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Why Are Thais Such Litterbugs?


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Thais like to eat and they aren't ashamed of crapping. They use the words all the time very casually, "i've got to shit, did you shit?" Whereas in the west, we are ashamed of it, we can't even use the words on internet forums.

Thais consume and the waste products of their consumption are tossed about rather habitually, they see no great sin. Whereas, in the west, we consume voraciously, creating mounds of waste, but we think it's ok because we hide it. Our pollution footprint is far greater than Thais, and yet we hide behind our pride that in Aspen or Lyon you won't see the waste on the streets that you do in Thailand. We think of ourselves as more environmentally conscious at the same time as we consciously destroy the environment at a much faster pace.

Oh, phu-leez. Every place I lived in the States was virtually litter free compared to here. Only a small percentage there wantonly litter, and then in small amounts. Here, it's an olympic sport.

It's a third world country full of ignorant live-for-today don't-give-a-$hit about anything or anyone else people. My beach is a pigsty. Only we westerners clean it. Everyday.The Thai leave everything behind, including diapers and broken glass. They simply don't think of anyone else.

Last week my neighbor brought a new fridge. I watched as he walked down to the beach with the box and big blocks of styrofoam and threw them in the water.

No garbage cans. Bull$hit. This really pisses me off. There are the serial-numbered garbage cans all over my neighborhood and on the beach. Free pick-up three freaking times a week, and, what do the Thai do? They burn it. They told a guy from Norway--whose visa expired when Napolean was exiled--to burn the trash on the beach. He gets a place to sleep and one meal a day. He said why not put it in the cans. No, we always burn it. Want more? They brought him fluorescent light bulbs, the long tubes. These morons insisted he burn them! How the hell do you burn glass? Not to mention the mercury. He refused. They told him no food today, farang.

The amount of crap Thai fishermen throw overboard is phenomenal.

This is not Thai bashing. Like the man said, it ain't bragging if you can do it, and it ain't bashing if you're just stating facts.

Same thing when I lived in Mexico. There would be trash cans up and down the beach. Seldom used. They actually had to bring in massive bulldozers after a holiday to clear the foot thick garbage.

Stupid is as stupid does.

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Just come back from a 3 week visit to the uk...And the first thing the misses said was how clean wales was and no rubbish on the street ETC

But saying that if you look around you will always be able to find a bin to put your rubbish ..unlike Thailand where you got a hard job to find a bin if you can find one at all rolleyes.gif

You can thank the "Religion of Peace" for that, at least in Bangkok. There used to be a lot more trash bins around, but about 3 or 4 years ago the Muslims in the South started threatening that they were going to move their low-intensity warfare up to Bangkok (read: terrorism or Human made Disasters - if you're from the Obama Administration).

Trash cans and Ash trays are a favorite location to stash bombs, so the City demanded that all trash cans must be transparent (including the bags) and ashtrays can only be about an inch deep. All the existing trash cans and ash trays were removed but only a few abiding by the new regulations were replaced. Even many 7-Elevens to this day have opted to not have a trash can at all, just to be on the safe side.

This all happened about the same time that they put security guards and metal detectors at all Sub-ways, Sky-trains, Shopping centers, and many office towers.


Edited by TimTang
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a senior lady sat on a provincial bus next to me chucked a plastic bag in front of me after finishing her meal. I was surprised...

dunno why she did that....

I see many times they leave garbage on public transportation.

the face and other body's parts are well looked after. but the house is mess.... sewage dump in a KLONG and the SEA.

work it out how come " this practice"... Not care for others, never been taught or trained at school or home.

Cheat, Scam, Corruption, dishonest are included.

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Thais like to eat and they aren't ashamed of crapping. They use the words all the time very casually, "i've got to shit, did you shit?" Whereas in the west, we are ashamed of it, we can't even use the words on internet forums.

Thais consume and the waste products of their consumption are tossed about rather habitually, they see no great sin. Whereas, in the west, we consume voraciously, creating mounds of waste, but we think it's ok because we hide it. Our pollution footprint is far greater than Thais, and yet we hide behind our pride that in Aspen or Lyon you won't see the waste on the streets that you do in Thailand. We think of ourselves as more environmentally conscious at the same time as we consciously destroy the environment at a much faster pace.


