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British Navy Sink Pirate Ship.


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The British navy after a persuit of two Somalian pirate boats captured them, on board were automatic rifles, machine guns, rocket propelled granades, and grappeling hooks, the navy sank one ship but released all the alleged pirates through lack of evidence, which makes me wonder in that case why the f--- they even bothered to sink one of the boats in the first place. :D:)

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Maybe a little more serious.

Did I understant this correctly?

Two boatloads of pirates.

Captured them.

Found grenades, auto weapons, rocket launcher grappling hooks.

Had enough evidence to sink one of the boats

Let all of the crew and the other boat go free, because did not have enough evidence.

Enough evidence to sink a boat but not enough evidence to hold those mentioned as pirates.

Maybe the grappling hook was to be used as a fishing hook trying to catch a mopey dick.

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