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Looking For Apartment/condo In Chiang Mai


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I am looking for an apartment/condo for myself in Chiang Mai. I am a 24 year old man from Norway. Will stay in Chiang Mai about three months. I am looking for an apartment in a somewhat quiet area, preferably with a good view and with some nature surrounding it - in example close to a park. Fresh air is also great! Yet not TOO far from the city, either. But I am somewhat flexible in that respect. The apartment needs to be more or less fully furnished.

As I spend a lot of time in front of the computer, I need a good working desk and a comfortable chair. I also need a good kitchen, as I like to make food. The apartment needs to be somewhat beautiful - not just looking like everything was done randomly. And the bathroom should not give a claustrophobic feeling. I do not care so much about bathtubs, and rather prefer a good shower (preferably one which does not leave the whole bathroomfloor wet) - or a good combination of shower and bathtub.

The bed should also be comfortable, so that I get good sleep. The size of the apartment should be somewhere around 60-110 m2. One bedroom is sufficient for me, but preferably with a large bed. 

It is also preferable that there is a good gym either in the building complex itself, or in the nearby area. But it is no absolute necessity.

If you think you have something that would interest me, please let me know. Or perhaps someone knows where I can find this kind of apartment? Any good websites, companies etc? Most of the websites I came across does not list much. But I understand that Hillside 4, Riverfront, the Nimmanhaemin area and Huay Kaew Road are among the better areas? Any input on this?

Any feedback appreciated :-)

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I looked at a few newly renovated units in Gale Thong that meet your description

they should still be in the TV classified. Dont worry about the price. Nobody is renting so you can get %xx off whatever is listed in the ad once you see the place.

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