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Teacher Licence (rangsit University)

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Dear all,

I am a chinese teacher and being in this forum for many years. I might be same like you who need a educational background or degree to get a Thai teacher licence for work permit and visa extension within 2 years.

I just found out that Rangsit University has offered a master degree program in education(Med), English Program, downtown campus (Next to BTS), able to gain a teacher licence, 18 month, 160000baht before discount, it will offer a 30% discount for tuition fee in this acadimic year.

As i know, this program is not new, it has ran many years, I just wanna share some imformation with you, someone might be needed, if you wanna more information plz feel free to contact me or Rangsit University.




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Be careful, this is not a real degree. It's a quick (and cheap?) way of getting what appears to be a genuine degree - and it is possible that many universities and schools will be fooled by it.

The Ministry of Education in Thailand DOES NOT RECOGNIZE this degree as a valid teacher's license.

I spent 9 months studying in this program. I was misled about the price and the course contents and the degree requirements. At one point, I was told that I had to obtain an additional 9 "non-degree" credits (3 courses) to get the "teacher" component of the degree before being allowed to graduate.

However these 3 "teacher" courses are not approved by the MoE either.

This degree WILL NOT ALLOW YOU to teach in Thailand. But you might be able to use this degree to teach in places like China or Japan or Malaysia, but probably not in Singapore or Australia or Europe or America!

And it will probably cost you more than you think. The university (viz., the Education Faculty) will NOT give you a written contract setting out the course requirements, terms & conditions and the total course fees. You simply pay 10,000 baht every month until you finish - but you may find that it takes a lot longer to finish than you think!

I have cancelled my registration for this course and am asking for a refund for the fees I have already paid. I have to take legal action because now that I am no longer a paying student, Ajarn (name edited out) and Dr. (name edited out) and (name edited out) are all completely ignoring me!!!!

Go to a real university or teacher college if you want to teach. Or just get something like a TEFL certificate. It's much easier and cheaper and will at least qualify you to teach English (or some other language perhaps?) in Thailand.

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If I were you, which I'm not, but If I were, I wouldn't consider any 'educational' qualification from Thailand, unless you go to the top international universities of course.

The reason being you would find yourself incredibly limited when it comes to securing work elsewhere. Nobody knows what the future may bring in terms of job prospects but if there was suddenly a demand for Chinese tuition, say in Dubai, and offered an amazing package for a 2 year contract with all expenses paid for the right applicant, most would jump at the chance if their circumstances allowed. However, upon applying 'your' amazing, yet cheap M.ed from Rangsit university wasn't recognized It would not only have been a waste of time, but also money, thus finding yourself in a bit of a pickle when it comes to applying for decent jobs elsewhere.

Find a nice, relatively priced western university and sign on the dotted line, and rest assured when you send of your CV, whilst drinking a nice cold one, that you may as well start packing for the flight now as the job is as good as yours because where you acquired your degree 'does' make a difference.

Good luck


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Just a couple of notes. I have edited out the email address in the OP. Email addresses are not allowed on the open forum. You can use the PM function to get the email address from the OP.

Second, the names of particular people at the university have been edited out for legal reasons.

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