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Are embassies helping with visa problems ?

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Can those with problem stamps in their passports be helped by their embassies? If you read the Bristish Embassy website, they simply report that many Britons are facing 1-10 years in jail for using visa agents. They mention nothing of what they are doing to assist these people.

I'm sure many many people involved do not exactly put all their trust in their embassy. It is a shame that that is so, but perhaps not surprising as it seems that so far the embassies have done absolutely nothing to help their citizens.

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It needs some Brits to push 'em along Bob. To go and see either the Ambassador or the Deputy Head of Mission. A measured meeting without rancour is a must or they'll be written off as crackpots by the Embassy. Other nationals should do the same at their Embassies. The potential for good outcomes is much better than the venomous emails going to the Thai PM.
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I'm sure the Doctor is correct here.  

An embassy's general stance is that they cannot be of any help if one of its citizens breaks a law in a host country (i.e. the embassy is not a Get Out of Jail Free Card).  An embassy's usual concern in a legal case is that its citizen is receiveing due process.  Due to the sheer number of people in this situation, an embassy may be inclined to become more involved if prodded in a reasonable manner by those in trouble.

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You are perfectly correct Ovenman. The extent to which aid can be given by foreign missions to their nationals is clearly defined in the Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic and Consular Priviliges and Immunities. Thailand was not a signatory to the Conventions, but it abides by them. In essence, the Missions responsibility is to ensure that their nationals are treated no harsher than the nationals of the country concerned.
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But embassies are required to give all lawful aid and protection to its citizens...that means doing what it legally can(not breaking US laws int he case of the US Embassy) is protecting US citizens. In the confines of your embassy, you are subject to the laws of your country. That means that they have to provide you with a new passport. They have to do everything in their power to smooth things for you. The press back home would have a field day if the embasies were handing over their people to a thai jail. Heck if a US citizen commits murder in Thailand, he will not be deported back from the US.
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Heck if a US citizen commits murder in Thailand, he will not be deported back from the US.

i suspect they might be. and so they should be.

oh no they should not nor any other western civilised country.unless the police can come up with absolute 100 percent evidence.surely you do not think the thai legal system is no more than a lottery at best most of the time and as for a lot of the police well !

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Heck if a US citizen commits murder in Thailand

in this case the us citizen HAS committed murder and should therefore be extradited to receive his punishment

if a citizen is suspected of committing murder then the procedure is (i think) for the extradition warrant to be issued along with the evidence behind that suspicion.then the us courts would decide the outcome.

i agree with you about the thai legal lottery.

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Heck if a US citizen commits murder in Thailand

in this case the us citizen HAS committed murder and should therefore be extradited to receive his punishment

if a citizen is suspected of committing murder then the procedure is (i think) for the extradition warrant to be issued along with the evidence behind that suspicion.then the us courts would decide the outcome.

i agree with you about the thai legal lottery.

appologise taxexile for my harsh reply. its just i find the thai legal system and police digusting and barbaric in some regards.

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