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Dear all, I am on the True 256/512 package. Hitherto I was able to listen to the BBC using real player at 44 kpbs (constant speed). I have noticed of late that this is now at 13kbps and my WinMx is terrible too. Occasionally things used to go like this but would only be so for about a day or two. However for the last week things have been poor. Has True done something to their switch, can I do anything to improve the speed? I have just download that speed maintance thing, which has impoved the working speed ot the computer.

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dear Marques.

you know what? TRUE, as everyone know, for me it is suck. always disconnect and slow. I used true for 6 months and have cancelled it and get a new REAL HIGH SPEED INTERNET. i'm not advertising, but I'm telling the thing that is true. right now i'm using issp connection from TOT "www.isp-thailand.com as maybe you'd read from my many post about this. this is no comment for TOT connection and never get disconnected and I able to online 24 hours and downloading stuff from Bittorent and winmx. I will have a try with Winmx soon for my new TOT Broadband connections. with true I always get slow and disconnected.whatever about it. I don't like it at all. I'm using 1MB connection paid only 990 baht/month. problem is you can't use TOT connection. because you are using Telecom Asia unless you changed your phone line to TOT. if you registered today. I mean ISP connections you'll paid only 990 baht each month but the modem is by SMC it cost 6000 baht. a little expensive, BUT. if you paid up 6 months for connections then you will get free SMC MODEM. ISP connections, you can connected to unlimited PC, mean you can have a lan connections. I also use this at my office. connected up to 36 PC with only 1 connections. and I still never get disconnected from it :o.

hope this help you



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it must seem like true are useless, but that is perhaps because only those with problems are inspired to post. I use true and find it totally reliable, with fair speeds almost all the time. No dropped lines, and can Bit Torrent / dile share with no problems

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Personally I was very satisfied when I received hi speed internet in December 2004. Not great but satisfying speeds. Especially in the early morning you could get easily 1700kbs international. Watched Dutch TV without a problem (300-500kbs)

However, a couple of weeks ago the speeds decreased rapidly and I am not able to watch streaming video again.

I complained to two ladies of the support department ... no improvement.

Last night I emailed the MD of True and this morning at 10am I received a call from the head of network operations and he acknowledged the network problems which arose in January.

He will do his best to solve ... let's see .....

I simply refuse to pay an extra 25 baht per hour for 2M if I am already paying 1150 baht for a 2.5mbs ....

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Since I will be in the market for a High Speed connection in Thailand soon, what are the options and choices that would avoid the True problems that Marq and others are experiencing. Would be looking for something that is not outlandish in price but can handle video streaming and large volume download/upload file sharing. Also do not want a system that requires a separate phone line if at all possible.

Any help, info or suggestions would be greatly appreciated

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Large volume upload is just not possible with home solutions in Thailand. As far as I know, no ISP offers a home package that allows more than 512k upload. Even True, which offers the highest download speeds (theoretical) of 4mbits, only allows 512k uploads. Go with a corporate package, and your bill skyrockets.

The "True" experience can differ for various people. Some are satisfied with it, some not, for good reason. Luck of the draw, I guess, but it's been this way since the days True was "Asianet". I currently have no issues with True, but I'm paying 4x more than the typical home user. I would love to switch to TOT lines, but there has never been support for TOT ADSL in my area.

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the speeds are governed by the hardware at the telephone exchange .

and if its able to support SDSL .

BT is only just upgrading some of their exchanges at considerable cost .so who knows what the thais are up to ,anyone know ?


Monday 31 January 2005

BT to massively expand SDSL

BT has said that 1,300 of its telephone exchanges around the UK will support symmetric digital subscriber line within 12 months.

For many businesses SDSL is more suitable than asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) because it allows them to send data at the same high speed as they receive it.

BT said it would have around 300 exchanges capable of supporting SDSL by the end of March, and would upgrade a further 1,000 in two stages from April.

Most of the new SDSL exchanges are in urban areas that serve large numbers of businesses, although some serve remote areas with a large cluster of businesses, such as business parks.

Other telecom suppliers are struggling to provide SDSL outside the biggest cities. Bulldog, BT’s main SDSL rival in London, has not yet announced any plans to offer SDSL services outside London, despite its acquisition by Cable & Wireless last year as part of C&W's DSL expansion strategy.

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  • 11 months later...

If you are like I am and are lacking in the "technical skills" department, but at the same time, miss using WinMX, there is a quick, easy and free solution it is called MXPIE. There is no spyware or anything else bundled with it. For those a little more savvy and courageous, there is even a manual option.

So come on back to WinMX, and download to your hearts content. Thanks to these updates, not even the power of the RIAA can stop a network.

IF you have downloaded WinMX and still cannot connect, you can even get personalized realtime help. Just go to this link WinMX Channels Copy the Room name appropriate for your Language and paste it into your WinMX chat screen, then press the Join Button. This works on version 3.53 and up even if you are not connected. It allows you to join into chatrooms set up for you to get immediate help.

Everything you need at the MXPIE Website Free and Spyware free.

I have also found a site for Computer problem that is nice, prompt and VERY helpful. If there is a problem you need an answer to, they can help.

Realtime help available for WinMX 3.53 users having trouble getting connected. Go to WinMX Channels.

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