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Men 'live Longer' If They Marry A Younger Woman


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Not sure if this applies to Thai / Farang reationships - where there often seem to be more problems than benefits .

From The Telegraph - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/men_shea...nger-woman.html

A man's chances of dying early are cut by a fifth if their bride is between 15 and 17 years their junior.

The risk of premature death is reduced by 11 per cent if they marry a woman seven to nine years younger.

The study at Germany's Max Planck Institute also found that men marrying older women are more likely to die early.

The results suggest that women do not experience the same benefits of marrying a toy boy or a sugar daddy.

Wives with husbands older or younger by between seven and nine years increase their chances of dying early by 20 per cent.

This rises to 30 per cent if the age difference is close to 15 and 17 years.

Scientists say the figures for men may be the result of natural selection – that only the healthiest, most successful older men are able to attract younger mates.

"Another theory is that a younger woman will care for a man better and therefore he will live longer," said institute spokesman Sven Drefahl.

The study examined deaths between 1990 and 2005 for the entire population of Denmark.

On average in Europe, most men marry women around three years younger.

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"Scientists say the figures for men may be the result of natural selection – that only the healthiest, most successful older men are able to attract younger mates."

and in Thailand perhaps " healthiest " should be replaced with " Wealthiest"

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The reason probably lies in the fact that men who marry much younger women try to keep themselves fit and are more active physically and mentally.

It is similar to the results that women who get newly divorced quickly join the spa to get back in shape.

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The reason probably lies in the fact that men who marry much younger women try to keep themselves fit and are more active physically and mentally.

It is similar to the results that women who get newly divorced quickly join the spa to get back in shape.

Don't tell my wife this or I will have to get off my lazy ass!

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Not sure if this applies to Thai / Farang reationships - where there often seem to be more problems than benefits .

From The Telegraph - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/men_shea...nger-woman.html

A man's chances of dying early are cut by a fifth if their bride is between 15 and 17 years their junior.

Sounds like somebody's struggling with middle age.

and try to tell your wife/gf that...I bet, you wouldn't live very long :)

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Slightly (very slightly) related:

One comprehensive study showed that men who are married live about 5 years longer than single men. men with a pet live about 1 year longer than men without a pet.

Women with a pet live about 4 years longer than women without a pet, and married women live less than a year longer than single women.

Bottom line, as I see it, is that a man should find a wife, but a woman should find a dog!

Edited by bonobo
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Not sure if this applies to Thai / Farang reationships - where there often seem to be more problems than benefits .

From The Telegraph - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/men_shea...nger-woman.html

A man's chances of dying early are cut by a fifth if their bride is between 15 and 17 years their junior.

Sounds like somebody's struggling with middle age.

and try to tell your wife/gf that...I bet, you wouldn't live very long :D

struggling with middle age? my mrs turns 25 in couple of weeks, I have a 3.5 week old baby boy. If anyone is struggling perhaps it's teatottler who aint gettin no californication and needs to prance around on TV for the attention she aint getting at home? :)

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Not sure if this applies to Thai / Farang reationships - where there often seem to be more problems than benefits .

From The Telegraph - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/men_shea...nger-woman.html

A man's chances of dying early are cut by a fifth if their bride is between 15 and 17 years their junior.

Sounds like somebody's struggling with middle age.

and try to tell your wife/gf that...I bet, you wouldn't live very long :D

struggling with middle age? my mrs turns 25 in couple of weeks, I have a 3.5 week old baby boy. If anyone is struggling perhaps it's teatottler who aint gettin no californication and needs to prance around on TV for the attention she aint getting at home? :)

NO not you, didn't aim directly at you,..... but to whoever that wrote the article

oh ho...aren't you just so sensitive lately?...... still breastfeeding?

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Not sure if this applies to Thai / Farang reationships - where there often seem to be more problems than benefits .

From The Telegraph - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/men_shea...nger-woman.html

A man's chances of dying early are cut by a fifth if their bride is between 15 and 17 years their junior.