Funny, that was the exact first word that entered my mind when I read that post as well

Air pollution in Thailand must be one of the highest in the world.

My guess China comes out on top, but would expect Thailand could come in the top 10-15

China has air pollution you can actually see. It takes weeks to get the junk out of my lungs after spending a few weeks there.

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Slackjawed layabout children do what their slackjawed layabout parents taught them.

I live 6km from town and nearly every time I drive in, I see some moron on a moto throw garbage off into the ditch on the side of the road. I will never get used to this charming aspect of Thai culture.

How can you expect people to respect the environment when there's only one thing that they're forced to respect throughout their lives?

They don't respect laws, they don't respect their neighbors, they don't respect government or teachers or their wives. They don't respect themselves.

Is anyone surprised they don't respect the environment?

Throw a party at the end of a dead-end soi and serve fried chicken. After the party count how many bones have been tossed on to the ground, into the flower pots or into your yard.

Disgusting pigs much of the time.

Thank you for your post. I doubt and hope I NEVER become accustomed to this dirty habit. I will not go to my "in laws" b/c they throw chicken bones over their shoulder while eating (outside of course) and the flies, chickens, dogs are numerous. Don't Thai people understand how this habit is dirty/unhealthy and breeds germs not to mention calling the rats to dine?????

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Slackjawed layabout children do what their slackjawed layabout parents taught them.

I live 6km from town and nearly every time I drive in, I see some moron on a moto throw garbage off into the ditch on the side of the road. I will never get used to this charming aspect of Thai culture.

How can you expect people to respect the environment when there's only one thing that they're forced to respect throughout their lives?

They don't respect laws, they don't respect their neighbors, they don't respect government or teachers or their wives. They don't respect themselves.

Is anyone surprised they don't respect the environment?

Throw a party at the end of a dead-end soi and serve fried chicken. After the party count how many bones have been tossed on to the ground, into the flower pots or into your yard.

Disgusting pigs much of the time.

Thank you for your post. I doubt and hope I NEVER become accustomed to this dirty habit. I will not go to my "in laws" b/c they throw chicken bones over their shoulder while eating (outside of course) and the flies, chickens, dogs are numerous. Don't Thai people understand how this habit is dirty/unhealthy and breeds germs not to mention calling the rats to dine?????

good point!!!! stated and mentioned.....

not all - but most of the elderly people do.......

the new generations are way better....

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Even many 7-Elevens to this day have opted to not have a trash can at all, just to be on the safe side.

I have never seen a 7-11 without a trash can outside it, although they can be hard to spot as they can be obscured by all the rubbish surrounding them.

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If they pee and poo at the side of the road without care and concern, would they care about littering? End of day, it's about respect, care and concern for the environment and fellow beings. When that is learnt, the littering will stop.

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If they pee and poo at the side of the road without care and concern, would they care about littering? End of day, it's about respect, care and concern for the environment and fellow beings. When that is learnt, the littering will stop.

furthermore, my soi has too much puppies' dung over the place....

so disgusting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..

is this another issue?

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In my local Daily Mart there is a sign with a plastic bag crossed out and something along the lines of Daily Mart promotes using less bags.

Guess what...

Yesterday items purchased. 1 yoghurt 2 x bottles of water = 3 bags !

Double bagging for the water and a little bag for the yoghurt...

Sometimes i snatch the items from the desk after they've scanned them so they can't bag them..but of course then I am a funny farang who also gives them the receipt back that they slide between the notes and change they give me :D

I know its not good if they are promoting using less bags but dont follow it. But, no need to snatch the things away, just tell them you dont want the bags (mai sai tung kha/krup. Or, if you are going out purposely for some shopping, take your own bag. Personally I think we should all take responsibility for small things like that, even if the staff are not.

They litter because they are not taught not to litter......same with picking their noses.........driving like maniacs...........lying and cheating and thinking it is fine..........etc. It is a problem of education.

Exactly right.

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Thais are afraid of the garbage bins. They think it's a ghost that lives there. Thailand eyes do not see garbage just flowers, they do not care about garbage, because they can not see it. Place garbage in front of the door of a house and see if anyone picks it up, nope! They can not see it .:crazy:

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