Economic and Social Development Board's (NESDB) northeastern office found that more than 15,000 women from the region had married foreigners (two of the 15 provinces have yet to be surveyed).

"They met their husbands while working to survive economically in Bangkok and in tourism towns like Phuket, Pattaya, Samui, Hua Hin and Udon Thani," the survey said.

"Annually, these women bring at least Bt40 billion in foreign currency into the country - about 6 per cent of the region's total GDP - through their present lifestyle, and they also visit Thailand at least once a year. It would be a lot more if we could make them visit more frequently or convince their husbands' relatives and friends to visit their homes too," Decha Vanichvarod, director of the NESDB's regional office said.

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Nature or nurture.

Are they bad because they come from Isaan or are they bad because working in a bar changes their moral compass? Do you believe that primal instinct drives Isaan girls to bars in Bangkok and Pattaya like lemmings?

The issue isn't that they are from Isaan, it is that Isaan is probably the poorest area of Thailand with probably the least amount of opportunities. Of course a percentage of women worldwide will always work in this profession, but I would presume that local employment opportunities, financial pressure and perceived easy access to greater earnings are the starting point for ALL women choosing this profession.

They are not the only ones suffering from poverty, that couldn't be an excuse.

I guess it's an animal that feeds on itself. Poverty drives them to prostitution, success makes it morally acceptable for the rest of their society, that drives more of them into prostituion, until finally it becomes a norm and most of their women don't want to follow "normal" path anymore.

Then they blame everybody else, from weather to racist Thais.

What I personally don't like is being told to accept Isan as some superior culture, that they are the only "true" Thais and we should learn their ways, eat their food and dance their dances as if it's the best thing since slice bread.

Here's a "research" that shows they can't stand this culture anymore themselves and would trade out at the very first chance.

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Bagging a farang

Most single Isaan women want a Western husband: poll

More than threefifths of women in the Northeast surveyed in an Isaan poll said they wanted to marry farang husbands, mainly because of their wealth, faithfulness and respect for women.

Of 484 women living in 19 northeastern provinces surฌveyed in March and April, 61 per cent said they deemed Western men rich, 53 per cent said they thought farang men were kind and respected women more than Thai men, while 16 per cent said they wanted to marry and live abroad.

Englishmen were the favourites, gaining 32 per cent of respondents' votes, while Americans and Germans trailed behind with 21 and eight per cent respectively.

The survey found that women who were already married to foreign husbands spent a large portion (20 per cent) of their monthly income on electricity and water bills as their homes tended to be large and full of domestic appliances - another factor that attracted single, northeastern women.


-- The Nation 2009-05-22

no surveys are needed for this tid bit of info!! it has been a given for years,,,and sure the women prefer the british men since they are the easiest, much less picky about their women which is very good for the girls.

secondly ,if you do a survey there are twice maybe three times as many English searching for "love" at any time in Thialnd relative to Americians and Germans probally combined . it would be a numbers thing with the girls in that ..."oh my cousin is in england so i need a english too...( this is not thru survey just from being here)

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The poll is really about the perceptions of western men rather than the reality.

True.  I rather think that while Western men in many ways might treat a wife differently than a Thai man (based on culture), and somem Thai women might appreciate that difference, in areas such as monogamy and such, I doubt there is too much difference.  

When I went to Russia after it opened up, I was struck by how easy it was for me to find a date.  Invariably, I was told that while Russian men might be better lovers (their words, not mine), everyone "knew" that American men were better husbands and father, more loyal and caring.   (I just hope I didn't perpetuate that lovers perception!)

As a young Marine in the Philippines almost 30 years ago, I was struck by the cultural imperative for a woman to find an American husband.  If a woman was the second daughter in line, she was often bundled up and shipped off to Angeles or Olongapo to find herself (and her family) an American husband.  And those who did find one were considered huge successes.

During the same tiem-frame, although I ddin't spend as much time in Thailand, it seemed to me that Thai people looked down upon a woman in the company of a farang.  It seemed almost shameful.

It seems to me that  things in Thailand, especially in Issan, are shifting somewhat and more approaching the Filipino point-of-view.

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secondly ,if you do a survey there are twice maybe three times as many English searching for "love" at any time in Thialnd relative to Americians and Germans probally combined . it would be a numbers thing with the girls in that ..."oh my cousin is in england so i need a english too...( this is not thru survey just from being here)

 This is probably an extremely valid observation.

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Nature or nurture.

Are they bad because they come from Isaan or are they bad because working in a bar changes their moral compass? Do you believe that primal instinct drives Isaan girls to bars in Bangkok and Pattaya like lemmings?

