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Gonorrhoea, Vd And Syphilis Are On The Rise


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Keep Valentine's Day clean, says Thailand

Bangkok: -- With last year's cases of venereal diseases up 30 percent - with half of them involving students - Thai authorities are planning a "clean teen" campaign to mark Valentine's Day this year, health ministry officials said on Thursday.

According to health ministry data, venereal diseases (VDs) such as gonorrhoea and syphilis are on the rise in Thailand after years of a declining rates of incidence.

In 2004, the number of Thais treated for venereal diseases reached 13 130, up 30 percent from 10 000 the previous year. And 50 percent of the VD cases were students, a ministry statement said.

The ministry estimates that five percent of all VD cases get HIV and Aids, as the presence of open sores facilitates transmission of the deadly virus.

Health officials have also warned of a rise in the number of new HIV and Aids cases among Thai teenagers, a trend they attribute to increased sexual activity among Thai youth in love.

"Teenagers are at an age when they are just beginning to understand what love is," said Health Minister Sudarat Keyuraphan. "We want them to learn that love should be constructive, safe and warm."

Sudarat will launch a "clean teen" campaign on Monday featuring exhibitions, a pop concert and competition to write the best slogan for the campaign.

-- Sapa-dpa 2005-02-10

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This is from just over a year ago :D

Thai Government Drops Plan for Condom Machines at Universities - Associated Press

Thailand's director of the Bureau for AIDS, TB and STDs said that widespread and outspoken opposition has caused the government to scuttle its recently announced plan to put condom vending machines in universities.

"We may propose this again when society feels ready," said Dr. Sombat Thanprasertsuk. :o

Health officials did not wish to alienate school authorities over the proposal, "because we want to work with them," Sombat said.

Opponents of the vending machines said they would encourage student promiscuity.

Supporters said they would help fight HIV/AIDS by encouraging safe sex among youths who would not have otherwise used condoms.

The government is working to place condom vending machines in department store and bus station bathrooms, Sombat said. Two state-subsidized condoms will cost five baht (13 US cents), compared to about 40 baht (US $1.02) for over-the-counter condoms.

Thailand had 142,819 new HIV infections in 1991, the peak of its epidemic. But with the help of social and religious programs, a 100 percent condom-use campaign among sex workers and free distribution at sex venues, the number of new infections fell to 23,676 last year.


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They dont tend to talk about it :o

Hi how did it go last night,saw you round the cowboy with a right little cracker...so?...go on tell us ...ye-ye-ye-

er not bad.....

whit is that it ...... :D


.......yea......SO WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY??

OK-OK keep yer hair on.....you would think that she had crabs or something?.....................she didnt.....did she?

eerrr...yea :D

Might be anoying but treatment not as bad as the time when to be really effective a common remedy was a rub down with lighter fuel...and then...shall I go on?..............little blighters...

Some old mates who were stationed in Singers (RAF) were supprised when lo and behold after a night out "on the bones"near Bugis Street the call next day would go out for......

Now treatment much more civilised :D:D:D

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