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Who Are The Friendliest People In Thailand?


Who/where are the friendliest people in Thailand?  

57 members have voted

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I was just thinking about all the places I have been in Thailand, and all the different ethnic groups, and how friendly they were.

Without a doubt in my opinion, Issaan wins.

North coming second.

Last would be the South.

Why, I wonder.

Is it the Chinese Thais?

Is it the Muslim Thais?

Is it because of the financial situation in Isaarn? The most friedliest place/country I have ever been to is India. Simple people = happy people.

Chinese Thais, not simple = not happy, in my opinion.

Although I have a couple of very good Chinese Thai friends, generally, and I hate generalising, they are very unfriendly and worry about money all the time.

Who/where are the happiest/friendliest people in Thailand and WHY?

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Last October I spent ten days with my Thai-Chinese girlfriend's family in Korat City. They were among the happiest, funniest, most laid back people I have ever met. They didn't seem to worry much about money at all and were constantly joking with and kidding each other. It was a wonderful experience.

Just goes to show you can't generalize....

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I've been lucky that EVERYWHERE I've been so far has been very good. Sure I have been robbed once (partially if not totally my fault for letting my guard down) but this could have happened anywhere in the world. Over all it has been and I'm sure will be a good if not great experience. There is and always will be sour people to deal with but after 3 years here, I'm a happy man with a great wife and wonderful daughter.

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I've been lucky that EVERYWHERE I've been so far has been very good. Sure I have been robbed once (partially if not totally my fault for letting my guard down) but this could have happened anywhere in the world. Over all it has been and I'm sure will be a good if not great experience. There is and always will be sour people to deal with but after 3 years here, I'm a happy man with a great wife and wonderful daughter.

I remember that kringle, terrible affair.

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Last would be the South.


I hope a certain lady member living on an island in the south isn't reading this :o She gave me a good tongue lashing (er, keyboard bashing) for suggesting southern Thais were "Jai dam" - black hearts - in another topic. Maybe Phuket attracts the wrong sort of Thai, and I rather liked the "farang! farang!" shouts from the kids in Isaan. :D I used to point back and shout "Khon Thai! Khon Thai!". :D

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Friendly people in Thailand? Where?  Isan is the place with the most unfriendly and greedy ones live? Bangkok is far better.

Probably mosy of the Bangkokians you met were from other parts of Thailand ( Isaan ? ) Where have you travelled in Isaan and under what auspices did you meet these greedy unfriendly curs might I ask ?


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Chaing Mai is a freindly place IMHO, I have never had any problems here, lots of smiles and reasonable conversation, better than BK I feel my wife and i had a loy of snide remarks made behind our backs when we lived there, nothing like that in CM

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Those of u must be thinking why Neeranam never put in Thai PEople...Well Those local are all thais....

Thais are multiracial

'Muslim or Malay Thai

Chinese Thai

Indian Thai

Caucasian Thais...

This people have been in thailand since their Their Ancestor comes to Thailand....

Chinese Thai ALways doesnt consider the Muslim a Thai or Indian a Thai...just simply They think Thai should be 100% chinese....To be honest anybody given a Cetezenship and thai passport is a Thai....Regardless of Race Or Riligion or Status...

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I've never been to the Issan, but I've read/heard that they are quite a friendly bunch. However, sometimes their financial status (often self-inflicted due to poor money managing habits) may tempt them to take advantage of a farang or even steal from him/her. In the North, Central and South most of the folks I've met are pretty friendly. Bangkok is a big mix of people so I've met all kinds here. I guess it just comes down to family upbringing and that's it. :o

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I've never been to the Issan, but I've read/heard that they are quite a friendly bunch. However, sometimes their financial status (often self-inflicted due to poor money managing habits) may tempt them to take advantage of a farang or even steal from him/her...

The key word you used there was "may" Thaiboxer... :o

Certainly not with the Issanites I know. :D

So far, Isaan has 51% of the vote... :D

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I was just thinking about all the places I have been in Thailand, and all the different ethnic groups, and how friendly they were.

Without a doubt in my opinion, Issaan wins.

North coming second.

Last would be the South.

Why, I wonder.

Is it the Chinese Thais?

Is it the Muslim Thais?

Is it because of the financial situation in Isaarn? The most friedliest place/country I have ever been to is India. Simple people = happy people.

Chinese Thais, not  simple = not  happy, in my opinion.

Although I have a couple of very good Chinese Thai friends, generally, and I hate generalising, they are very unfriendly and worry about money all the time.

Who/where are the happiest/friendliest people in Thailand and WHY?

Thai-chinese people are very friendly once u know them. My girlfriends family is thai chinese and are delicious people surely business centered but really nice whereas the Thais from the northem parts and the ones from the central parts are colder only the smiles but no substance behind it.

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