The issue isn't that they are from Isaan, it is that Isaan is probably the poorest area of Thailand with probably the least amount of opportunities. Of course a percentage of women worldwide will always work in this profession, but I would presume that local employment opportunities, financial pressure and perceived easy access to greater earnings are the starting point for ALL women choosing this profession.

They are not the only ones suffering from poverty, that couldn't be an excuse.

I guess it's an animal that feeds on itself. Poverty drives them to prostitution, success makes it morally acceptable for the rest of their society, that drives more of them into prostituion, until finally it becomes a norm and most of their women don't want to follow "normal" path anymore.

Then they blame everybody else, from weather to racist Thais.

What I personally don't like is being told to accept Isan as some superior culture, that they are the only "true" Thais and we should learn their ways, eat their food and dance their dances as if it's the best thing since slice bread.

Here's a "research" that shows they can't stand this culture anymore themselves and would trade out at the very first chance.

I imagine your lips flecked with foam as you type out this slightly comical diatribe.Trouble is on close analysis it doesn't make much sense at all.Where do you get this ludicrous stuff from? I don't really understand what "true" Thais are anyway.Does it include for example all those middle aged Chinese matrons who are now the main bulwark of the PAD movement?

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Nature or nurture.

Are they bad because they come from Isaan or are they bad because working in a bar changes their moral compass? Do you believe that primal instinct drives Isaan girls to bars in Bangkok and Pattaya like lemmings?

The issue isn't that they are from Isaan, it is that Isaan is probably the poorest area of Thailand with probably the least amount of opportunities. Of course a percentage of women worldwide will always work in this profession, but I would presume that local employment opportunities, financial pressure and perceived easy access to greater earnings are the starting point for ALL women choosing this profession.

They are not the only ones suffering from poverty, that couldn't be an excuse.

I guess it's an animal that feeds on itself. Poverty drives them to prostitution, success makes it morally acceptable for the rest of their society, that drives more of them into prostituion, until finally it becomes a norm and most of their women don't want to follow "normal" path anymore.

Then they blame everybody else, from weather to racist Thais.

What I personally don't like is being told to accept Isan as some superior culture, that they are the only "true" Thais and we should learn their ways, eat their food and dance their dances as if it's the best thing since slice bread.

Here's a "research" that shows they can't stand this culture anymore themselves and would trade out at the very first chance.

hey issan are true Laos , i have never heard eat their food nor does anyone think they are superior culture. why the anomosity?

lets call a spade a spade ... all poor girls everywhere on earth ,even not so poor are in search of support or i guess you would say,"free meal ticket"

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Choosing a woman to settle down with because she has fairer skin is not racist. (sorry this doesn't fit the western man's P.C mould) A lot of western men like darker skinned girls because it makes a nice change to the women they're used to seeing back home. You wouldn't call a man racist for deliberately choosing a darker skinned girl over a fairer one.

When I first came to Thailand I had a thing for dark skinned girls. Now, I much prefer the fairer more Chinese looking ones.

Insighting hatred is 100% wrong. Having a preference of your ideal woman is not racist. It's your god given right. (Maybe we should date and marry the women we're least attracted to, that would really balance the P.C books)

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i have never heard eat their food nor does anyone think they are superior culture

In my experience they always insist on you eating their somtam, drinking their lao kao and doing their dance if you attend any of their parties. Maybe it's just my bad luck and all the farangs living there never been goaded in trying something awful just to get on their good side. I know they mean well, it's just that one "no, thank you" is enough to get, say Bangkokians, off your back but Isanese are always out to prove something, like their food is spicy, for the umpteenth time.

I'm ok with spicy food, I just can't stand the same routine over and over again, but they never get tired. Somehow I just never quite relax at those kind of parties, and I know a lot of Thais here who feel just the same.

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Today, 2009-05-22 05:22:15 IP: | Post #48 |

484 women in 19 provinces that's a ratio of 24 women per province.I must say that this breaks all records regarding polling in thailand.

Must be a very valid result

:) And I wonder what places they asked these questions. In villages where there was a large percent of local women already married with a farang or in the cities where there are not so many visible examples of the extreme differences in wealth between thai & farang?

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484 women in 19 provinces that's a ratio of 24 women per province.I must say that this breaks all records regarding polling in thailand.

Must be a very valid result.

24 women per province!!!???…hmm :)

A low turnout is an indication of fewer people doing the polls…the question is WHY were the response rates low?

The fact is that.... too small sample sizes cannot be representative or give the good indicators, and have large error margins with potential sources for bias and therefore inaccuracy.

