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Sitting quietly and squeezing a foam rubber ball is not as effective a method of relieving stress

as just smacking someone in the gob,

a new study has found.

Stress balls are often found in high-pressure office environments to help staff work off unwanted nervous energy caused by irritating co-workers – but evidence suggests they’re even less effective than homeopathy.

“My boss is a pernickity little Hitler and I’ve been trying to burn off my rage and frustration at him by squeezing a squeaky penguin I got from a trade show years ago,” said sales executive Caroline Hutchins.

“No matter how much I used it I never felt any less stressed.”

“But then I tried clocking him one firmly in the plums and instantly felt a lot better. It’s a miracle.” Stress reliever.

Caroline now plans to market her discovery on the internet under the headline “Local girl cures stress with this one weird trick.”

Management across the country have expressed concern at the news.

“We’ve been fobbing people off with a placebo for years”, said a spokesman for the CBI.

“Don’t tell us we’re going to have learn new management techniques now.”

“I’ve got an ‘undermining staff confidence’ seminar coming up next week and I don’t want to have wasted my money.”

“Or to get whacked in the happy sacks, for that matter.”

Sales of Bach’s Rescue Remedy have also fallen sharply on the news,

as the bottles aren’t big enough to get a decent swing in with.

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An aussie fell asleep on the beach under the noonday sun and suffered a severe sunburn to his legs. He was taken to the hospital. His skin had turned a bright red. It was very painful and had started to blister. Anything that touched his legs caused agony.

The doctor prescribed continued intravenous feedings of water and electrolytes, a mild sedative and 100 mg of Viagra. Rather astounded the nurse inquired, "what good will Viagra do him in that condition?"

The doctor replied, "It will keep the sheet off his legs.

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Just in case you're having a rough day, here's a stress management technique
recommended in all the latest psychological texts. The funny thing is that it really

1. Picture yourself near a stream.

2. Birds are softly chirping in the cool mountain air.

3. No one but you knows your secret place.

4. You are in total seclusion from the hectic place called "the world"!

5. The soothing sound of a gentle waterfall fills the air with a cascade of serenity.

6. The water is crystal clear.

7. You can easily make out the face of the person you're holding underwater.

8. See! You're smiling already.

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The European Union has confirmed that it will print over a trillion Euros over the next two years and you won’t see a penny of it.

The process, called ‘quantitative easing’, will buy Eurozone bonds back from the open market, and you don’t own any of those, do you?

“This is what is known as ‘helicopter money’, as that’s the sort of thing people usually spend it on”, said a spokesman for the European Central Bank.

“And that’s hardly going to be you, is it?”

“We considered calling it yacht money or Ferrari money instead, but helicopters are way cooler because owning a helicopter is a guaranteed knicker-dropper.”

“Not that you’d know.”

The process, which will involve the European Central bank creating 60 billion Euros a month and handing it out to pretty much anyone who asks, except you, and is expected to last for at least 18 months – possibly longer.

The share price of champagne producers and sports car manufacturers rose sharply on the news.

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I overheard my mum's sister in tears telling my mum my uncle had never given her an orgasm.

Personally I couldn't see what all the fuss was about. Bit of an auntie-climax if you ask me....

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A bloke is walking past a travel agent and sees a sign in the window saying " Luxury cruises to New York 10 quid". Thinking "I'll have some of that" upon entering the shop he's grabbed from behind and slugged over the head.

Waking up later with a throbbing headache he discovers he's in the middle of the Atlantic in a rowboat sat next to an Irishman with just a bottle of drinking water, a cheese sandwich and an orange between his legs.

" Bloody hell this is some cruise!" he shouts.

"You should think yourself lucky boyo" says the Irishman " Last year they didn't even give us the sandwich"

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A mummy covered in chocolate and nuts has been discovered in Egypt.

Archaeologists believe it may be Pharaoh Rocher.

Joking aside when I used to work in a Bangkok hotel they had an ambassador stay and I insisted they buy a box of Ferrero Rocher as part of the VIP set up in his room. The GM sussed me out and refused. Spoilsport!

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