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A(h1n1) Not Reported?


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Because Thailand has a nasty record of cover ups to international organisations.

Remember the Avian Flu fiasco?

Most are born liars and they don't see anything wrong with covering up. Even when they are found out, they lie their way out of it.

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Because Thailand has a nasty record of cover ups to international organisations.

Remember the Avian Flu fiasco?

Most are born liars and they don't see anything wrong with covering up. Even when they are found out, they lie their way out of it.

“Those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace.”

— Buddha

very True But I just had to........... :):D

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  • 2 weeks later...

They will cover it up I am sure that the actual figures are much higher than reported. According to figures there are no reported cases in Chiangmai. My Doctor friend tells me that there are actually 3 confirmed people in chiangmai but these do not show on the national figures.

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The vast majority of people with a mild flu will never visit their doctors. This is the same here as anywhere. It costs money to go to the doctor and if the illness isn't serious, why would people voluntarily subject themselves to public paranoia and quarantine?

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Officials muzzled on H1N1

Public Health Ministry is asking provincial health and hospital chiefs not to speak to the media about influenza A (H1N1) cases in an effort to calm disquiet over the extent of the spread of the virus.

Ministry spokesman Suphan Sithamma said a letter was being sent to senior health figures warning them not to say anything about the number of flu cases and details about the patients. All information was to be filtered through health authorities in Bangkok.


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