So the article is a toss to me

and nothing but just a bias fiction of what “most” issaan women think of farang men, along with their upward mobility ways.

Edited by teacup
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Choosing a woman to settle down with because she has fairer skin is not racist. (sorry this doesn't fit the western man's P.C mould) A lot of western men like darker skinned girls because it makes a nice change to the women they're used to seeing back home. You wouldn't call a man racist for deliberately choosing a darker skinned girl over a fairer one.

When I first came to Thailand I had a thing for dark skinned girls. Now, I much prefer the fairer more Chinese looking ones.

Insighting hatred is 100% wrong. Having a preference of your ideal woman is not racist. It's your god given right. (Maybe we should date and marry the women we're least attracted to, that would really balance the P.C books)

I hate pc too,but there is an increased racist attitude of the issan people from chinese/white/thais and seems to be rubbing off with so called hi-so farangs in that dump, Bangkok.Nothing sounds more bigotted than a farang calling an issan person,thick or lazy and should be banned from ehre as its not true.There are many many hard working issan folks about,and thats why they are darker,working out in the sun allday,try getting a snobby whiteskinned chinese/thai doing that.

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484 women in 19 provinces that's a ratio of 24 women per province.I must say that this breaks all records regarding polling in thailand.

Must be a very valid result.

24 women per province!!!???…hmm :)

A low turnout is an indication of fewer people doing the polls…the question is WHY were the response rates low?

The fact is that.... too small sample sizes cannot be representative or give the good indicators, and have large error margins with potential sources for bias and therefore inaccuracy.

So the article is a toss to me

and nothing but just a bias fiction of what "most" issaan women think of farang men, along with their upward mobility ways.

484 people could be a very valid sample.  You have to take things such as the deviation, variation, sampling process and such into consideration, but from a pure statistical standpoint, that could very well be an acceptable sample.

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Bagging a farang

Most single Isaan women want a Western husband: poll

More than threefifths of women in the Northeast surveyed in an Isaan poll said they wanted to marry farang husbands, mainly because of their wealth, faithfulness and respect for women.

Of 484 women living in 19 northeastern provinces surฌveyed in March and April, 61 per cent said they deemed Western men rich, 53 per cent said they thought farang men were kind and respected women more than Thai men, while 16 per cent said they wanted to marry and live abroad.

Englishmen were the favourites, gaining 32 per cent of respondents' votes, while Americans and Germans trailed behind with 21 and eight per cent respectively.

The survey found that women who were already married to foreign husbands spent a large portion (20 per cent) of their monthly income on electricity and water bills as their homes tended to be large and full of domestic appliances - another factor that attracted single, northeastern women.


-- The Nation 2009-05-22

It would be interesting to know what the other twofiths said ,i also wonder what the poll outcome would be if the same poll was conducted with farrang being asked why they like to have Thai g/f or wives as opposed to western ones, i have a funny feeling youth and beauty would be up highest on the list.

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484 women in 19 provinces that's a ratio of 24 women per province.I must say that this breaks all records regarding polling in thailand.

Must be a very valid result.

24 women per province!!!???…hmm :)

A low turnout is an indication of fewer people doing the polls…the question is WHY were the response rates low?

The fact is that.... too small sample sizes cannot be representative or give the good indicators, and have large error margins with potential sources for bias and therefore inaccuracy.

So the article is a toss to me

and nothing but just a bias fiction of what "most" issaan women think of farang men, along with their upward mobility ways.

484 people could be a very valid sample.  You have to take things such as the deviation, variation, sampling process and such into consideration, but from a pure statistical standpoint, that could very well be an acceptable sample.

Well I believe that any statistician would tell you that the sample size must be "significant" ,meaning big enough, for the population involved to get an accurate result.

484 from a few thousands is may be acceptable,…..but from millions of issan women?

No I still don't buy it, because in this case... the deviation result would be so far away from the mean of may be “what is the reality”

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484 women in 19 provinces that's a ratio of 24 women per province.I must say that this breaks all records regarding polling in thailand.

Must be a very valid result.

24 women per province!!!???…hmm :)

A low turnout is an indication of fewer people doing the polls…the question is WHY were the response rates low?

The fact is that.... too small sample sizes cannot be representative or give the good indicators, and have large error margins with potential sources for bias and therefore inaccuracy.

So the article is a toss to me

and nothing but just a bias fiction of what "most" issaan women think of farang men, along with their upward mobility ways.

484 people could be a very valid sample.  You have to take things such as the deviation, variation, sampling process and such into consideration, but from a pure statistical standpoint, that could very well be an acceptable sample.

