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Termites And Pickles


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We started finding termite munchings in a few of our baseboards and digging around the outer walls of the house led to the discovery of many termite nests. We called CNX Pest Control and a natily-dressed, briefcase-carrying businessman showed up in an SUV that was suitable only for the very rich. Not interested in doing any inspection whatsoever, only one method, drill many holes in the floor of every room and spray insecticide, 10,000 THB. On parting he delivered a free speech about aircon being unhealthy and how we need to open the doors and windows and allow nature to have Her way with us. I could not help but suspect that opening all our doors and windows to nature would soon have us calling him for his other pest control services...

Has anyone used this service or, better yet, do you have a service that you prefer and have had satisfactory results?

Pickles - specifically bread and butter, sweet gherkins and sweet pickle relish. Is the Pickle King still around? Has anyone found or purchased any good varieties here in Chiang Mai? I am suffering withdrawal symptoms for lack of my sweet pickle relish for my 'best burger in CM'.


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We started finding termite munchings in a few of our baseboards and digging around the outer walls of the house led to the discovery of many termite nests. We called CNX Pest Control and a natily-dressed, briefcase-carrying businessman showed up in an SUV that was suitable only for the very rich. Not interested in doing any inspection whatsoever, only one method, drill many holes in the floor of every room and spray insecticide, 10,000 THB. On parting he delivered a free speech about aircon being unhealthy and how we need to open the doors and windows and allow nature to have Her way with us. I could not help but suspect that opening all our doors and windows to nature would soon have us calling him for his other pest control services...

Has anyone used this service or, better yet, do you have a service that you prefer and have had satisfactory results

Pickles - specifically bread and butter, sweet gherkins and sweet pickle relish. Is the Pickle King still around? Has anyone found or purchased any good varieties here in Chiang Mai? I am suffering withdrawal symptoms for lack of my sweet pickle relish for my 'best burger in CM'.


I don't know your house layout; however......Old rags soaked in used engine oil tied around support pillars/posts will keep termites at bay- a tried and tested (cost effective) Thai method.

No posts- Try smearing the outer walls/or any flooring if possible with the oil. Termites will not pass the oil.

Sorry- can't help you with the pickle, but I make my own from various recipes online-if you can be bothered, very easy!

regards Bojo

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We started finding termite munchings in a few of our baseboards and digging around the outer walls of the house led to the discovery of many termite nests. We called CNX Pest Control and a natily-dressed, briefcase-carrying businessman showed up in an SUV that was suitable only for the very rich. Not interested in doing any inspection whatsoever, only one method, drill many holes in the floor of every room and spray insecticide, 10,000 THB. On parting he delivered a free speech about aircon being unhealthy and how we need to open the doors and windows and allow nature to have Her way with us. I could not help but suspect that opening all our doors and windows to nature would soon have us calling him for his other pest control services...

Has anyone used this service or, better yet, do you have a service that you prefer and have had satisfactory results?

When we first moved in our house we noticed the same thing and promptly notified the owner who contacted a pest control company and that same guy (I am presuming) showed up here, nicely dressed, briefcase, expensive SUV, etc. and sold the owner on the job. Also no inspection at first but the owner demanded it and the first guy called another guy to come and do the inspection (also nicely dressed and driving an expensive car). When the workers came the next day to do the job, they drilled 18! huge holes through the floor tiles (blowing dust everywhere) and filled the under-side of the house with gas. They did a very sloppy job of patching the holes up and it looks like hel_l. They even forgot to patch one hole and I had to stick a piece of rag in there so some critter wouldn't crawl through it, into the house.They were also very careless the way that they mixed the chemicals and gas in our driveway where our dogs were. Some of the crew wore masks, some did not.

Edited by elektrified
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I'm surprised to hear that about CNX, I have a friend who has used them for years and is very happy; I watched them work at his place and being a licensed landscape pest control applicator from California of course I stuck my nose into their busness and looked at what they were using and their safety procedures, etc. I determined that they were okay by Thai standards (which isn't saying too much, but better than most). But I never dealt with the company for termite control estimate like you have reported.

You may try Tanasin Pest Control, that's another company that I have watched work and questioned about materials etc. He is active in Lanna Pinery estate near canal road and Night Safari rd. I can't find his card at the moment. His termite control treatment was with Fenucarb, and he showed me his certification for use of this pestcide. But it was based on pre existing application ports feeding underground distribution pipes that had been installed at time of construction.

I am not an expert in termite control, but I know something about the least toxic (to humans) materials that are available. If you want to do it yourself I may be able to help you with some recommendations, but access is important so without the underground distibution system you will have to focus on how you will get to the little buggers. Fipronil (the same as in Frontline tick and flea control for pets) is a chemical that is used very effectively for termite control as they carry it back to their colony. I have a source for this pesticide in Chiang Mai.

Pickles? I don't really like them. don

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I know it's really maddening when someone replies in this fashion, but the pickles question came up very recently here.

I know it's even more irritating to hear the following, but I cannot remember the topic of that thread. It may have been that old chestnut, :) cheese. I'll see if I can locate it. Pickles are important. I believe mcgriffith answered in that thread. Perhaps he will remember.

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Thanks so much for all the responses! I would have been back here sooner but I have been spending all my time in the kitchen, pickling termites. I don't much care for them but my wife and her family think I should start a business! Termites-R-Us?

Thanks for the leads and I have an email out to Amazing Sandwich but no response as yet. I am also interested in whether the maker ships or has an outlet in Phuket but I will not find that out from the counter staff at ASand. I just did however order a bunch of food from them and found everything quite good for a sandwich shop.

Oh-Oh, this seems to be turning into a dreaded FOOD THREAD! :)

That may be why I haven't gotten many responses about termite treatments/control. Surely lots of resident expats have used various services, yes? Altho perhaps few have been satisfactory?

Time will tell...

McG, if you want to sample your invention, let me know... :D

Edited by Dustoff
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