Sounds like somebody's struggling with middle age.

and try to tell your wife/gf that...I bet, you wouldn't live very long :D

struggling with middle age? my mrs turns 25 in couple of weeks, I have a 3.5 week old baby boy. If anyone is struggling perhaps it's teatottler who aint gettin no californication and needs to prance around on TV for the attention she aint getting at home? :)

NO not you, didn't aim directly at you,..... but to whoever that wrote the article

oh ho...aren't you just so sensitive lately?...... still breastfeeding?

yes she is dam_n it, and the little bugger won't let me anywhere near them :D

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NO not you, didn't aim directly at you,..... but to whoever that wrote the article

oh ho...aren't you just so sensitive lately?...... still breastfeeding?

yes she is dam_n it, and the little bugger won't let me anywhere near them :)

May be he doesn’t like the way you’re staring at his mom breast? :D

Oh next time I can help babysitting him, if you want him to grow up to be just like moi…haha

Tell me....Is he a more like lil james, or lil teacup? :D

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Morris, an 82 year-old man, went to the doctor to get a physical.

A few days later, the doctor saw Morris walking down the street with a gorgeous young woman on his arm.

A couple of days later, the doctor spoke to Morris and said, 'You're really doing great, aren't you?'

Morris replied, 'Just doing what you said, Doc: 'Get a hot mamma and be cheerful.''

The doctor said, ' I didn't say that. I said, 'You've got a heart murmur; be careful.'

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I think it definately comes down to the fact that in Europe where the study was probably

carried out, wealthier men can attract younger women. We all know why.

Wealthier men can afford a better standard of living, healthcare etc...

Therefore live longer. The age of the wife has nothing to do with it, but that's my

opinion. :)

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NO not you, didn't aim directly at you,..... but to whoever that wrote the article

oh ho...aren't you just so sensitive lately?...... still breastfeeding?

yes she is dam_n it, and the little bugger won't let me anywhere near them :)

May be he doesn’t like the way you’re staring at his mom breast? :D

Oh next time I can help babysitting him, if you want him to grow up to be just like moi…haha

Tell me....Is he a more like lil james, or lil teacup? :D

Unfortuneatly for him and all the relatives on her side, he looks alot like me. :D

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Unfortuneatly for him and all the relatives on her side, he looks alot like me. :)

Still many congrats to U & mrs, and xoxo for lil james.

Chai-yo for the next 18 yrs

And Oh I hope… he is wittier than you..haha



as I'm off to zzzzz

Edited by teacup
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The reason probably lies in the fact that men who marry much younger women try to keep themselves fit and are more active physically and mentally.

It is similar to the results that women who get newly divorced quickly join the spa to get back in shape.

I do not know about all these age statistic, but I truly believe more money you have longer you leave, since it brings lots of benefit, like younger wife, better health care, better food, etc. etc.

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Yeah, it's like one of those things... why don't you see too many poor people 'getting cancer' and getting treated in cancer hospitals? Because by the time they find out, they don't have the funds nor time (remaining) to get treated.


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Slightly (very slightly) related:

One comprehensive study showed that men who are married live about 5 years longer than single men. men with a pet live about 1 year longer than men without a pet.

Women with a pet live about 4 years longer than women without a pet, and married women live less than a year longer than single women.

Bottom line, as I see it, is that a man should find a wife, but a woman should find a dog!

Even more slightly related.

A recent study in holland concluded that men with children earn more money than men without kids, but are less happy in general.

Probably because they have a much younger wife who spends all her time exercising with the dog.

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A man's chances of dying early are cut by a fifth if their bride is between 15 and 17 years their junior.

I wonder if those stats could be interpreted to mean that since my bride is double that and is 36 years my junior that perhaps I only have about a 50% chance of ever dying ?? Probably not but the reality of the situation is that I am so healthy that someday I will probably find myself in the unfortunate position of lying in a hospital bed dying from nothing. :D : In any event, being married to a beautiful, vibrant, intelligent younger woman with whom I share many common interests including our life of playing in sports, has given us some of the best times of our lives which in turn makes the thought of my someday inevitable demise (even if delayed) even more unappealing. :)

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