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Strange Tasting Diet Cola

Gonzo the Face

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On two separate occasions over the past 6 months I have purchased Pepsi Max and they were literally undrinkable. Its as though they are over watered or they left out the carbonation. The first time I just chalked it up and chucked it as my dog wouldn't drink it. He prefers Coke Zero.

Then about two weeks ago, I gave it another try, and again flat tasting crapwater. One of my friends told me the same.

Has anyone else experienced this or similar problem ?

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How were these packaged? Plastic bottles or cans


You should try contacting Pepsi about them. They'd be pretty interested in quality issues.

Normally in the West, I would agree, but here in Thailand it wouldn't cover the 3 baht cost of call

The cans weren't bulged out or anything like that.... seemed perfectly normal in all other respects.

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How were these packaged? Plastic bottles or cans


You should try contacting Pepsi about them. They'd be pretty interested in quality issues.

Normally in the West, I would agree, but here in Thailand it wouldn't cover the 3 baht cost of call

The cans weren't bulged out or anything like that.... seemed perfectly normal in all other respects.

I got lucky and picked the link on the Pepsi Thailand website that got to the bottler. You should also shoot off an email to Pepsi US to see what they say. The drink companies are very protective of their brands (because it's basically just flavored water) so you may get a decent response.


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I bought a bottle of Pepsi the other night from a 7-11, first time in a loooong time, and it tasted awful :) Gassy enough and not tasting identifiably 'off' but chemically, like it had been mixed in a janitor's bucket. It had no western characters on it and I only identified it as Pepsi because of a ) the proximity to Sprite b ) the colour scheme of the label and c ) Thaipepsi.com url on the label.

Won't be touching that stuff again :D :D :D

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Answer: You have to check the expiry date on the bottom of the can.

This especially applies to Coke, which has a shorter shelf life.

When expired (and I'm sure the heat adds to this) it turns completely vile.

So especially in places that don't have a big turnover in these drinks I usually ask to check the bottom of the can first.

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Thanks gang. Some good and very interesting answers here...... Good to see no smart Azzed posts....

As its definitely no more Pepsi for me , I am into Coke Zero and Coke Lite....

Now someone said check the bottom of the can for an expiry date.. On a typical can of Coke Zero is the following:

290709 which I would interpret as 29th of July of this year..... then some other numbers , probably batch or run numbers.

Now I just bought the case directly from Coca Cola yesterday and the dates are only 67 days away . So adding a couple days for the company holding and delivering, the 10 weeks expiry seems to be correct.

But think about some of the smaller Mom and Pop , neighborhood mini shops, and the local probability of not rotating stock, the ' go bad date time of 10 weeks is really scary.

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Yes it is. However for stores/bars/restaurants I believe Coke does take them back if they're un-sold. I've had this discussion with a bar owner in Chiang Mai. :) ( Of course some of the really small places don't get delivered direct from Coke but just buy from Makro or similar.. )

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Pepsi has longer shelf life. Looking at any can will confirm that (production date -> Expiry date)

I don't doubt that it's only 10 weeks for Coke though, it really is very short.

Yes, you are correct, according to the can, Pepsi Max expires 4 months, 2 weeks after manufacture.

They must have changed the Pepsi Max recipe in the last 10 years, because when they both came to Thailand about 15 years ago, 10 weeks was what was advertised, now it's 18 weeks... :)

I like Pepsi Max much more than the coke light. I get 5 cases of Pepsi delivered every few weeks.

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Some people just crave the paranoia. The list of possible 'side effects' isn't anything you wouldn't find on just about anything. Especially when you're comparing to things like alcohol.. Sure, get all paranoid on getting a head-ache from Pepsi Max if you drink a crate of it, but think nothing of a couple Changs giving you a head-ache (for starters) a lot quicker.

But don't let me spoil the fun, and paranoia really IS a lot of fun.

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I can report bad, "off" flavor in original Pepsi, too.

3 out of 3 bad in the past month or so.


First clue was carbonation much less than usual.

Taste was slightly soapy; not the sweet, cola flavor of original Pepsi.

All three at small, Thai, "hole-in-the-wall" restaurants around Chiangmai.

I selected the bottles myself, right from the cooler, and they were opened as I watched.

The first time I thought it was bad ice.

But no bad flavor when I get ice in a cup with plain water at those same restaurants.

-- One man.

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