Well I believe that any statistician would tell you that the sample size must be "significant" ,meaning big enough, for the population involved to get an accurate result.

484 from a few thousands is may be acceptable,…..but from millions of issan women?

No I still don't buy it, because in this case... the deviation result would be so far away from the mean of may be “what is the reality”

No, a any statistician wouldn't say that a sample must be "significant", only that it must be correctly distributed. From any number of people you can take a sample of 1040 and have reasonable confidence in your findings (i.e. national pollings for elections with at least +-3% accuracy), if the selection-process is correct.

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Choosing a woman to settle down with because she has fairer skin is not racist. (sorry this doesn't fit the western man's P.C mould) A lot of western men like darker skinned girls because it makes a nice change to the women they're used to seeing back home. You wouldn't call a man racist for deliberately choosing a darker skinned girl over a fairer one.

When I first came to Thailand I had a thing for dark skinned girls. Now, I much prefer the fairer more Chinese looking ones.

Insighting hatred is 100% wrong. Having a preference of your ideal woman is not racist. It's your god given right. (Maybe we should date and marry the women we're least attracted to, that would really balance the P.C books)

I hate pc too,but there is an increased racist attitude of the issan people from chinese/white/thais and seems to be rubbing off with so called hi-so farangs in that dump, Bangkok.Nothing sounds more bigotted than a farang calling an issan person,thick or lazy and should be banned from ehre as its not true.There are many many hard working issan folks about,and thats why they are darker,working out in the sun allday,try getting a snobby whiteskinned chinese/thai doing that.

I don't stereopype anyone. I have no idea about Issan culture or what the people are like. You're right, it's not nice to say they're lazy and good for nothing. But again, it's not right to say the fairer chinese looking Thais are snobs.

I don't look down upon a person because they're uneducated, I look down upon people with no manners. Education comes at a price, manners are free.

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No, a any statistician wouldn't say that a sample must be "significant", only that it must be correctly distributed. From any number of people you can take a sample of 1040 and have reasonable confidence in your findings (i.e. national pollings for elections with at least +-3% accuracy), if the selection-process is correct.

Well if you want to talk about the distribution, one could go farther into.... What are the others factors in the shaping of the population distribution?

For example:



Education level


Etcs....of these issaan women in the survey to determine its accuracy

In which the report didn’t really elaborate.

Ok I will stop now b4 I say something I have less knowledge of....coz I'm just a simple architect...not a statistician....LOL :)

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I think we are talking about single women of mating age, five hundred of them should be enough for a sample. Of course the poll could have been screwed up but it doesn't matter, really.

What if only twofifths want to marry a foreigner? Would the "shock" effect been any different? I'd think any more than 10% would be worrying already - there's something seriously wrong with Isanese society.

I thought Thaksin fixed all that already. Oops, no politics, sorry.

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I think we are talking about single women of mating age,

Single? ...all of them?..... hmm I doubt it.

I have seen many of them that are with farangs come with kid(s) and so called "brother"

and also seen those women into their 40s also. Is 40s a "mating age"?....what is the cut off anyway?

But if you are talking about just for "mating".....then ok :)

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484 people could be a very valid sample.  You have to take things such as the deviation, variation, sampling process and such into consideration, but from a pure statistical standpoint, that could very well be an acceptable sample.

Well I believe that any statistician would tell you that the sample size must be "significant" ,meaning big enough, for the population involved to get an accurate result.

484 from a few thousands is may be acceptable,…..but from millions of issan women?

No I still don't buy it, because in this case... the deviation result would be so far away from the mean of may be "what is the reality"

No, a any statistician wouldn't say that a sample must be "significant", only that it must be correctly distributed. From any number of people you can take a sample of 1040 and have reasonable confidence in your findings (i.e. national pollings for elections with at least +-3% accuracy), if the selection-process is correct.

You beat me to it!

Variance is also a factor. If you have a population of 1,000,000 and a smaple of 100 (scientifically selected, not just 100 people who happened to be watching Pretty Woman at a theater together), and 99 out of the hundred said that without a doubt, x is the better choice, then the population can be said, with fair accuracy, to desire x.  The variance is very small.

But if the same 100 people split their votes to 50 saying x is the choice, 30 saying y is the choice, and 20 saying neither one, then the variance is greater, and perhaps a larger sample is needed to get more accurate data.

Edited by bonobo
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I assume they declared themselves single for this survey.

It doesn't do any good to their image if many of them are hiding their husbands while they try to seduce farangs.

On the second thought, many of them could be way past an acceptable "mating age", just old hags trying their luck.

Is there any hope for Isanese women reputation at all?

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